Challenge 16: Book Club

Dec 16, 2014 21:08


Description Talk Books : Copy paste the texty and discuss your favourite books this week. If you don't want to answer a question just delete it. If you want to talk more about things, go ahead! (aka remove/add questions as you wish)

Favourite book read in 2014?Read more... )

book club

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Comments 195

colls December 16 2014, 13:18:24 UTC
Favourite book read in 2014?
I can't choose just one. My 5 star books so far this year, in no particular order, are The Silkworm (Cormoran Strike, #2) by Robert Galbraith aka JK Rowling, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou, Razor's Edge (Star Wars: Empire and Rebellion, #1) by Martha Wells, Ancillary Justice (Imperial Radch, #1) by Ann Leckie, Code Name Verity & Rose Under Fire (Code Name Verity, #1 & 2) by by Elizabeth Wein, Fledgling by Octavia Butler, The Golem and the Jinni by Helen Wecker, and The Martian by Andy Weir

Have you ever read a book and had the perfect casting for a character?
Ben Browder is Jack Reacher. I don't know who this Tom Cruise guy thinks he is.

Do you prefer series or one-offs?
Both? It's kind of hard to stay away from series these days - even in non-genre fiction.

Is there a book character you think you are similar too?
Probably, but I'm still on my first cup of coffee and can't think of one at the moment.

Book you've been disappointed with this year?
Most recently I was disappointed by Cop ( ... )


erinm_4600 December 16 2014, 14:17:55 UTC
Ben Browder is Jack Reacher

I have zero interest in anything to do with Tom Cruise... but that right there just may make me want to read this series.


colls December 16 2014, 14:26:36 UTC
A few years ago there was talk of movie or TV deals with this series and people where throwing Ben Browder's name around (not just fans, people like the author).
And.... that's what made me start reading it in the first place. It's not life changing or anything, but it is an entertaining action series with a reluctant hero.


erinm_4600 December 16 2014, 14:27:56 UTC
Well.. I haven't read anything in a long while.. so maybe now is the time to start. :D

I do think an actress I like ended up in the movie, but I just can't sit through Mapother!


jadeleopard December 16 2014, 14:56:07 UTC
Favourite book read in 2014? ugh so hard to pick. Otherbound by Corinne Davis
Have you ever read a book and had the perfect casting for a character? Marie Avgeropoulos for Cassia from Matched Trilogy
Do you prefer series or one-offs? series always, I need all the books
Is there a book character you think you are similar too? not really? I'm kind of too boring to be a character
Book you've been disappointed with this year? The Fallout by SA Bodeen. It's not a bad book, just it fell flat compared to the first book The Compound.
Do you read fic, if so do you have a favourite? one fic out of aaaallllllllllllll the fic I've read. ...Elysium (it's a dragon age fic, you need to read all the warnings as it was a kink meme fill)
A book you wish more people would read? The Kane Chronicles by Rick Riordan, it's the Egyptian counterpart to the Percy Jackson series.

Recommend a book for future book clubs
World War Z

... )


cardboardcornea December 17 2014, 04:07:50 UTC
Oh! World War Z is a good suggestion.


dance_thrulife December 17 2014, 21:49:35 UTC
Kane Chronicles. I really enjoyed that series. It filled up the Riordan shaped hole in my life between the two Percy Jackson series.


blue_sunflowers December 18 2014, 04:53:02 UTC
I shall be finishing the Kane Chronicles after I finish off the Heroes of Olympus. I've already read Red Pyramid and have the second book sitting on my shelf (since I found it after cleaning my second bedroom).


wagrobanite December 16 2014, 15:36:48 UTC
Favourite book read in 2014? oh man, hard to say since 2014 isn't done yet, but so far I guess it's been The Sandcastle Girls by Christ Bohjalian
Have you ever read a book and had the perfect casting for a character?Yep, The Expected One by Kathleen McGowan
Do you prefer series or one-offs? depends on the subject matter and the writer
Is there a book character you think you are similar too? not really... I find characters that I am similar to but it varies from book to book
Book you've been disappointed with this year? Life in Motion by Misty Copeland... It was just okay... i was expecting more Ballet stories, less preachy
Do you read fic, if so do you have a favourite? don't read it anymore because I'm a book snob. And Yes I absolutely admit it.
A book you wish more people would read? The Expected One by Kathleen McGowan... there are SO many others though!

... )


stellicidio December 19 2014, 22:22:50 UTC
I was thinking of suggesting Flat Out Love as well, really liked it!


wagrobanite December 19 2014, 22:38:43 UTC
I was surprised I liked it because I nornally don't like YA books. Now I can't wait to read the second book


delacours December 21 2014, 01:14:20 UTC
Okay, wow, I'll need to check all the books you listed for the book club to see what they're about. :)


skieswideopen December 16 2014, 16:51:31 UTC
Favourite book read in 2014? If only I could I remember what I read this year! Maybe Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel? Or Beauty and Blood by Sarah Dunant? Apparently it was the year of historical novels for me.

Have you ever read a book and had the perfect casting for a character? Not really. I rather hate casting, actually.

Do you prefer series or one-offs? I prefer books be whatever length they need to be, I guess? When I really love a world, it's nice to know there's more out there to read, but there's also something to be said for the low commitment level of a one-off.

Is there a book character you think you are similar too? None that come to mind. I can find shared traits all over the place, but I can't think of a particular character who feels like my twin.

Book you've been disappointed with this year? The Red Plague Affair by Lillith Saintcrow. I wasn't expecting that much from that series to begin with, but they were enjoyable enough until she had one of the main characters do something absolutely villainous halfway through ( ... )


wagrobanite December 17 2014, 00:43:35 UTC
"If only I could I remember what I read this year! "

Good reason to join Goodreads ;D


skieswideopen December 17 2014, 01:25:20 UTC
I have an account, but I never remember to update it! I also have a list I keep in OneNote. My books from January and December on are on there. The rest...not so much. :)


seraphina_snape December 16 2014, 18:17:38 UTC
Favourite book read in 2014? Ben Aaronovitch's Peter Grant novels. I'm still working on book 4 (Broken Homes) and I'm going to order book 5 as soon as I get my next paycheck. *g*
Have you ever read a book and had the perfect casting for a character? Yes! For the Peter Grant series I immediately wanted to see Noel Clarke as Grant. He's a little older than the character is supposed to be, but he'd be great as a magical PC.
Do you prefer series or one-offs? I like both. Series can be frustrating if it takes a while to get the next book, so these days I usually wait until all the books have been published or the last one will be published soon-ish before I start. One-offs are great too - depending on the genre you might get a tighter narrative than in a series because things are more compressed (obviously, since the author doesn't have three or five or seven books to set things up).
Is there a book character you think you are similar too? I'm sort of like Neville Longbottom (but in Slytherin) with Hermione Granger's hair, Harry's bad ( ... )


dance_thrulife December 18 2014, 02:28:56 UTC
Okay first off I love Aaronovitch! And also your casting suggestion of Noel Clarke just made me so excited. Like I want to write a letter or a petition to make happen!

Your book club suggestion has me curious, I've never heard of it or the author, and that's not something I can usually say. What's it about?


seraphina_snape December 18 2014, 05:49:01 UTC
I know, right? Noel Clarke would be amazing as Grant - he can play the cool action and magic parts and the parts where he's absolutely baffled why whatever magic is happening.

Night of the Avenging Blowfish: A Novel of Covert Operations, Love, and Luncheon Meat - the subtitle kind of gives you all the important plot points. *g* The narrator is a secret service agent who a) gets "demoted" to protecting an unimportant politician from a country nobody has ever heard of and b) has a love life crisis (AKA he's in love with a married woman). (The lunch meat thing is why he's getting demoted.) While taking care of some radical activists, protecting his unimportant and usually drunk charge, pining after Natelle (the married woman) and maybe having a nervous breakdown, he's also planning a secret baseball game with his Secret Service buddies against arch rivals the CIA ( ... )


dance_thrulife December 22 2014, 03:11:35 UTC
That sounds intriguing, I'm going to have to see if I can get my hands on it!


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