Index: Crossovers I

Jan 11, 2009 17:58

Buffy/Heroes, Adam/Spike, mortals

Any Batverse/Heroes, NikiJessica/Two-Face, ugly
Heroes/Superman, Nathan/Clark, you can fly too?
Nolanverse Batman/Heroes, Jonathan Crane/Mohinder Suresh, ethics

Heroes/Lost, Elle/Shannon, shoes
Lost/Heroes, Sayid/Adam, leather
Heroes/Lost, Elle/Sawyer, snarky nicknames
Lost/Heroes, Desmond/Isaac, their shared ability
Lost/Heroes, Daniel/Mohinder, ridicule
Heroes/Lost, Angela Petrelli/Sawyer, disco club in 1976

Heroes/Pushing Daisies
Pushing Daisies/Heroes, Ned/Gabriel, summer break
Heroes/Pushing Daisies, Sylar/Ned, pie tastes better than murder
Heroes/Pushing Daisies, Aunt Vivian/Virginia Gray, share a slice at the Pie Hole
Heroes/Pushing Daisies, Sylar/Ned (THEY TOTALLY LOOK SIMILAR), eyebrows, hands, and the nape of his neck
Heroes/Pushing Daisies, Linderman/Ned, pie-making contest

X-Men/Heroes, Wolverine/Adam, immortality
Heroes/X-Men Movie, Claire Bennett/Rogue, Special
Heroes/X-Men, Rogue/Peter, on the desk
X-Men/Heroes, Rogue/Claire, "You can't hurt me"
X-Men/Heroes, Angel/Mohinder, writer’s choice
Heroes/X-Men, Cyclops & Claire, daughter

Heroes/Who-verse, Adam Monroe/Jack Harkness, immortality
Buffy/Heroes, Elle/Faith, tough
Heroes/Torchwood, Mohinder/Jack/Mickey, jealousy
Heroes/4400, Sylar/Isabelle, special
Merlin/Heroes, Merlin/Sylar, muttering
Batman/Heroes, Bruce/Noah, A little too much in common
Heroes/author's choice, Mohinder/author's choice, "Any sufficiently analyzed magic is indistinguishable from science."
Heroes/Dollhouse, Elle/Echo, blank
Repo the Genetic Opera/Heroes, Sylar, Zydrate
Heroes/Star Trek(movie), Claire/Spock, this is highly illogical, but you seem familiar
Torchwood/Heroes, Ianto/Sylar, suffering
Watchmen/Heroes/4400, Rorschach/Sylar/Isabell, crazy
Torchwood/Heroes, Jack/Ianto/Gabriel, A broken stopwatch spoils half their vacation plans
Heroes/Numb3rs, Mohinder/Charlie/Don, Curls
Heroes/Alias, Adam/Sark, fine wine
Heroes/Dollhouse, Sylar/Alpha, broken

BTVS/ATS, Faith/Angelus, obsession
BTVS/ATS, Angelus/Faith, Highest Bidder
BTVS/ATS, Evil!Faith/Angelus, One by one, down they go.
btvs/ats, angel/dawn, pleasure and pain
Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel, Willow/Fred, Gray's Anatomy

Buffy/Being Human
Being Human/BtvS, George/Oz, experience

Dollhouse/BtvS, Echo/Buffy, slayers
Buffy/Dollhouse, Willow/Topher, memory charms
Dollhouse/BTVS, Topher/Andrew, gym class
Buffy/Dollhouse, Topher/Faith, more than he bargained for
Dollhouse/Buffy, Topher/Faith, don't I know you?
Dollhouse/Buffy, Echo & Faith, Echo's newest assignment is to be a slayer

Buffy/Harry Potter
Harry Potter/Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Hermione/Oz, An American Werewolf in London

Merlin/BtVS, Merlin/Willow, competition

NCIS/Buffy, Abby/Faith, black, thigh high lace up boots and mini skirt
BtVS/NCIS, Xander Harris/Tony Dinozzo, "I should know better than to wish"
NCIS/Buggy, Abby/Faith, black, thigh high lace up boots and mini skirt
Buffy/NCIS, Faith/Abby, hard sex to hard rock

Torchwood/Buffy, Jack/Buffy, cheating death
Torchwood/Buffy, Captain John/Spike, alternate realities
Torchwood/Buffy, Jack/John/Spike, almost twins
Torchwood/BtVS, Jack/Xander, conversation about hemavores
Torchwood/Buffy, Capt. John Hart/Spike, bleached blond

XMen/Buffy, Remy/Xander, thrall
Being Human/BtvS, George/Oz, I think my wolf has a crush on your wolf.
Buffy/Dr. Horrible, Xander/Billy, magnet for evil.
Criminal Minds/ Buffy, Spencer Reid/ Spike, author's choice
Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Smallville, Chloe/Oz, heat (aka mating)
Buffyverse/Vamp Chronicles, Angelus/Lestat, "So, your kind can't get it up?"
BtVS/SG-1, Rupert Giles/Daniel Jackson, at the British Museum in London
Buffy/House, Faith/House, claim
HIMYM/Buffy, Barney/Willow, magic tricks
BtVS/Castle, Spike/Castle, 'you sure you've never gouged someone's eye out before?'
BTVS/Psych, Xander/Shawn/Lassiter, hyena's true mates
Dr. Who/Buffy, Doctor/Dawn, first trip across the galaxy
Buffy/XMen, Xander/Remi, dancing
Buffyverse/Twilight, Xander & Edward, "Sparkliness isn't a Get out of being staked free card!"
Angel/BTVS/Smallville, Spike/[vampire!]Chloe, gypsy

Angel/Torchwood, Fred/Tosh, geek-bonding
Angel/Torchwood, Tosh/Fred, on the phone
Torchwood/Angel the Series, Jack/Angel, hero

Torchwood/Dr. Who
DW/TW, Jack/Mickey, the start of something
Doctor Who/Torchwood, Toshiko/Martha, second place
Torchwood/Doctor Who, Jack/Ianto/pre-immortal Jack, what your future holds
Doctor Who/Torchwood, Jack/Mickey/Ianto, feels like drowning
Torchwood/Dr. Who, Face of Boe, "I don't remember that boy's name, but I remember I loved him."

Torchwood/Firefly, Jack/Mal, pretty.
Torchwood/Firefly, Jack/Ianto/Mal, pinned
Firefly/Torchwood, Mal/Jack/Ianto, lets be bad guys
Torchwood/Firefly, Capt. Jack Harkness/Jayne Cobb, Vera
Torchwood/Firefly, Jack/Simon, "a personal weakness for doctors"

Primeval/Torchwood, Abby/Gwen, galaxy
Primeval/Torchwood, Connor/Ianto, dinosaur playdate
Torchwood/Primeval, Ianto/Stephen, the cunning use of weapons
Primeval/Torchwood, Jack/Stephen, Late Night Seduction
Torchwood/Primeval, Jack Harkness/Stephen Hart, "That is MY dinosaur! Backoff!"

SGA/Torchwood, Rodney McKay/Jack Harkness, not you again!
Torchwood/Angel, Tosh/Fred, chocolate
Bones/Torchwood, Booth/John, handcuffs
Princess Bride/Torchwood, Dread Pirate Roberts/Jack, "I'll most likely kill you in the morning"
Torchwood/Sandman, Jack/Death, Jack hits on Death every time he dies

Firefly/Dollhouse, River/Echo, Finding Self
Firefly/Dollhouse, River/Echo, wind

Firefly/Dr. Who
Firefly/Doctor Who, Mal/9, war stories
Dr. Who/Firefly, Serenity/TARDIS, taking care of troublesome charges

Merlin/Firefly; companion!Merlin/captain!Arthur, "baobei"
Firefly/Merlin, Mal/captain!Arthur, "You're just nyen ching duh (roughly "young one", literally "infant teeth") - you got a boat and a crew and you think that makes you a captain?"
Merlin/Firefly, captain!Arthur/companion!Merlin, "You snogged me first!"
Merlin/Firefly; Merlin/Arthur, craving something sweet
Merlin/Firefly, author's choice, you take happiness where you can find it
Merlin/Firefly, captain!Arthur/companion!Merlin/author's choice, drinking always just wua ser tian
Firefly/Merlin; captain!Arthur/companion!Merlin, body shots
Merlin/Firefly, companion!Merlin/Inara, it's good to see you bao bei
Merlin/Firefly, captain!Arthur/comapnion!Merlin, Your kisses are like magic
Merlin/Firefly, companion!Merlin/author's choice(s), Arthur always jin joh bu chi chi fah joh ("choosing to sip the wine of penalty over that of respect")
Merlin/Firefly, companion!Merlin/captain!Arthur, Still flying
Firefly/Merlin, companion!Merlin/author's choice, first time on board

Twilight/Firefly, Edward/River, nothing between us
Twilight/Firefly, Edward Cullen/River Tam, mind reading

Firefly/X-Men Origins: Wolverine
Wolverine: Origins/Firefly, Logan/Author's choice, he may not remember much, but he remembers his ship
Wolverine: Origins/Firefly, Logan/Remy, of all the ships in all the 'verse...
Wolverine: Origins/Firefly, Logan/Author's choice, a memory, a laugh, a smile
Wolverine/Firefly, Logan/author's choice, Ghosts from another life
Wolverine: Origins, Logan/Remy, Firefly
Firefly/Wolverine, author's choice, alien sex pollen
Wolverine Origins/Firefly, Logan/author's choice, "My ship, my rules!"

House/Firefly, Simon/Robert Chase, dueling vests
Firefly/Star Wars, Mal Reynolds/Han Solo, space pirates
BSG/Firefly, Sam/River, "I know what you are"
Firefly/Star Trek, Mal/Kirk, Captain
Firefly/Veronica Mars, River Tam/Veronica Mars, if I were a weapon
Tru Calling/Firefly, Jack/River, murderer
Quantum Leap/Firefly, River & Sam, Sam leaps into River while she's at the academy
Dollhouse/Firefly, Caroline (or Echo)/River, "They trained me to be a killer too."
BSG/Firefly, Kara/Simon, swearing

Dr. Who
Dr. Who/Merlin
Merlin/Doctor Who, Merlin(Jethro)/Arthur, "Who wants to live forever?"
Merlin/Doctor Who, Merlin/Ten, "No, I'm really Merlin!"
Doctor Who/Merlin, Arthur/Rose, flower petals
Merlin/Dr Who, Arthur/Jethro (from Midnight S4), sightseeing

Dr. Who/Miscellaneous
Doctor Who/Eureka, The Doctor/Jack Carter, oops
Who-verse/SG1, Jack Harkness/Vala Mal Doran, fancy meeting you here
Horatio Hornblower/Doctor Who (TVM), William Bush/Eight, author's choice
Dr. Who/Angel, Doctor/Fred, "Didn't I tell you? I'm brilliant!"
Doctor Who/Harry Potter, Ten/Luna, we are only the sum of our secrets

Stargate/Burn Notice
Stargate SG-1/Burn Notice, Jack/Victor, self-conscious
Burn Notice/SG-1, Michael/Daniel, "you saw me die? yeah, i'm gonna need you to narrow that down for me"
SG-1/Burn Notice, Jack/Victor!Daniel (Daniel is Victor in disguise or something), self-conscious about how his body has changed
Stargate SG-1/Burn Notice, Jack/Victor, how Victor's body is different than Daniel's

Andromeda/SGA, Tyr/Ronon, survivor
Andromeda/SGA, Tyr/Ronon, in the Satedan army

Firefly/Stargate sg1, Mal/Jack, just who's in charge here?
Firefly/SG1, Mal/Daniel Jackson, 'was it monkeys? some terrifying space monkeys maybe got loose?'

MacGyver/Stargate SG1, Mac/Daniel, papers clips and/or duct tape
MacGyver/SGA, Mac/Rodney McKay, how did you do that?

Torchwood/SGA, Jack/Vegas!Rodney, looks good in a suit

SG-1/Indiana Jones, Daniel/Indy, "strange rituals"
Family Album/SGA, Lionel/Vegas!John, always had a thing for rough trade
X-Files/SG1, Skinner/ Samantha Carter, undeniable attraction
NCIS/SG-1, Abby/Daniel, "It's not what you think it is"
Farscape/SG-1, Scorpius, Cameron Mitchell, "you'll do."
BSG/SGA, Apollo/Carson, Crash
Fringe/SGA, Dr. Walter Bishop/Dr. Rodney McKay, teacher and student
Criminals Minds/SGA, Morgan/Ronon, far, far away
Boa Vs. Python/SGA, Dr. Julian Emmett/John Sheppard, lost someone
SGA/Las Vegas, Vegas!John/Danny McCoy, caught cheating
Hulu Commercial/SGA, Alec Baldwin/John Sheppard, tentacles
Eureka/SGA, Stark/Rodney, Rodney and Stark share a history (Carter POV)
SGA/Eureka, Mckay/Stark, brain sex
Highlander/Stargate SG-1, Daniel Jackson/Methos, Ancient technology and ancient scrolls
Stargate SG-1/(Pushing Daisies), Daniel/anybody, SG-verse in which Daniel has Ned's 'powers'

Fantastic 4/Smallville, Johnny/Chloe, wild as an animal
Smallville/Spider-Man, Chloe/Peter, here with me
Criminal Minds/Smallville, Chloe/Reid, new bathtub
Smallville/X-Men, Chloe/Scott, hot chocolate
Smallville/Batman Begins, Clark/Bruce, on patrol

Miscellaneous Comics
Iron Man/X-Men, Tony Stark/Emma Frost, booty call
Batman/Superman, Bruce/Clark, always
X-Men/Fantastic Four, Iceman/Human Torch, complicated
DC/Marvel, Catwoman/Gambit, even the score
Batman/Superman, Bruce/Lex, prep school holiday
DC/Marvel Gambit/Tim, rubies and sapphires
Superman Returns/Batman Begins, Clark/Bruce, Daily Planet
TDK/Superman Returns, Bruce/Clark, Themyscira
DCU/Terminator: TSCC, Tim Drake/John Connor, weight of the world
Dollhouse/C&DP, Handler!Wade/Doll!Nate, fantasy unfulfilled
Marvel/DCU, Clint Barton/Dinah Lance, we're not making Ollie jealous on purpose, honest!
Death Note/DCU, Mello/Jason Tood, second place
Marvel/DCU, Bobbi Morse (Mockingbird) / Dinah Lance (Black Canary), men are pigs
Superman/Aquaman, "Underwater"
Batman/Superman, Bruce/Clark, Root beer float
DCU/Marvel, Cassie Sandsmark/Cass Cain/Cassie Lang, author's choice

NCIS/Criminal Minds
Criminal Minds/NCIS, Garcia/Abby, pigtails
Criminal Minds/NCIS, Rossi/Gibbs, a quiet fishing trip with a friend
Criminal Minds/NCIS, Rossi/Gibbs, it ain't typical but it works for them
NCIS/Criminal Minds, Tony/author's choice, the bartender knows all the gossip in a small town
Criminal Minds/NCIS, Rossi/Gibbs/Tony, after hours

NCIS/Dark Angel
NCIS/Dark Angel, Tony/Alec, mistaken identity
Dark Angel/NCIS, Logan/Tony, Interrogation
NCIS/Dark Angel, Gibbs/DiNozzo/Logan, black leather chaps

NCIS/Numbers, any pairing among Gibbs/Abby/Tony/Colby/Don/David, interagency cooperation
CSI/NCIS, Lady Heather/Abby, Submission
Castle/NCIS, Castle/Tony, everything Castle writes, down to the minute details of clothing choices and hair fibers, is coming true/being revealed in the case of a dead naval officer(Castle's not-yet-released, in progress book)
NCIS/Magnificent Seven, Abby/ATF!Ezra, FBI
NCIS/Magnificent Seven, Abby/ATF!Ezra, perfume/aftershave.
NCIS/Magnificent Seven, Abby/ATF!Ezra, laughter
NCIS/Magnificent Seven, Abby/Author's choice, Evidence of/from the past.
NCIS/A Midsummer Night's Dream, Gibbs/Tony, Oberon and Puck like to watch their machinations
Numb3rs/NCIS, any pairing among Don/Colby/David/Liz/Gibbs/Abby/Tony/Ziva, no better aphrodisiac than kicking some ass

Criminal Minds
Criminal Minds/The Big Bang Theory
Criminal Minds/The Big Bang Theory, Dr Spencer Reid/Dr Sheldon Cooper, two sets of pointy ears
Criminal Minds/The Big Bang Theory, Dr Spencer Reid/Dr Sheldon Cooper, Collector's Edition
Criminal Minds/The Big Bang Theory, Dr Spencer Reid/Dr Sheldon Cooper, wear my Green Lantern-ring
Criminal Minds/Big Bang Theory, Reid/Sheldon, Playing strip Star Trek Trivia

How I Met Your Mother
How I Met Your Mother/House
House/How I Met Your Mother, Barney Stinson/Eric Foreman, "Nice Suit, it would look better on my floor." Foreman earns a multiple-entry sex visa for the Fortress of Barnitude.
House/HIMYM, Dark!Wilson/Barney, pretty
HIMYM/House, Chase/Sub!Barney, War of the Pretty-Haired Blonds.
HIMYM/House, Barney/dark!Wilson, secret, destructive relationship
HIMYM/House, Barney/dark!Wilson, sold
HIMYM/House, Barney/Foreman and Barney/dark!Wilson, Foreman finds out
HIMYM/House, Barney/dark!Wilson, "Who did you tell?"
HIMYM, Barney/??, dark secret, (anyone's POV)
HIMYM/House, Barney/dark!Wilson, punishment

How I Met Your Mother/Dr. Horrible
HIMYM/Doctor Horrible, Barney/Billy, alternate dimensions
Dr. Horrible/HIMYM, Evil!Billy/Sub!Barney with mentions of Marshall/Lily/Barney, It's always the nice ones.

How I Met Your Mother/Miscellaneous
Dollhouse/HIMYM, doll!Barney/handler!Robin, dressed to impress

Angel/Bones, Angel/Booth, "Well that's not something you see least not exactly."
Angel/Bones, Angelus/Seeley Booth, "what rough beast, it's hour come at last" (The Second Coming, W.B. Yeats)
Angel/Bones, Angelus/Booth, keep your family close (don't mind the bars)
Angel/Bones, Angelus/Booth, family sticks together (that's why I've chained you to the wall)

Angel/X-Men Origines Wolverine, Lindsey McDonald/Remy LeBeau, You're better than this
X-Men/AtS, Remy/Lindsey, this is the part where you stop talking
X-Men/AtS, Remy/Lindsey, your 10 o'clock appointment (Lilah POV)
Angel/X-Men Origines Wolverine, Lindsey McDonald/Remy LeBeau, phone call

Bones/House, Angela/Brennan/House/Wilson, Too much logic.
Angel/Twilight, Angel/Edward Cullen, sparkly
Angel/Doctor Who, Fred & Nine, Pylea

The Truly Miscellaneous
Cry Wolf/My Bloody Valentine, Tom/Tom, disturbing
Eureka/In Plain Sight, Jack Carter/Marshall Mann, ex-partners
Highlander, Duncan/Methos, remembering a prayer (Highlander/Merlin, Duncan/Merlin, remembering a prayer)
Colbert Report/Daily Show, Colbert/Stewart, off script
CSI:NY/CSI:MIAMI, Danny Messer/Tim Speedle, motorcycles
The X-Files/Once a Thief, Alex Krycek/Victor Mansfield, Gemini
High School Musical/Suite Life of Zack & Cody, Sharpay/Maddie, "It's like looking into a mirror!"
Merlin/Harry Potter, Merlin/anyone, 'Merlin's balls!' '...what?!'
Buffy/NCIS/Leverage/Bones, any combination of Faith/Willow/Abby/Ziva/Parker/Bones/Angela(whichever fandoms you like), Female rock stars who kick ass
TrueBlood/Sookie Stackhouse Series, Sookie/Bill, teasing
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles/Dollhouse, Cameron/Echo, deception
Friday the 13th/My Bloody Valentine, Clay/Tom, bloody love
Andromeda/Star Trek TNG, Trace Gemini/Worf, Ares & Aphrodite
Devour/Dark Angel, Jake/Ben, I think we're all a little crazy
Pokemon/Naruto, Ninetails/Kyuubi, holy shit
Being Human/author's choice, Annie/author's choice, dead end
Gossip Girl/St. Trinian's, Kelly Jones/Serena Van der Woodsen, hockey
LOTR/POTC, Legolas/Will Turner, We sat together in silence
Merlin/Repo! The Genetic Opera, Uther Pendragon/Nathan Wallace, self hatred
Highlander/X-Files, Cory Raines/Alex Krycek, Not dead yet
X-Files/Fringe, Olivia/Scully, skeptical
The Incredibles/X-Men Evolution, Quicksilver/The Dash, race
House/Law & Order: SVU, House/Munch, rainbows and kittens
Prison Break/Battlestar Galactica, T-Bag/Gaius Baltar, author's choice
Being Human/Merlin, Mitchell/Morgana, blood at the banquet
Queer as Folk (US)/Burn Notice, Michael Novotny/Michael Weston, "Your mom sure looks and acts exactly like mine."
Twilight/Interview with a Vampire, Edward Cullen/Lestat, One happy family
Psych/Monk, Shawn & Monk, a Hawaiian vacation is interrupted by work and unexpected competition
Twilight/Harry Potter, Edward/Luna, "Well that's just stupid."
Criminal Minds/Dollhouse, Derek Morgan/slutty!Echo, lollipops
X-Files/Mentalist, Dana Scully/Patrick Jane, 'What do you do? - Don't laugh.'
Psych/Mentalist/Castle, Shawn/Jane/Castle, "Three highly observant civilian police consultants walk into a bar..."
X-Men/NCIS, Wolverine & Gibbs, The rules
Dead Like Me/Lost, Charlie/Mason, the newest reaper
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