Title: Another Time Maybe Pairing: Alex/Michael Summary: Another time, Maybe... it was always another time, maybe Rating: Teen A/N: Based on a true events (I got stood up.. shocker)
Title: Don't Stop Believing Pairing: None Really ... Alex fic mostly Summary: Michael woke up to the sound of singing... Rating: PG A/N: Fluff :) Did the song challenge, put my itunes on shuffle this song came on and wrote it whilst it was on :) x
Title: Perfection Pairing: Alex/Michael, Michael/Andrew Summary: Michael was perfect Rating: PG A/N: Not written how i normally write fics but it just sort of came out this way... MEH.
Title: Finding That Someone Special Summary: Alex hadn't been expecting anyone to come over... Pairing: Alex/Jason Rating: Teen A/N: Loosely based on a true story... mixed it up a bit though... x
Title: Mugging Pairing: Alex/Jason Summary: Alex comes home early to surprise Jason, he's the one that ends up getting surprised; but it's not a good one. Rating: Teen A/N: Thanks to Geo for giving me the promp 'mugging'
Title: Bubble Wrap Summary: 'This is the last time; I give up this heart of mine' Pairing: Alex/Andrew Alex/Michael Rating: Teen A/N: Angst; Song - Bubble Wrap by Mcfly
Title: Wallet Pairing: Andrew/Michael Summary: Michael puts the wallet back in his pocket with a smile on his face Rating: PG A/N: Drabble; prompt by geoorgiaaaa
Title: Midnight Picnic Pairing: Jason/Alex Summary: Alex wants to surprise Jason Rating: PG AN: Based on an IM me and Georgia were doing; only in this Andrew didn't ruin it lolz