Maintenance Monday

Feb 08, 2010 22:13

Toppling the TBR PileI've noticed that I'm not the only book blogger who is bound and determined to strangle their book-buying habits and work on their TBR pile instead. In the past, working on the pile was difficult for me, because I based my reading habits on moods, which meant I let a LOT of certain genres pile up without a second glance. Now ( Read more... )

blog: miscellaneous, blog: weekend update,

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Comments 9

craving_vintage February 9 2010, 04:04:56 UTC
Those of you working through your own TBR piles, what's your method, if any?

I wish I was this organized when it comes to my TBR pile. I'm so lazy. lol

I just keep up with it on Shelfari.


crowinator February 9 2010, 05:28:23 UTC
Yay, The King of Attolia! I have mentioned on my journal many times how much I love this series, and this one is probably the most well written. The second one is actually my favorite but this is the one I thing is shows her skills in character development and point of view the most.

Also, To Say Nothing of the Dog is also one of my all-time favorite reads. I read it at least once a year. It's genius! So you have some awesome books lined up!

I never have time to get through my TBR pile because of my book review schedule. Some books have been on there so long...maybe I should start making an effort to read one a month or something. I have quite a long spreadsheet and now I have a ton listed on my Goodreads too.


crowinator February 9 2010, 05:29:16 UTC
That would be "think", not "thing", obviously.


jawastew February 9 2010, 06:32:36 UTC
It's unwise of me to label my TBR process once the books are in my possession because it's more haphazard (mostly, I go by what I "feel" like reading) than it is organized. I try to read ARCS first, as I get them, and newer releases, but the only guaranteed pattern is Star Wars books. No matter what I plan on reading next, if a new Star Wars book comes out, it comes first.

Lately I've been alternating, like you, between books I've had for awhile and newer ones because, well, some of them have been there for awhile. It's also refreshing so I don't gorge and OD on any one genre. :D


booksforfood February 9 2010, 11:51:15 UTC
I too am far too fond of lists. I keep an annual book list, although now instead of date order, I arrange it by genre and alphabet. I did keep an entertainment list as well, but I tried to stop myself from doing it this year ( ... )


shanra February 9 2010, 12:16:55 UTC
I don't suppose "Make sure I don't make my pile bigger!" is an answer ( ... )


shanra February 9 2010, 12:48:52 UTC
For listy fun and curiosity purposes, using has turned my TBR pile from this into this:

The Harp of the Grey Rose by Charles de Lint
Mythology of the Celtic People by Charles Squire
Arthur and George by Julian Barnes
Song Yet Sung by James McBride
Arthur and the Sovereignty of Britain by Caitlin Matthews
Blood and Iron by Elizabeth Bear
Hasse Simonsdochter by Thea Beckman
Wildwood Dancing by Juliette Marillier
Warrior by Marie Brennan
Wise Child by Monica Furlong

Now I have my severely reduced TBR-pile, it doesn't really matter whether I read the results in the order I got them in. When I get stuck, I now have a list of options that's smaller and more manageable than the full pile. ^-^

I'll vary them with other books I've no doubt, but those are now the ones to pick from when I get indecisive. ^-~

This method can also help me pick out books that would otherwise languish on the pile for 'not being fantasy' or for 'being non-fiction'. ^-~


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