... I still love you. I've added RSS feeds of LJ peeps who don't flock their posts to my browser, and reduced my flist to those who do. I keep forgetting to sign in to LJ, so it's easier to keep up with those who still post here this way.
Yep, I've joined Twitter. Mainly for authory reasons. While I was away I realised that it could replace the newsletter I never succeeded in putting on my site. But I don't want it to just contain dry publicity stuff. As for what non-publicity stuff it'll contain... I'll just have to see what happens.
Friends have been pointing out that there's a Facebook account with my name on it. One I didn't create. I can't see what's there because it's not my account. And they can't because it's locked down
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There are a whole lot of people who have friended me who I haven't a clue who they are. Still, I figure if they are close friends, by now they'd have mentioned, in person, who they are.
Still, it's possible they did and I forgot, or was drunk, or lost the email.