Challenge 16: Book Club

Dec 16, 2014 21:08


Description Talk Books : Copy paste the texty and discuss your favourite books this week. If you don't want to answer a question just delete it. If you want to talk more about things, go ahead! (aka remove/add questions as you wish)

Favourite book read in 2014?Read more... )

book club

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skieswideopen December 16 2014, 16:51:31 UTC
Favourite book read in 2014? If only I could I remember what I read this year! Maybe Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel? Or Beauty and Blood by Sarah Dunant? Apparently it was the year of historical novels for me.

Have you ever read a book and had the perfect casting for a character? Not really. I rather hate casting, actually.

Do you prefer series or one-offs? I prefer books be whatever length they need to be, I guess? When I really love a world, it's nice to know there's more out there to read, but there's also something to be said for the low commitment level of a one-off.

Is there a book character you think you are similar too? None that come to mind. I can find shared traits all over the place, but I can't think of a particular character who feels like my twin.

Book you've been disappointed with this year? The Red Plague Affair by Lillith Saintcrow. I wasn't expecting that much from that series to begin with, but they were enjoyable enough until she had one of the main characters do something absolutely villainous halfway through this book, and it turned me off the character completely.

Do you read fic, if so do you have a favourite? I have lots of favourites! I can never narrow it down to just one. The first one that comes to mind from this year is Beginning of a...Friendship, Anyway. Probably because there's not that much Intelligence fic out there, and even less that's set pre-series and focuses on Lillian, rather than Gabriel/Riley. Not that I mind Gabriel/Riley! But the variety is nice. And it's a well-written piece.

A book you wish more people would read? Not really. I mostly try to tailor recommendations to people's tastes. The books that I love aren't necessarily the right books for someone else.

Recommend a book for future book clubs A Madness of Angels by Kate Griffin or A Free Man of Color by Barbara Hambly.


wagrobanite December 17 2014, 00:43:35 UTC
"If only I could I remember what I read this year! "

Good reason to join Goodreads ;D


skieswideopen December 17 2014, 01:25:20 UTC
I have an account, but I never remember to update it! I also have a list I keep in OneNote. My books from January and December on are on there. The rest...not so much. :)


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