It's Enough Now [4/?]

Oct 25, 2010 01:17

Title: It’s Enough Now

Author: Trance-Faith

Rating: M

Pairing: Callie/Arizona

Disclaimer: I do not own Grey’s. All characters in this story sadly do not belong to me; they’re simply being borrowed for a little while, and then will be returned. This story was not written for profit and no copyright infringements are intended.

Other Parts incase you haven’t read them! -


Author’s Note: In terms of Grey’s storyline - this is set after their break up, BUT I altered when they’d broken up, as this is set just before Christmas.

Beta: No beta was used while I wrote this, so all spelling and grammar mistakes are my own.

Reviews: Are much wanted please!

Arizona’s POV

The blonde leant back again, resting her head against the hard bark behind her, trying to calm herself, and her breathing. Maybe Callie would talk to her, if given the chance. Arizona lost herself in thought watching the taller woman walk, the sway of her hips as the walked, and the way her body moved as she swerved out of the way of people. Arizona closed her eyes gently; she had to stop doing this to herself. She believed they could be friends, good friends even, but that was impossible, if every time she saw her, she wanted to take her in arms, kiss her senseless and never let her go.

Arizona heard movement from her right, and was instantly confused; Callie couldn’t have been that quick. Her eyes shot open, falling on a young boy who must have been about nine or ten years old. “Excuse me, miss?” he said with a smile, and it was now she noted he had a hand full of white flowers. He pulled one free from the bunch, and grinned even further, offered it to Arizona, stating, “Merry Christmas”. The blonde took it with a small smile, “Thank you, Merry Christmas to you too”. The young boy smiled, and skipped off after another small group of woman, trying to pull the correct number of flowers free, while trying to not drop them all over the floor. Arizona couldn’t help but chuckle at him. Looking down at the single flower, she realised it was a lily, Callie’s favourite flower. A painful twinge tug at her heart, at the thought of the woman she loved. She honestly believed Callie had felt as she did, as they’d kissed outside the raven’s apartment. It never occurred to her, that she would be trying to stay away from her instead.

Callie’s POV

The surgeon could feel the blonde’s eyes burning into her as she walked away. She understood why she’d looked away, but wished so badly she hadn’t. Callie wished she could tell the blonde what was wrong, why she hadn’t talked to her in the last few days. She wished she could take comfort in the older surgeon’s arms, that it could solve all their problems. She mindlessly weaved between the crowds, towards one of the stands, ordering two white coffees. After paying for the two drinks, she began to walk back, and could see the small blonde shape beneath the tree she’d left her beneath. Her breathing quickened, she didn’t know if she could just be Arizona’s friend. To be that close, and not touch…she knew it was going to drive her insane. This was one of the reasons she’d stayed away. Arizona seemed to be lost in thought, with her head down, and hands playing with something. Getting closer she saw it was a single lily. “Err…Nice flower”, Callie said, causing the PEDs surgeon to jump slightly in fright. The younger surgeon placed their coffees next to Arizona, sitting down on their other side. “Some kid was handing them out”, Arizona explained, turning towards her. “Oh damn, I want one”, Callie said in a mocking upset voice. Arizona’s eyes rose to her own, causing all teasing to stop, “Here have mine.” The blond passed her the pale flower, Callie went to argue but Arizona stopped her before she could speak, “No, really. You have it, lilies are your favourite”. Callie swallowed, and nodded slightly with a smile, taking the small flower. It was true, they were her favourite.

Callie swirled the lily gently in one hand, while watching the people across the way, talking, laughing and generally having a good time. “You think they’ll ever come back for us?” Arizona threw Callie’s way, causing her to chuckle out loud. “Once Yang’s got her stomach filled, they’ll come back.” The raven haired woman wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or not. Okay things were awkward at times between them, but they were proving they could be in the same place at the same time, without causing a fuse. Maybe they could be friends. With that thought her heart sunk, didn’t want to be just friends. More for something to do, Callie picked up the coffee cup nearest her and gestured Arizona to do the same, which she did. Both women sighed contently as they took their first sip of the hot liquid. Callie looked over at the woman next to her, seeing movement out of the corner of her eye, and was met with the sight that she was looking at her with an odd look on her face. Callie would have laughed, if things were okay between them, she looked so adorable when she was thinking. It was obvious Arizona felt as awkward as she did. Arizona ran her tongue absent minded traced her lower lip, debating what to say. Callie looked down at her flower, willing herself not to get lost in the eyes looking straight at her.

It was at this point Arizona broke their silence, “Did you know different flowers, have different meanings?” Callie raised her head, with her signature eye brown lift. “Don’t look at me like that. It’s true. I once saw this film, which mentioned it, so I looked up some of them”, said Arizona defensively. “Really? Like what?” Callie heard her own voice full of scepticism. Arizona rolled her eyes as she thought, “Err…like roses, red means love, yellow friendship, that kind of thing”. Callie smiled slightly, “Wow didn’t know flowers meant so much. You know anymore?” Arizona was talking to her, she wasn’t going to mess it up, so was inviting her to say more. Arizona let out a sigh, “Err…Ah I remember moss, is like motherly love or something”, she said with a small chuckle, causing Callie to laugh fully out loud. “If my mother gave me moss, I’d never speak to her again”, Callie couldn’t stop chuckling. “Anymore?” Callie gave her an encouraging nudge. “Oh! Heather means - wishes will come true” Arizona nodded to herself, seeming pleased she’d remembered so many. “So you can have flowers mean, actual things too, not just words?” Arizona nodded, “Yep. Liiiiiike, white rose buds mean “I am worthy of you or you're heavenly”. Callie saw the blush rise in the blonde’s cheeks as she took gulp of coffee, effectively breaking eye contact with her. Not wanting Arizona to feel embarrassed she continued on,” What do lilies mean?” she asked swirling the flower in between her fingers. She saw the blonde freeze, and glance up at her from above the rim of her cup. “Err… I can’t remember,” came the obvious lie. “Arizona…” Callie warned. The blue eyes before widened slightly, in fake innocence, “What? I can’t remember.” Callie took a shaky breathe, “Just tell me it’s not something like, I hope you die a horrible death”, she gave an empty chuckle. Arizona’s eyes widened even further, lowing the offended coffee cup, “No! It means…oh god…” Arizona lowered her head, and mumbled something. “Hmmmm…sorry what was that?” Callie asked. “They…” Arizona’s rose to meet Callie’s and she saw a look…vulnerability, “they mean - I dare you to love me.”

Callie’s heart slammed against her ribcage, her eye remained looking into Arizona’s, as if daring her to look away. She felt her mouth open to say something, but the words were lost on their way out. She didn’t know what to say to the woman sitting in front her. Something which could allow the blonde to forgive her clear avoidance of the last few days, to make her understand, but nothing came.

Arizona’s POV

“TORRES! ROBBINS!” came the shout of Cristina Yang. Both women whipped around to see the woman shouting their name, walking towards them, slowly followed by Teddy. Cristina came to a halt in front of them, “Just so you know we’re going back to ours”, she pointed vaguely in Callie’s direction, “and having some drinks. “ The younger surgeon was making it clear she didn’t have a choice in the matter. Arizona looked over at Teddy who gave her a very small apologetic smile. “I’m still on call, so I can’t drink. But I’m more than happy to come round.” Teddy said to the whole group, “I’m more than happy to drop you off later on aswell”, she waved her hand in Arizona’s direction. “Come on it’s settled, get up” Cristina stated, before walking back towards the car with Teddy at her side. Arizona sat slightly opened mouthed after the two women, when she realised Callie was offering her hand, to pull her up. “Thanks”, she said quietly, brushing her pants off and picking up her cup from the ground, and aiming it at the bin a few feet away. Rather surprised when it went in. She heard rather than saw, Callie chuckle slightly behind her, and saw her coffee cup fly passed her ear and land noisily in the bin. “Show off”, Arizona stated in mock annoyed voice, before following the other surgeons. Getting drunk tonight in Callie’s presence, she knew was a bad idea.

art: fanfiction, fanfic: callie/arizona

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