It's Enough Now [8/?]

Oct 29, 2010 01:00

Title: It’s Enough Now

Author: Trance-Faith

Rating: M

Pairing: Callie/Arizona

Disclaimer: I do not own Grey’s. All characters in this story sadly do not belong to me; they’re simply being borrowed for a little while, and then will be returned. This story was not written for profit and no copyright infringements are intended.

Other Parts incase you haven’t read them!


Author’s Note 1: In terms of Grey’s storyline - this is set after their break up, BUT I altered when they’d broken up, as this is set just before Christmas.

Author’s Note 2: I hope this makes up for chapter 7…I know it’s shorter than my other ones, but I had people begging me for more! So what do you think Callie’s plan is?

Beta: No beta was used while I wrote this, so all spelling and grammar mistakes are my own.

Reviews: Are much wanted please!

Arizona’s POV

So far her day was slow, though the kids were very excited for Christmas, and so far she didn’t have any surgeries planned. Strolling into the locker room during her break, she went into her locker, pulling out her cell; she saw she had two missed calls from Callie. A grin graced her face, as clicked to call her back; all that she heard was Callie’s voicemail. Sighing slightly, she waited for woman’s recorded message to end, before saying, “Hey Calliope. Sorry about this morning, I hope you’re okay. As its Christmas Eve…day, I was meant to be at the hospital an hour earlier than usual… presents for the tiny humans. Err…can you text me or something if I can come over, I was hoping we could talk, when I finish here. Nothing bad! All good, but can you let me know. Anyway got to go. I love you Calliope”. Pressing the end call button, she put her cell back into her locker, closed the door, and left to do the rest of her shift, she hoped it wouldn’t be too long.

Callie’s POV

Wrapping herself up in a long jacket, scarf, gloves the works, Callie left her apartment building, trying her hardest not to fall on the black ice just outside the main doors. She’d spent at least two hours, researching her plan, and firmly believed she was sorted, and knew what she had to do. She had even written herself a list of what she needed, which was clutched in one hand. Her phone began to go off in her pocket, frantically she tried to pull it out, “Hang on. Hang on” she said madly to thin air, as if the person could hear her. As she managed to pull her cell free of her jeans’ pocket, the phone slipped, falling to the floor, the back of her phone, and battery flying off. “No!” Callie huffed with annoyance, picking up the offending pieces. She managed to put the battery back in, and the back on, which was a difficult task, as her gloves weren’t very accommodating. Turning the phone back on, she could see tell something was wrong, when the screen got stuck on her service providers’ name. “Shit!” she exclaimed, trying to press any buttons at random. It did no good. Callie resisted the urge to throw the phone in the pile of snow at the side of the road, but decided against, shoving the broken object into her pocket, with a frustrated sigh. Callie would just have to hurry up and do what she needed to, and try to fix it when she got home.

Arizona’s POV

She had managed to get one of the residences from a different department to dress up like Santa, so the children wouldn’t recognise him. It had gone well. The preparation this year and last had been hell, but she realised seeing the joy on the kids’ faces it was worth it. Thankfully this year no child had complaint about what they had gotten, there hadn’t been last year either, but all the same it still worried Arizona that one would.

At the end of her shift, she went to the locker room, hoping to have a call or text from the raven haired surgeon. Opening her phone, she saw none; the smile on her face fell. Maybe she just hadn’t looked at her phone. She knew, just like a lot of the doctors at the hospital she would put her phone on silent, would forget to change it back

Arizona heard a noise from behind her, glancing over her shoulder she saw Teddy. She was stood looking rather worried, Arizona turned away with a huge grin on her face. This would be fun…The smaller woman turned to face Teddy, with no trace of the previous smile left on her face. “You set me up”, it was a statement, not a question. Teddy’s eyes widened, “I…I…I’m sorry Arizona. It was Cristina’s idea, we were only trying to help,” was her defence. Arizona couldn’t help it, with the horrified look on Teddy’s face, the PEDs surgeon burst out laughing. “Hmmm, sorry.” Arizona chuckled, before continuing, “Thank you”, she finished with a nod. Teddy smiled an unsure smile, “Can you give me lift back to mine? I’ll fill you in on what happened after you left”, Arizona asked, and on receiving a nod, the two blondes left together.

Callie’s POV

She was disappointed; they didn’t have all the ones she wanted. If fact some of them they’d never heard of. However she was happy with the ones she’d gotten. She had also dropped into the shop which she had bought her cell from, they had suggested that maybe some water had gotten into the mechanics of the phone, when it had dropped onto the snow. They’re advice was to try to dry it out on a radiator, if this didn’t work to come back and get a new phone. She doubted it would work, but she’d try it when she got home.

Callie was quickly regretting her decision to drive over to Arizona’s apartment in this weather, thankfully it hadn’t snowed anymore, and it was just very icy.  She thanked god repeatly when she pulled into the car park of Arizona’s building, she decided she would leave them in the car, while she checked whether the blonde was home. After banging on her door multiple times, she concluded she wasn’t, apart of her was disappointed… Reaching up, she found the small key Arizona had told her she’d hidden if she was ever locked out, as far as she knew, herself and the blonde were the only ones who knew its location. Making two journeys to her and from her car collected everything she needed, and began setting up.

Arizona’s POV

“She said she didn’t want kids, she only wanted me”, Arizona told the woman next to her. Teddy was clearly confused, “You say that like it’s a bad thing?” she said. Arizona sighed, “No not a bad thing, but she’s always wanted kids. That’s why I left. And then the other night…I realised, I want that. I want the house, the white picket fence…and the kids, with her”. “How did she react when you told her? Wait, the other day!” Teddy shot her an extremely confused look. “Argh! Teddy keep your eyes on the road! Yes I realised the other day. The day of the cards…” Arizona blushed slightly; Teddy had been the only person she’d told about the cards. Teddy grinned and nodded, “go on” she prompted. “But then Callie avoided me for days, and then last night was the first time I’d seen her”, Arizona added. The woman driving opened and closed her mouth several times, “So what did you say after she said she didn’t want kids?” Arizona didn’t say anything for several moments, “Nothing. She begged me not to say anything.” Teddy shot her another terrified look. “What?” Arizona said defensively. “Have you just started dating Callie?” Teddy said, now causing Arizona to be the confused one. “From what you said, Callie confessed her undying love for you, said she’d give up her dream of ever having kids, and you said nothing. THEN walked out this morning without saying anything to her”, the taller woman finished. The PEDs surgeon sat opened mouthed, she hadn’t thought about it that way, “But she wasn’t well, and I was late. I told Cristina to tell her I had go, and I was sorry. I even called her on my break explaining why I had to go.” The realisation hit Arizona square in the chest, that’s why she never called her back.  Teddy must have guessed she’d understood because she gave her a sympathetic look, as they turned into the car park of Arizona’s building. “Thank you”, the smaller blonde told the other woman, knowing she understood, she meant for the ride, and her words. Teddy gave her a small nod, before pulling away, and driving off. Taking the lift her floor, she mentally made a list of things she had to do, before she went over to Callie’s. Even though she hadn’t got a call back from the raven surgeon, she was going over, once she was changed. Putting the key into the lock, and opening the door, Arizona’s mouth dropped at the sight before her.

art: fanfiction, fanfic: callie/arizona

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