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Comments 1219

[Puppet-Morgoth] 77th_earl May 25 2011, 01:09:56 UTC
Though of course, anyone else can tag in and comfort an emo and now panicked Earl

Titus is still grieving a bit for the loss of Duck, but he's taken Cyrano's advice to heart and he's currently sitting in the library, with quill pen and parchment, penning a letter to his missing little sister-elect...

It's a gloomy night, with a sky threatening a thunderstorm. He's got his back to the window, to keep his eyes off the grim darkness.

Dear Duck,

On the day that I found some lovely books of faery tales, I also found something tragic: I found that you had left this place quite suddenly....


Re: [Titus-Morgoth] big_bad_melkor May 25 2011, 01:13:14 UTC
Should anyone else tag in, don't forget to remove the headers on said subthreads! ^^ Thankies!

.... only to go into the arms of darkness, a voice hisses in the obscure corner of Titus' room.


Re: [Titus-Morgoth] 77th_earl May 25 2011, 03:11:36 UTC
Will do!!

Titus gasps at that whisper, and as his hand jerks, it sends a spatter of ink over the parchment. "What was that?!" he yelps.


Re: [Titus-Morgoth] big_bad_melkor May 25 2011, 03:40:21 UTC
She was so sweet, so very sweet. Such a bright smile, too.

A pause, as if the voice was considering, scoffing.



[Puppet-Morgoth] aperion_oneiros May 25 2011, 01:20:37 UTC
Cobb hasn't been terribly perturbed by the disappearances: he's used to people vanishing rather suddenly from a dream or getting jolted awake from one. He's surprised (if this is a dream) that the kick hasn't come sooner. But still: he was enjoying that chat with the 18th century French lady, and that even deeper conversation with the mysterious dark gentleman he met in the library

He's currently in the kitchen, where the light has inexplicably burned out of a sudden, and he's striking wooden matches from a box he found, as he tries to maneuver it in the darkness....


Re: [Cobb-Morgoth] big_bad_melkor May 25 2011, 01:24:32 UTC
A voice hisses in the distance, quickly coming to caress Cobb's ear in the darkened kitchen.

It's no use. You will never wake up to a level higher than this one.


Re: [Cobb-Morgoth] aperion_oneiros May 25 2011, 03:06:45 UTC
He looks around, trying to find the source of that voice, and the flame fizzes against his fingertips. He drops the match, which goes out as it hits the tiles. He curses under his breath and strikes another match, the sulphur reeking in his nostrils and the flame casting a small circle of light that only seems to throw the shadows into high relief.

"Who's there?" he demands, his gaze darting about.


Re: [Cobb-Morgoth] big_bad_melkor May 25 2011, 03:36:25 UTC
There's a laugher, low, guttural, and a wiff of wind, as if some gigantic hand had been waved.

Then, the match goes out.


[Iphigenia-Morgoth] ohmaiden May 25 2011, 01:30:36 UTC
Iphigenia's not sleeping well tonight for some reason. She keeps thinking of home, and of course, thinking of home means thinking of her death.

She tosses and turns in her bed, and finally gives up, sitting up and looking out the window. The wind blows and ruffles the curtains, and she shivers a little, partly from the chill, partly from fear.

She's a perfect target.

ooc: so yes, Iphi's thinking about her death, so Morgoth can certainly exploit her trauma. >.>


Re: [Iphigenia-Morgoth] big_bad_melkor May 25 2011, 01:33:57 UTC
A voice insinuates itself in her head, in a sinister singsong.

Daddy's girl
Little Doe
Soon to go
Soon... soon....


Re: [Iphigenia-Morgoth] ohmaiden May 25 2011, 01:42:46 UTC
She starts. "What--?" Thinking it was her half-asleep mind playing tricks on her, she lies back down and closes her eyes.


Re: [Iphigenia-Morgoth] big_bad_melkor May 25 2011, 03:24:19 UTC
The only daughter of the House of Mycenae... so precious... your blood so young. The gods call, sweet daughter.


[Puppet-Morgoth] silvereyedphage May 25 2011, 01:31:31 UTC
Since Albert's disappearance, Muraki has been largely holed up in his office, typing his memoirs and living on Valium and stir-fry cooked over a Bunsen burner (those thrown-together meals kept him alive in college, why not now, especially since he's been writing about those idyllic days). He has his better days and his worse ones. Tonight, however, he's vaguely restless: might be the weather, which has turned muggy and oppressive of a sudden.

He's currently just returned after a shower, to proof-read till his good eye goes blurry and he crashes on the couch...


Re: [Muraki-Morgoth] big_bad_melkor May 25 2011, 01:39:08 UTC
A picture will emerge out of the emptiness of the dream. Albert's face, twisted, in pain and crying. There is a crimson horizon behind him and eyes sticking out of a black well of nothingness.

There are no words.

Just a dark, dark and sinister laughter echoing through the edges of the sleeper's mind.


Re: [Muraki-Morgoth] silvereyedphage May 25 2011, 03:46:31 UTC
In the dream, Muraki might try to lunge after the youth, trying to pull him toward himself, but passing through that blackness is like swimming through tar. He's getting pulled under by his own efforts, but he forces his head up, shouting a defiant cry:

"This one is mine!!"


Re: [Muraki-Morgoth] big_bad_melkor May 25 2011, 04:33:11 UTC
Morgoth laughs again, it's easy, light, as if dismissing a child. Hmmmm which of his delicious members should I severe, to start... I think I may play his fingers, hmmm?

The suggestion is greeted with more torturous screams from his victim.


Morgana-Morgoth skepticalmagic May 25 2011, 01:35:39 UTC
Morgana is used to having terrible dreams, but her time at the mansion has been almost devoid of anything even slightly disruptive of her sleep.

Being that she's finally had a stretch of good sleep for the first time she can remember, Morgana would not react well to anything disrupting that.


Re: [Morgana-Morgoth] big_bad_melkor May 25 2011, 01:46:02 UTC
Perhaps her dream, whatever it is, will begin to get....


As if fire were burning under her bed.

Which, of course, it isn't.


Re: [Morgana-Morgoth] skepticalmagic May 25 2011, 02:24:20 UTC
Her dream is one of the many executions she's witnessed; this one an execution. It's odd, as her dreams are usually premonitions, not memories.

She was always far enough away that the heat from the fire barely touched her, so the heat has her turning over in bed.

Unfortunately, Morgana's always had difficulties awakening from dreams.


Re: [Morgana-Morgoth] big_bad_melkor May 25 2011, 03:31:01 UTC
There is a roar, slowly rising, indistinct, at first - those are calls, or maybe not - as the volume gets amplified, the sound of an angry mob rises, rises.

Burn the witch! Burn her to ashes.


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