Title: Don't Wake Me Up; Baby I'm In Love
Pairing: Jason/Alex
Summary: Alex doesn't want to wake up.
Rating: PG
Don't Wake Me Up Baby I'm In Love
Alex sighed happily. He felt safe and protected as though nothing could hurt him. He felt warm arms tighten around his waist and in his sleep he moved backwards against the body he loved so much. He felt a gentle kiss against the back of his neck and a soft sound of appreciation He wanted to turn around, to face his hero but he didn't want to wake up from this perfect slumber. He shivered; not because he was cold instead because of the soft breath on the back of his neck. The arms that wrapped around him so perfectly tightened around him and he he smiled and pressed a soft kiss to the skin he could reach, which was his arm.
“Lexxie.” The voice whispered. He sighed. “We have to get up.”
“Don't want to.” Alex mumbled. His bratty nature seeping through in his sleep filled mood. “Want to stay here forever.”
“Me too.” He replied, his arms loosening slightly, only to have enough room to gently caress Alex's slim waist. Sighing happily, Alex turned in his arms and smiled at Jason. “Did you sleep okay?”
“Yeah.” Alex smiled placing a soft kiss against Jason's cheek. “I had this dream.”
“Yeah? What was it about?” Jason asked, he absolutely loved Alex like this. He didn't have to be the funny guy, he could just be Alex, sweet and childlike. Though the way Alex was stretching and demanding silently for more touch, Jason thought catlike would be more appropriate.
“I... I don't remember it. I just know you were there.” Alex smiled pressing a finger against Jason's chest. “And I was there.”
“Sounds fun.” Jason chuckled. Alex giggled softly.
“We didn't... It wasn't that sort of dream.” Alex laughed. “It was just you and me. And... I remember being so happy, you...you make me so happy.”
“You don't have to be asleep to be happy with me.” Jason smiled rubbing his fingers through Alex's hair.
“I know.” Alex smiled. “I like falling asleep next to you. It's a guarantee for good dreams.” Alex closed his eyes breathing in the sweet smell of his lover.
“Well you can have good dreams tonight, tomorrow, the next day and every day for the rest of our lives.”
“I'd never want to wake up.” Alex yawned.
“Me too baby boy, me too.” Jason said and kissed his boyfriend on the forehead softly.