Title: Hot Mess
Pairing: Jason/Mike
Summary: Jason doesn't really care what Mike makes him because it feels good
Rating: NC-17
A/N: Just another drabble =]
Hot Mess
Jason groaned as Michael pushed in harder, deeper, faster. He had never thought that he would succumb to being 'friends with benefits' but as a skilled hand jerked his shaft at a brutally pleasurable pace he couldn't help but love the benefits. He knew there wasn't anything he wouldn't do for Michael. When it come to his best friend he had no inhibitions, not when his teeth were sinking into his shoulder; claiming him. This wasn't him though, it killed him knowing they couldn't be anything more. He wanted to be everything with Michael. He was leaving every piece of his conscious behind. This was all a mess. But as Michael used his body for their pleasure, he didn't mind; it was a hot mess; their hot mess.