Title: Hot Mess Pairing: Jason/Mike Summary: Jason doesn't really care what Mike makes him because it feels good Rating: NC-17 A/N: Just another drabble =]
Title: Numb Doesn't Cut It Pairing: Alex/Michael Michael/Andrew Summary: Michael Bruno Is Killing Me. Rating: Teen. A/N: Basically this isn't a happy piece at all. Warnings and all. It's depressing and I was crying and shaking writing it.
Title: Not Scared Pairing: Alex/Andrew Rating: PG Summary: Alex isn't scared of horror films... duh. A/N: Based on the IM's me and Georgia were doing... :D
Title: Love Drunk Pairing: Alex/Andrew Summary: Alex is looking for a cure for a love hangover; Jason can give him one... Rating: PG A/N: Written for the fanmix prompt...
Title: Fresh Prince Pairing: Alex/Michael Summary: Michael thinks that there are good ways to wake up; and waking up to his boyfriend rapping the theme tune to Fresh Prince is definitely one of them. A/N: Written for the Honor Society Prompt Table... Just a short little drabble...
Title: Falling In Love Pairing: Andrew/Alex Rating: PG Summary: Andrew falls in love with Alex every day... A/N: Just a bit of fluff... like seriously... F-L-U-F-F
Title: Aeroplane Noises Summary: Alex doesn't like carrots... Michael helps. Rating: Teen... sexual refrences Pairing: Michael/Alex no Duh. A/N: Deciated to Georgia who gave me this prompt whilst we were discussing Michael doing aeroplane noises for her to make her eat her KFC Chips LOL. Twas good. =]
Title: First Class Idiot; But Always Second Best Pairing: Jack/Ianto pre Ianto/Owen Summary: Ianto's tired of being Jack's play thing; Owen helps him make up his mind. Rating: Teen, reference to sex. A/N: Prompt giving to me by
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Title: The Jeep Pairing: Alex/Michael Rating: Adult Summary: Michael doesn't mind people watching, but as long as they undrstand that no one touches his boy. Dedication: Georgia who gave me the prompt 'Jeep' Hope this is okay x If any one else has any prompts just et me know :)