It's Enough Now [12/12]

Nov 09, 2010 01:14

Title: It’s Enough Now 
Author: Trance-Faith                            
Rating: M
Pairing: Callie/Arizona
Disclaimer: I do not own Grey’s. All characters in this story sadly do not belong to me; they’re simply being borrowed for a little while, and then will be returned. This story was not written for profit and no copyright infringements are intended.
Author’s Note 1: In terms of Grey’s storyline - this is set after their break up, BUT I altered when they’d broken up, as this is set just before Christmas.

Author’s Note 2: I just wanted to say thank you so much for those who pushed me to make this one shot idea I had, and encourage me to write another 11 chapters. I hope you have enjoyed it, as much as I have writing it. Thank you especially to all the folk over at - you rock!

Other Parts incase you haven’t read them! - 


Beta: No beta was used while I wrote this, so all spelling and grammar mistakes are my own.
 Reviews: Are much wanted please!
Callie’s POV
Her body ached. The ache of the good kind, in which every one of her muscles strained and hurt. Her eyes screwed tight, she stretched out, feeling very muscle screaming in pleasurable pain. She realised Arizona was no longer laid on top of her, as she had been as she’d fallen asleep. Her eyes still closed, a massive grin across her face, she snaked one hand under the covers. Her hand made no contact with skin. Callie’s eyes flew open, her head turned, looking to the space the blonde should have been occupying, but wasn’t, a sense of déjà-vu washing over her. Where was she? The raven woman shot up in a sitting position, her heart pounding as panic set in. Her eyes scanned the room; her own clothes were still littering the floor, the only evidence of their night together. Arizona’s clothes were gone. Had last night not meant what it had to Callie? Her heart was hammering like a drum, on the side of her chest. Her left hand was still on Arizona’s side of the bed, the sheets were cold.

Arizona’s POV - An hour earlier.
The blonde smiled a smile which took over her whole face. It was “the sleeping with a coat hanger in your mouth” kinder smile. She could feel Callie’s slow, calm, rhythmic heart beat from beneath her, while the brunette’s breathing brushed the top of Arizona’s head in periodic intervals. The two women were cocooned by Callie’s side of the blanket, making them both very warm, and toasty. The PEDs’ surgeon was slightly surprised she hadn’t rolled off Callie in the night, but found when she woke, both women were holding on tight to other.

Arizona’s bladder chose this moment to scream its presence. She internally groaned, and wondering how long she could put off moving, before it was essential she had to move. On that thought her bladder gave her a painful metaphorical kick. Yes, she needed to get up, and get up now. She slowly managed to dislodge herself from the arms…and legs of Callie, without causing too much disturbance to the sleeping woman. Clambering her way across the bedroom, she managed to get herself to the bathroom on time.
Once relieving her bladder, she left the bathroom to find Callie still laid on her back, lightly snoring away, a small smile gracing her face. Slowly, and quietly, she made her way around the room collected various discarded items of clothing, Callie had taken from her last night, and threw without care around the room.  The one which made her chuckled most was her bra which was sitting on Callie’s dresser, still fastened. Once she was dressed in everything but her shirt, which she found near the closed door, totally ruined, she made her way back over the sleeping beauty. Kneeling down beside Callie’s side of the bed, she gave the Latina a gentle kiss on the lips, and smiled. The smile, turned into a full force grin, and she fought back a chuckle, as Callie turned to grab her, still asleep. Arizona managed to dodge out of the way, fighting a silent chuckle. The blonde turned grabbing her destroyed shirt, leaving the bedroom.

The first thing Arizona did was slip on the shirt she had borrowed two nights ago, she did not want Mark to be walking in on her, wearing just her bra. She threw away her own shirt, she could have sewn the buttons back on, but if she was honest with herself, she didn’t want to. She was going to make Callie breakfast. She wasn’t as good at cooking as Callie, but she could certainly cook a cooked breakfast. Grabbing the needed ingredients from the fridge, she placed the bacon under the grill, and dropped two eggs into the oiled frying pan.

There was a knocked at the door. Arizona jumped from side to side, debating to answer it or not. Turning down the grill and hob, she made her way across to the door, before opening it. There stood Mark, already fully dressed, and he had a definite evil look in his eye. “What do you want Mark?” whispered Arizona, as she walked slowly back to the oven, turning everything back up. She heard the door close behind her, as Mark spoke, “Is Cal up yet?” “No, so Shhh”, Arizona responded with a glare. Mark seemed to deflate slightly, before a grin took over his face. “What?” the blonde asked, knowing whatever he was about to say was not going to be good, if he could look that happy. Something white came flying threw the air at her, missing her by inches.

Callie’s POV
A scream sounded through the whole apartment. A scream Callie knew. Jumping out of bed, Callie grabbed her dressing gown which was hanging on the back of the door. Throwing it on, and fastening it, she opened the door to find Mark standing close to the front door, while Arizona was stood on one leg, with a large amount of what looked like snow on the floor in front of her.

Arizona’s POV
Annoyance flowed through her veins. Annoyance at the man stood before her and at herself for allowing the scream to pass her lips. She heard movement from her left hand side, and turned her head to see Callie wrapped in her black silk dressing gown. She also saw shock, happiness and confusion dance across her face, in quick concession. Arizona just bent down picking up the pile of snow on the floor and threw it back at him, “You woke her up!” Mark just laughed, before stating, “Actually I think it was you, with your girlie scream”. The blonde wished she could argue with him, but knew he was probably right, so simply glared. Mark to his credit did look a little concerned, and shuffled backwards towards the door.

Callie walked straight past her, and past Mark, opening the door, she simply pointed out of the apartment. Mark looked like a child being told off, and scowled at Arizona as if it was her fault he was being punished. Arizona couldn’t help but grin, as Callie shut the door behind him. The younger woman didn’t look her in the eye was she walked over to the sink, grabbed a cloth and mopped up the now melting snow. The blonde instantly felt butterflies in her stomach, turning around she saw the two eggs looking at her as they fried. “Sorry if I woke you up, I just got a shock” Arizona said in general to the room. She jumped slightly as she felt Callie’s arm wrap themselves around her waist, and her chin rest on her shoulder. “It’s okay I was already awake”, the woman behind her said in a small voice. Arizona switched off the hob, seeing the eggs were done, a little crisper than she’d wanted them to be around the edges but okay none the less, and the grill was turned off, regardless whether the bacon was done or not, it was clear something was wrong.
The blonde turned slightly to look at the other woman, when she saw tears threatening to flow from the darker eyes. “Hey” the smaller woman whispered gently, turning completely wrapping the woman closer to her, one hand gripping her waist, the other on the opposite shoulder blade. “What’s a matter?” murmured into the mass of Callie’s hair, her face was now pressed into. It was then, Callie started to cry. The sobs weren’t completely sad, and the slightly smile on the Latina’s face that she could feel, told her; it wasn’t all bad tears either. “I thought you’d gone”, Callie managed to get out, in a hoarse voice. The small woman sighed slightly, turning her head to kiss the place of Callie’s head she could reach, before pulling her face away, to make eye contact with the other woman.

“I will keep saying this until you believe me, okay. I am not going anywhere”, the blonde emphasised the final word, pleading with her eyes, that she would believe her. Callie made a straggled sort of noise before burying her face into the blonde’s shoulder, but she felt the definite nod. The pair stood for a good five minutes in the same position, just holding each other. Callie’s breathing had soon evened back out, but both were simply enjoying the contact. “I had made you breakfast, but it’s probably burnt or getting cold”, Arizona said into Callie’s hair, and felt the woman chuckle. “You made me breakfast?” the dark haired woman asked sounding surprised as she stood up straight. “Yeah, I had wanted it to be a surprise. Christmas breakfast in bed. That was ruined.” Arizona said glaring at a Mark figure only she could see.
“No, not ruined, just delayed”, Callie gave her a massive smile, making her heart skip. “You go and sit on the couch and ill dish up” the other woman suggested. Arizona went to object, but received a look, which said don’t mess with me, and sighed, turning around. Callie chuckled, and Arizona wouldn’t help but smile. “Aren’t you having some?” the raven asked. “No, wasn’t hungry”, she lied. She wasn’t about to admit that there wasn’t enough in the fridge for them both to have it, which was also why Callie was about to eat a breakfast of eggs and bacon.

It didn’t take long for the food to be eaten, mainly because Callie had taken it upon herself, that Arizona was in fact hungry, and kept feeding her bit of her breakfast. The plate was soon discarded on the floor, as the women lay on the couch; the younger woman was laid with one leg on the sofa as Arizona lay with her head resting on Callie’s chest. Arizona would have quite happily fallen asleep, and if the woman she was laid on didn’t stop playing her hair like that, she soon would be. Trying to keep awake, Arizona let her eyes wander, and saw something black on top the radiator. Confused, she stood, hearing Callie’s disappointed noise, and walked towards the radiator. “Why is your cell on the radiator?” the PEDs’ surgeon asked, genuinely confused. “Err…Yesterday; I kinder…dropped it in the snow. It rang, and I dropped it, I didn’t even get to see who it was. And now it doesn’t work” Callie said in a disappointed voice. The blonde closed her eyes, hoping against hope she was not about to get the answer, she knew instinctively she would, “What time did you drop it?” Callie opened her mouth, and then shut it again, trying to remember, “about….twelve thiiirty maybe?” Crap, was Arizona only mental thought. “Sorry…but I think that was me”, she replied sheepishly. “You rang?” Callie looked surprised, and quite happy. “Well yeah…just explaining why I’d left, and see if you were okay. But it went to your voicemail, so I just left a message. I guess I know now why you didn’t reply” she said simply. The lips on hers seemed to meld to her own perfectly, and caught her off guard slightly. When the raven pulled away, Arizona saw her grinning from ear to ear. “We’re going outside later” she stated, the blonde could tell from her tone, it was a statement not a question. “Are we?” she simple asked back. “Yes, and we’re going to have a snowball fight, and make a snowman”, she grinned obviously seeing Arizona wasn’t liking the idea. ““Hey, it’s not my fault you had a snowball fight with Mark” she flew at her in a teasing fashion. “Arghhhh but it’s cold!” Arizona drawled slightly. Callie drew her in even tighter, bending down slightly to whisper in the blonde’s ear, “What if I promise to warm you up

afterwards?” The older woman gulped slightly at the pure seductiveness of the tone of Callie’s words, and nodded in confirmation. Callie pulled away with a grin, and started to walk away, to which Arizona sighed and shot back in fake annoyance, “You’re such a child”. The Latina turned with a smirk, which soon fell. “What we said last night…I like this. Us I mean. We don’t need kids just yet. Right?” Callie sounded so unsure of herself, of what reaction she was going to get, it made Arizona’s stomach giddy. The blonde walked the several steps the other woman had just taken, lifting one hand to the cheek of her love, before placing a small kiss on her lips. Arizona gave Callie a smile which she knew would rest the taller woman’s nerves, before stating, knowingly, “Calliope, Us, for this moment? It’s enough now”.

art: fanfiction, fanfic: callie/arizona

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