Maintenance Monday

Feb 08, 2010 22:13

Toppling the TBR Pile

I've noticed that I'm not the only book blogger who is bound and determined to strangle their book-buying habits and work on their TBR pile instead. In the past, working on the pile was difficult for me, because I based my reading habits on moods, which meant I let a LOT of certain genres pile up without a second glance. Now that I've made it a goal to put a dent in the pile, I'm having fun, and here's why.

I've explained my current reading method in a review, but I thought it'd be more fun to explain here, with pictures! For the first time, you'll get to see a glimpse of my infamous lists! Are you excited? You should be!

I started my "Books Bought" spreadsheet in August of 2008. Mind you, that leaves a stretch of pre-2008 time (notably between 2005 and pre-August 2008, when I bought books and didn't officially record them on a list) where I won't be paying attention to certain titles unless they're part of a challenge, but I'll get to that. The point is, starting in August of 2008, I made a list showing the date I bought the book, the name of said book, the author, place of purchase, and whether or not I've read it. The plan is to work from the top of the 2008 list and the bottom of the 2009 list and alternate titles between the two (interrupting, of course, for challenges) until I meet in the middle. Now, let's have fun with pictures!

Here's the top of the 2008 list (click the image for a bigger picture):

With 2008, you can see my next read is Stephenie Meyer's Breaking Dawn, and from there, we've got Galen Beckett's The Magicians and Mrs. Quent and Megan Whalen Turner's The King of Attolia

Here's the bottom of the 2009 list (click the image for a bigger picture):

On this list, the next read is Markus Zusak's The Book Thief, and from there, Keri Sperring's Living with Ghosts and Ben Peek's Black Sheep.

Of course, this order will often be interrupted with Book Club selections and my challenges with digitalclone and emerald_ibis. But I have to say, it's kind of nice to be able to consult a list and go from there, you know? It makes me think that I might try making a new list once I work through these two, maybe alternate my remaining 2010 titles (because you KNOW I'm going to break and sneak in a 2010 title here and there) with my pre-August 2008 titles. We'll see what's left once these two lists are complete, but it's fun. Of course, I would think it's fun, since I have WAY too much fun with lists.

Those of you working through your own TBR piles, what's your method, if any?
Book Club Selections

February: Kindred by Octavia E. Butler
March: To Say Nothing of the Dog by Connie Willis

April: Theme: Stand-Alone, Non-Traditional Fantasy by Women Writers. VOTE NOW, because right now? We're at a tie! Just click here to check out the choices and vote!

Book Sale: New titles added! Details are here.

Upcoming Reviews: Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher (it's almost done!)

Currently Reading: Children of God by Mary Doria Russell (I know, I was reading this last week, but the print is tiny and packed, and it was a busy week; this book will take some time, so I apologize in advance for the coming lack of reviews)

2010 Reading Total: 11 out of 50 (once I hit 50, I'll move that number up to 75).

2010 Comics Total: 40 out of 365. I read an extra book this last week. :) #41 will be tonight!

blog: miscellaneous, blog: weekend update,

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