chapter 6

Sep 19, 2006 00:14

Live and Die Alone
*Link to other pages at the bottom

Chapter 6

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“OH MY FUCKIN GOD! Are you serious? What the fuck?” Gerard ran his hand through his hair. He glared at Brian.
“Yea there are pictures, you were there, but I know you weren’t there.” Brian shook his head.
“How could we be in Texas on stage when we were in London on stage? There are pictures of that too.” Frankie said his brow furrowed as he let the thought of it creep through his mind.
“This is crazy.” Ray said.
“Maybe someone made robots of us?” Mikey said and let out a giggle.
“Yea or there’s some horny demon angels impersonating us!” Bob said with a smirk.
“Horny demon angels? Bob? What have you been smoking?” ray began to laugh.
“That’s really not funny.” Gerard said, the image of the dreams he had been having rushed at him from where he had hid them. The tension for the past few hours had pushed them to a limit. The police were saying that all of them could be in serious trouble. Gerard glared at them, Fighting a smile that now threatened to erupt at any moment. After all it was a little funny.
“Guys, this is serious. We know we weren’t there. We know that this is a mix-up or some kind of joke. But we have to find out what the hell is happening here.”
“Sorry.” Bob said,
“Yea, sorry.” Mikey said still grinning. A shrill sound filled the room. Mikey walked over to the desk by the bed and picked up the phone.
“Hello?” He said.
“Hello, sorry to disturb you but, this is the front desk. There’s a gentleman that says he needs to speak with you. He says it’s important. I tried to tell him no one was here by those names but he insisted he knew you are. Should I tell him your room, or will you meet him here?”
“Ask him what its about, please.” Mikey looked at Gerard with a puzzled look. There were muffled words from the other end, first her and then a mans voice, she said,
“He says he’s FBI and it’s about Texas? Did I get that right?” She was obviously asking the man standing beside her.
“Yes.” Mikey heard the man say. Mikey put his hand over the receiver.
“Its an FBI man he said he’s here to talk about Texas. What do I say?”
“Just tell him to come to this room.” Gerard said and sighed. He sat down hard in the chair by the window. Taking a cigarette from his pocket he lit it and inhaled. He slowly let the smoke drift from his mouth and nose and felt a little better, but not much.

There was a knock at the door. Gerard stamped out the butt in the ashtray, he sighed again and opened the door.
“Hello, I’m Ian.” The man said and stretched out his hand to Gerard. Gerard took it and shook his hand.
“You must be Gerard.”
“Yes I am.” He introduced the rest of the band.
“Yes I recognize you all from the pictures. Except, Your hair is quite different.” He said and smiled at Gerard. Gerard ran his hand through his hair, the little there still was.
“Yea, I cut and dyed it for the CD we are about to release.”
“You guys can stop worrying, I know you weren’t in Texas. I know what’s going on and ill tell you. He reached down beside him and wrapped his fingers around the briefcase handle that he had just placed beside the chair. He pulled it onto his lap and clicked the clasps to open it.
“Come look guys. Here you are in Texas.” He smiled. They all walked closer to get a look at the pictures he had taken out of the briefcase before closing it and setting it back on the floor. He passed the live pictures out to each one of them.
“Oh.” Frank was studying the picture in his hand.
“Its us.” Gerard said,
“Except, we look like we did before.” He frowned.
“Are you sure these aren’t just old pictures of us live somewhere?” He looked up from the picture and studied the man’s face.
“I’m sure. These were taken a little over a week ago.” He smiled trying to put them at ease.
“But they look exactly like us.” Frank said.
“Yea, I was expecting them to be dressed the same and be very similar, but I was sure that it would be obviously not us.” Mikey said.
“But there are no differences, just that they look like we used to, that’s the only difference.” Ray said. Still staring at the picture he had. Unable to look away.
“In a since, they are you.” All five of them looked at the man sitting in the chair at once. His blue eyes looking back at them, one after the other. His Deep brown hair neatly combed like he were a ken doll and his hair would never be out of place. He wore a Grey suit that outlined his body and looked like it was made for him. It more than likely was.
“Have any of you had dreams lately. About stuff that you didn’t understand? People you’ve never met? Things that you were told happened?” He said. Gerard’s eyes became saucers when the words registered in his head. Mikey looked at Gerard. Ray looked down at his feet.
“Yea I have.” They all looked at Ray.
“You have?” Gerard said.
“Yea I’ve been having really weird ones about people I have never seen before.” So have I, and Mikey told me he has too. Haven’t you Mikey?”
“Yea, I have. Awful dreams.” He said. Then he looked down at the floor.
“Anyone else?” Ian asked
“Yea I have to.” Frank said.
“But you can forget about me telling what I dreamed, cause I’m not going to.
“So what the fuck is going on?” Bob said.
“I’ll tell you. But you wont believe me at first, I’m sure.” Ian said The hotel phone started its shrill ring again. Ray was closest so he snatched it up.
“Hello.” He said.
“A Mr. Watkins?”
“Yea that’s me Ian said with a sigh.” “Your name is Ian Watkins?” Gerard said as he laughed.
“Yes it is, and I know who he is now thanks to trying to find you. I hadn’t heard of him but it seems these days everyone thinks my name is very funny. Yes?” He turned and talked into the phone. Wishing he hadn’t left his Cell in the car.
“Oh my God! Ian Watkins is an FBI man!!” Frank burst out laughing. The guys were all laughing and Ian looked at them showing them the receiver. They all quieted their laughter but didn’t stifle it.
“Dude, sing us a song. Come on.” Mikey whispered. And Ian’s boss on the other end could hear their giggles.
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Angel stretched. She felt something and remembered Gerard was in the bed with her. His hands were wrapped around her waist. Only her back was to him. It felt good anyway so she just settled back against him. He shifted a little but never removed his hands from her. The clock said it was 8: 30 am. She didn’t care. They had nothing to do. He yawned.
“Oh good morning.” he said.
“I’m sorry, did I make you feel uncomfortable? I didn’t mean to do that.” He said as he started to pull his arms from her.
“No it felt good, really.” She said and placed her hand on his to let him know she didn’t want him to let go. To her surprise, he put them back. She smiled when he did. She was surprised at her boldness but she really did like him. Before it was just as a fan. It was different now somehow. Now that they talked and they spent time together she felt like she needed to be near him. She felt safe. He kissed the back of her neck and it sent shivers all through her body. She rolled over and his lips met hers. She kissed him back. Her body began to tremble from just the idea of what this could mean. He left her lips and began to kiss down her neck.

“Mikey!” Mikey was surprised anyone was around. He looked up and saw Audra running over to him.
“Hey, I thought you’d be gone by now.” He said smiling at her.
“I’m glad you’re not.” He said
“ What are you doing?” She said
“I was getting cloths from the bus. How are you today?”
“I’m awful. We are gonna be here two days, because the car broke down but when its fixed we’ll be on our way. And they will take it. I want to keep it, they just don’t understand.” Tears began to stream down her face.
“You poor thing, I’m so sorry. I wish I could do something.”
“She stood there a minute quietly dragging her foot through some rocks on the ground.
“Umm, Mikey?”
“Yea,” He said.
“Do you really mean it when you say that you wish you could help?”
“Of course I do.” He said giving her a puzzled look.
“But how could I help?” She looked at him and looked around to make sure no one was watching or close enough to hear.
“You could take me with you.” She said searching his face for a sign that he might help her.
“How could I do that? Your mom would kill me, not to mention that that’s kidnapping!” He was shocked by her idea.
“Please, just until I’m too far along for them to make me kill it. Please. It’s my baby, and I should have the right to keep it, its not that long that Id have to stay with you. Id be good, and I wont bother anyone, I promise. I even have a little money that my grandma gave me before we left. Please.” She looked into his eyes. He knew he should say no, but he knew it was a matter of time before they were in trouble anyway. It was a little life after all. He felt so bad for her. He began to think about it and he just stood there in silence. After a few minutes he finally said,
“I’ll tell you what. If I can get the rest of the guys to agree, then you can go. But I can’t promise the rest of the guys will agree. But if we do this no one can see you go with us because that big bus will be to easy to find if they know. So you have to be careful or it wont help anyone ok?” She sniffled, she hadn’t expected it to work, and she didn’t think he would say yes, but she had felt like she needed to at least try.
“You’re for real? You’ll let me go?” If they agree, yes you can go. But we’ll have to leave soon. We will have to pull out today I guess. You will have to stay till tomorrow. And well pick you up. That way no one will suspect that you left with us. You understand?’
“Are you sure you’ll be back?”
“Yes, if we leave I promise you we will be back and we’ll get you.” She smiled at him. Then she grabbed him hugging him tight.
“Thank you so much, even if they say no, thank you for trying.”
“You’re welcome.” He said.
“If we don’t leave today then I’m afraid that means no.”
“Ok. I understand.”
“Listen, if they say yes we will pull out, did you see the gas station that is about a block from here?”
“Yes I did,” She said.
“Then tomorrow morning at 3 am I want you to sneak there. We will be there to get you, can you remember that?”
“Yes.” When?” he said to make sure she got it.
“Tomorrow morning at 3.” She said.
“Good,” he said,
“ If we leave today, we will be there then, I promise.”
“Thank you, thank you.” She said and started back towards her room. He shook his head. He sighed.
Yea, it would be worth it, we will be in so much trouble anyway so why not help someone if we can, I hope they agree. He thought He headed back to Gerard’s room first if he could get him to agree then the rest would be easy.

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gerard way, my chemical romance, frank iero, mikey way, ray toro, bob bryar

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