Chapter 9

Sep 22, 2006 00:17

Live and Die Alone
*Link to other pages at the bottom

Chapter 9

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“Fuck! That’s me!” Ray said as he saw what looked like himself running in the other direction. He had no idea where he was going but he was running very fast across the lot. And then he spotted the bus. They weren’t close enough to see everyone standing by the bus but it was obviously them. They were along way from that bus and there were a shit load of kids in between them. They began to make their way through the crowd accompanied by police officers and others made it easier but it was still like wading through mud. Kids were begging for autographs and snapping pictures and a few had noticed that they weren’t the same as they had been and even fewer had noticed that there were two of them and the crowd began to freak out.

“What the hell! Gerard is here and he’s over there! OMG”………… came from the crowd. If it hadn’t been important to get through them Gerard would have laughed at them but he was determined to stop these monsters.
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Ray rounded the corner and there she was pinned against the wall by some unknown guy and he was fucking her. What he noticed first was the bruise that was turning purple on Audra’s upper arm and then he saw the tears that were streaming down her face. He was directly behind them before the man even noticed that anyone else was there. Ray reached out a gripped the man by the back of the neck and yanked him backwards. The mans face went from the lax look of pleasure to a full O his eyes wide as he was pulled back. He released his grip on the girl and she immediately started fixing her cloths.
“Who are you?” Was all that came from his lips. The second after he uttered the words he found he couldn’t speak and he felt a sharp pain rip through him. Ray was looking at the piece of shit in his hand and at first was concentrating on not letting his fingers rip through the skin. It was very hard to keep from just squeezing. He knew if he had the skin would have ripped and he could have separated the man’s head from his body with just a squeeze. That’s when anger flooded through him and he instinctively, lightly, for him, twisted his hand to the right. The man’s neck snapped and his eyes went blank. Ray wasn’t proud that he had killed him but he felt he had deserved it. And he let go of the man’s body and looked at Audra. She was still against the wall hugging herself with her eyes wide staring at the man lying on the ground.

“Audra, I’m so sorry.” Tears were still streaming down her face.
“We have to go to the bus now.” He reached out to her. She just blinked. So he wrapped his arms around her and picked her up then he started to run back toward the bus. That’s when he noticed them in the crowd. Making their way towards the bus.
“FUCK! NO!” He tried to run faster. They were heading strait for him and the bus was so far away.
“Can you run now? Please run to the bus.” A tear ran down his face.
“Yea I’m ok.” She finally said. She hugged his neck, ”Thank you” she said as he set her down. All she new is that he was scared and that someone was coming and he wanted her on the bus. She trusted him so when he set her down she began to run to the bus. Her body was hurting in places but she put it out of her mind and just ran.

Angel had seen Ray carrying the girl. She saw him set her down. Gerard was standing in the door of the bus just behind her. She looked back at him and he was staring into the crowd with a worried look on his face. She followed his gaze and her mind couldn’t wrap around what she was seeing. Gerard saw her look and saw the look of shock spill into her eyes.
“I love you Angel, you know that but its up to you if you stay with us. We must tell you some things but.” He paused. He couldn’t believe the terror that was filling him. The thought that she was going to leave him slammed into his head. That she would run towards them was eating him alive. He knew that if she did he would just go to them and give up. A police officer was heading for the bus, and the rest were trying to reach Ray and Audra, they were both running towards the bus. Audra was only staring at the bus. He guessed she hadn’t seen who she was running from.
“Please trust me, please don’t leave me.” It was all he could say. She saw the tears welling in his eyes and in her mind it clicked that somehow this is not the real Gerard, somehow he stands in front of her and is something else. But she loved him. She didn’t fear him. She stepped up closer to him on the bottom step of the bus and kissed his cheek.
“I love you, too, I’m not going anywhere.” A smile spread across his lips and he hugged her. Audra was almost to the door. The cop was closing in. But Ray had somehow fallen behind. And they were almost on top of him.

Stephen was in the drivers seat, he had been told to drive when given the word. He couldn’t see what was going on, the bus was turned in a direction that cut his line of sight away from what was happening. So he just waited with the engine running and read a book that he had had with him. Audra reached the steps. She was out of breath and stopped and that’s when she turned around just in time to see that it was the band that were chasing them and one cop was headed toward her. She saw them, all of them surround her
“Ray” and another Ray was walking up to him.
“Oh God!” Gerard said behind her.
“What are they going to do?” Audra said.
“They are going to… oh God. No” Gerard said. Tears erupted from his eyes.
“Angel, go tell Stephen to GO, tell him to drive us out of here and to do it fast, tell him to just go.” She looked at him wanting to ask what about ray but thought better of it. Mikey and Frank were sitting at the little tables. Bob was in his bunk, but he wasn’t lying down. He was sitting there, staring at the wall opposite the bunk. He was holding a pillow and was in what seemed a daze. They were all scared. Very scared it seemed by the way they were so quiet and none of them moved. She ran into the front of the bus.
“We must go now.” She said.
“Gerard said hurry, ok?”
“Ok.” He said as he began to shift the bus. Gerard reached out and wrapped his arms around Audra who was standing just outside the bus door her eyes wide watching them close in on Ray. He looked frightened as they approached. And she noticed that a man that was identical to ray was almost standing next to him. The police officer that was coming to them was just outside the door.
“Audra,” he said,
“Come with me your parents are so worried.” She looked at him and she felt arms snaking around her and she was being pulled into the bus. She didn’t mind. She couldn’t have moved if she had begged her body to. She was glued to the ground. As she was being pulled backwards she felt the bus click into gear and it started to move while she was still in mid air with only the strong hands supporting her.

The ray from the crowd reached out and gripped her Ray’s hand. Her Ray tried to turn and prevent him from touching him but it was to late. Gerard saw it to and he tried to turn Audra around so she wouldn’t see it but he wasn’t quick enough. She saw what happened when their hands touched and a scream erupted from her throat.
“Ray!!! NO NOT RAY! He just saved me.” The other Ray looked at her as they were driving away. Gerard finally had her all the way in the bus. And was holding her sobbing body close to him.
“No why did they do that to him? He saved me from that crazy man. And now he’s gone and it’s not fair.” She said in a muffled voice burying her head deeper into Gerard’s chest.
“I know honey, I know.” He said as he stroked her hair. The bus was moving now but he couldn’t get the site of ray from his head. The rest of them had gotten away but for how long.

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Ray was running just behind Audra when they came through an opening in the crowd. They almost reached Audra so he slowed down and cut them off from her. So instead of going after her they encircled him.
“You aren’t real.” Ray from the crowd said. He reached out to grab his hand and Ray tried to turn the other way but Gerard was directly behind him and he knew he could have just shoved him but if he hurt this Gerard the other would feel it so he just sighed and reached out too.
“It would happen sooner or later anyway.” He said as their hands gripped each other.

Ray didn’t know what to expect when there hands touched. Ian had only said that he would no longer be if they touched. But what happened shocked him a little. He felt a burning in his hand. It felt like grabbing a hot furnace. And the man in front of him disintegrated before his eyes. It was a puff of something like ash that erupted from where he stood. A second later there was nothing there. Ray blinked. Then he looked toward the fleeing bus. They were to far from any vehicle to go after them. But at least they had gotten one. There were only 4 left and that was good. They headed back towards the parking lot.
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Angel knelt down and hugged Audra.
“What happened?” The girl was still clinging to Gerard. He looked up at Angel and said “They got Ray.”
“What, what happened to Ray?”
“He’s gone.” Gerard said as he continued to stroke Audra’s hair. Mikey hadn’t moved but he hung his head as he heard Gerard’s words and tears streamed from his eyes. Frankie was still in his spot too. He just started shaking his head. Bob was still staring at the wall from the bunk.

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gerard way, my chemical romance, frank iero, mikey way, ray toro, bob bryar

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