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[Puppet-Morgoth] silvereyedphage May 25 2011, 01:31:31 UTC
Since Albert's disappearance, Muraki has been largely holed up in his office, typing his memoirs and living on Valium and stir-fry cooked over a Bunsen burner (those thrown-together meals kept him alive in college, why not now, especially since he's been writing about those idyllic days). He has his better days and his worse ones. Tonight, however, he's vaguely restless: might be the weather, which has turned muggy and oppressive of a sudden.

He's currently just returned after a shower, to proof-read till his good eye goes blurry and he crashes on the couch...


Re: [Muraki-Morgoth] big_bad_melkor May 25 2011, 01:39:08 UTC
A picture will emerge out of the emptiness of the dream. Albert's face, twisted, in pain and crying. There is a crimson horizon behind him and eyes sticking out of a black well of nothingness.

There are no words.

Just a dark, dark and sinister laughter echoing through the edges of the sleeper's mind.


Re: [Muraki-Morgoth] silvereyedphage May 25 2011, 03:46:31 UTC
In the dream, Muraki might try to lunge after the youth, trying to pull him toward himself, but passing through that blackness is like swimming through tar. He's getting pulled under by his own efforts, but he forces his head up, shouting a defiant cry:

"This one is mine!!"


Re: [Muraki-Morgoth] big_bad_melkor May 25 2011, 04:33:11 UTC
Morgoth laughs again, it's easy, light, as if dismissing a child. Hmmmm which of his delicious members should I severe, to start... I think I may play his fingers, hmmm?

The suggestion is greeted with more torturous screams from his victim.


Re: [Muraki-Morgoth] silvereyedphage May 25 2011, 05:42:24 UTC
"You'll harm none of them: he is mine to caress or to torment," Muraki snarls, fighting the undertow of the blackness. "*I* was to be the cause of his screams or his sighs."

Im his mind it's like dealing with Saki all over again, getting between him and something he cherished...


Re: [Muraki-Morgoth] big_bad_melkor May 26 2011, 02:21:48 UTC
The voice sounds slightly bored. Is that a threat, little halfbreed?


Re: [Muraki-Morgoth] silvereyedphage May 26 2011, 04:26:45 UTC
"Consider it a challenge to an intruder," he replies, fighting to keep his head above the surface of the blackness. "There are plenty of others here whom you could have taken as yours: you needn't have touched one of mine!"


Re: [Muraki-Morgoth] big_bad_melkor May 26 2011, 17:29:53 UTC
The voice booms, then, echoing within the edges of Muraki's mind. And let your impudence go unpunished? Puny insect. I can smite you at my will - you are no better than the others here, only less reverent.


Re: [Muraki-Morgoth] silvereyedphage May 27 2011, 02:48:16 UTC
"You took one of mine, and while I am patient with many things, I have no patience with thieves!" he snaps, trying to lunge through the darkness, in the direction of that voice, anger shorting out reason...


Re: [Muraki-Morgoth] big_bad_melkor May 28 2011, 15:19:17 UTC
Perhaps, typist willing, the bed will move, enough to destabilize Muraki and make him fall off the bed?

At any rate, there will be an answer.

Next time, Morgoth says, I will take one of the women.


Re: [Muraki-Morgoth] silvereyedphage May 28 2011, 21:39:54 UTC
That movement sends him sliding to the floor, bedcovers and all, leaving him in a startled wad on the floor. At first he's disoriented and stunned, and he may lay there for a moment, collecting his wits and trying to get his head free of the blankets.

Then he chuckles. "Your warnings put you at a disadvantage: you'd make a bad poker player, since you'd be telegraphing your hand," he says, thinking he's got the upper hand...

Don't hesitate to pull out the stops, psychically. :: eeevil grin::


Re: [Muraki-Morgoth] big_bad_melkor May 29 2011, 02:28:03 UTC
Morgoth laughs, then, low, as if amused by a child's joke.

Do you truly think you can stop me? Do you truly think they could resist?


Re: [Muraki-Morgoth] silvereyedphage May 29 2011, 07:15:05 UTC
"Do you think I'd make the same mistake as you and show my hand?" he replies, sardonically.

He's bluffing. Morgoth can likely see that...


Re: [Muraki-Morgoth] big_bad_melkor May 29 2011, 22:01:48 UTC
An empty hand is easily handled.


Re: [Muraki-Morgoth] silvereyedphage May 30 2011, 02:48:47 UTC
He pulls himself to his knees, then to his feet. "Well then... shall we see how you can handle me?" he says, clearly challenging him and drawing on his energy reserves to brace for an assault...

Of course, whatever mental shields a mere energy feeder can put up are likely no match for Morgoth...


Re: [Muraki-Morgoth] big_bad_melkor May 31 2011, 00:05:08 UTC
At this particular point, Morgoth reaches in Muraki's mind. Like a fist, his dark spirit reaches to grasp at the phage and pull, as if trying to extract it from the not-so-good doctor.


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