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[Puppet-Morgoth] aperion_oneiros May 25 2011, 01:20:37 UTC
Cobb hasn't been terribly perturbed by the disappearances: he's used to people vanishing rather suddenly from a dream or getting jolted awake from one. He's surprised (if this is a dream) that the kick hasn't come sooner. But still: he was enjoying that chat with the 18th century French lady, and that even deeper conversation with the mysterious dark gentleman he met in the library

He's currently in the kitchen, where the light has inexplicably burned out of a sudden, and he's striking wooden matches from a box he found, as he tries to maneuver it in the darkness....


Re: [Cobb-Morgoth] big_bad_melkor May 25 2011, 01:24:32 UTC
A voice hisses in the distance, quickly coming to caress Cobb's ear in the darkened kitchen.

It's no use. You will never wake up to a level higher than this one.


Re: [Cobb-Morgoth] aperion_oneiros May 25 2011, 03:06:45 UTC
He looks around, trying to find the source of that voice, and the flame fizzes against his fingertips. He drops the match, which goes out as it hits the tiles. He curses under his breath and strikes another match, the sulphur reeking in his nostrils and the flame casting a small circle of light that only seems to throw the shadows into high relief.

"Who's there?" he demands, his gaze darting about.


Re: [Cobb-Morgoth] big_bad_melkor May 25 2011, 03:36:25 UTC
There's a laugher, low, guttural, and a wiff of wind, as if some gigantic hand had been waved.

Then, the match goes out.


Re: [Cobb-Morgoth] aperion_oneiros May 25 2011, 03:41:27 UTC
"Very funny, very funny. I think I saw this in a movie," he mutters, dropping the dead match to the tiles and striking another one, holding it higher this time.


Re: [Cobb-Morgoth] big_bad_melkor May 25 2011, 04:27:10 UTC
There's a light chuckle, right into his ear, then.

Just enough to startle Cobb into dropping that match, perhaps.


Re: [Cobb-Morgoth] aperion_oneiros May 25 2011, 04:35:16 UTC
This time he drops the match on himself. He curses creatively, flailing at the front of his shirt for several long moments, trying to make sure he can't feel anything hot. "You can come out now and help me find a damn *light bulb*," he snaps.


Re: [Cobb-Morgoth] big_bad_melkor May 26 2011, 02:19:13 UTC
There's absolutely no change in temperature - it's all in his head, really. Morgoth enjoys that sort of thing.

Resounding silence is the only answer he supplies.


Re: [Cobb-Morgoth] aperion_oneiros May 27 2011, 01:49:50 UTC
"What the hell?" he mutters, fumbling at his chest. Giving up after a moment, he digs out another match and strikes it on ten box several times, with no luck. At one point, he'll feel the match head flick off into the dark. "Someone jinx the matches now?" he snarls.


Re: [Cobb-Morgoth] big_bad_melkor May 28 2011, 15:12:53 UTC
If only it were the matches.


Re: [Cobb-Morgoth] aperion_oneiros May 29 2011, 04:25:33 UTC
"Dream just turned into a nightmare," he mutters, fumbling in the dark for the door to the hallway or the door to the porch, whichever he finds first.

Not that it's going to be an easy trip...


Re: [Cobb-Morgoth] big_bad_melkor May 29 2011, 04:57:32 UTC
If Cobb is reaching for a doorknob in the dark, he'll find that it's covered in something... gooey and slimy, which smells of rotten eggs.

It's all going to be in his head, though.


Re: [Cobb-Morgoth] aperion_oneiros May 30 2011, 00:49:53 UTC
He recoils from the knob, stifling a low growl of disgust. "Could it get any more sophomoric," he mutters. He'll try and kick the door open, but it will likely resist him.


Re: [Cobb-Morgoth] big_bad_melkor May 30 2011, 01:16:38 UTC
As a matter of fact, the door opens violently, and a gust of wind welcomes Cobb.

For a moment after that, all seems normal.

Morgoth is throwing him to the wolves.

It seemed like a good transition - does that work for you?


Re: [Cobb-Morgoth] aperion_oneiros May 30 2011, 01:35:08 UTC
The door flies open so suddenly, he stumbles through it, out onto the porch and out into the inky blackness of the sideyard.

"Got any more early Halloween tricks planned for me?" he pants.

Hee, perfect place for a transition!!


Re: [Cobb-Morgoth] big_bad_melkor May 30 2011, 01:55:57 UTC
Outside, only silence resounds - in fact, one can hear the legendary crickets from chat.

Aaaand FTB. ^^


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