Challenge 16: Book Club

Dec 16, 2014 21:08


Description Talk Books : Copy paste the texty and discuss your favourite books this week. If you don't want to answer a question just delete it. If you want to talk more about things, go ahead! (aka remove/add questions as you wish)

Favourite book read in 2014?Read more... )

book club

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seraphina_snape December 18 2014, 05:49:01 UTC
I know, right? Noel Clarke would be amazing as Grant - he can play the cool action and magic parts and the parts where he's absolutely baffled why whatever magic is happening.

Night of the Avenging Blowfish: A Novel of Covert Operations, Love, and Luncheon Meat - the subtitle kind of gives you all the important plot points. *g* The narrator is a secret service agent who a) gets "demoted" to protecting an unimportant politician from a country nobody has ever heard of and b) has a love life crisis (AKA he's in love with a married woman). (The lunch meat thing is why he's getting demoted.) While taking care of some radical activists, protecting his unimportant and usually drunk charge, pining after Natelle (the married woman) and maybe having a nervous breakdown, he's also planning a secret baseball game with his Secret Service buddies against arch rivals the CIA.

The books is written in first person and it's pretty witty. The humour borders on absurd and while I found it really hilarious, a friend thought it was stupid and way too over the top. You can read a sample of it over at google books (if you like the excerpt, you'll probably like the rest) and this is a good review that gives you a few more details.


dance_thrulife December 22 2014, 03:11:35 UTC
That sounds intriguing, I'm going to have to see if I can get my hands on it!


seraphina_snape December 22 2014, 21:24:47 UTC
Even years after I read it the first time it's still one of my favourite books and I read it when I need a laugh. *g*

I'm sure you can find a second hand version somewhere.


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