Maintenance Monday

Jan 11, 2010 23:13

Lists, Lists, and More Lists!

So I'm pretty detail-oriented when I'm interested in said details. In an effort to actually keep track of the books I read, in 2005 I made a list that's turned into the annual book list you see here. But that wasn't enough. See, I love using Excel (despite that fact that evil Microsoft makes it), and I created a "Book Tally" file so that I could easily count EXACTLY how many books I'd read per year. And it didn't stop there. The "Book Tally" list has turned into "Entertainment Tallies," which details not just the books I've read, but which movies I've watched (either in the theater or at home), which television shows and their respective seasons I'm following, and just this year, I added a music column, so I could remember which albums I've bought by year's end. There's also a "Books Bought" spreadsheet, so I can keep track of what I'm buying, when I'm buying it, where I'm buying it at, and most important, a "yes-or-no" column so that I can keep track of whether I've read it yet.

But Saturday night was the kicker: I created a new spreadsheet: "TBR Book List." I realize now that TBR could stand for "to-be-read" but I intended it as "to-be-released" so I can keep track of all of my favorite authors/series and know EXACTLY when they're coming out with the latest offering. The tally so far for January? Seven so releases so far. That doesn't mean I'm going to go out and buy them, but it's nice being able to go to one place and decide which books I have to have ASAP, and which books I can wait on.

I'm such a dweeb. :)

What about you? Do you have a list to keep track of your reading? What about something to help you keep track of your favorite authors? Come on, I can't be the only one out there who does this!

Or can I? :)
Book Club Selections

January: The Adoration of Jenna Fox by Mary E. Pearson
February: Kindred by Octavia E. Butler

March's poll will be coming sometime this month, so stay tuned! And I'll give you a hint: if you've been waiting for SF, you're going to be very happy (unless you've read all the choices, which is highly possible).

TOP TEN GIVEAWAY!!!: have you entered yet? I don't quite have enough entries to qualify for multiple winners yet, so please, if you haven't entered, do so! Details are here.

Speaking of giveaways..., Book Love Affair is hosting a dual giveaway at her blog, and you've got multiple chances to win a copy of either Justine Larbalestier's How To Ditch Your Fairy or a personal favorite of mine, John Scalzi's Old Man's War! Interested? Just click here: here.

Book Sale: still going on. Details are here.

Upcoming Reviews: NONE!!! Not unless you count The Adoration of Jenna Fox by Mary E. Pearson, but you won't get that one until 1/31/10, so you probably shouldn't. It's an excellent read though, so if you haven't read it, I highly encourage you to do so.

Currently Reading: The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon

2010 Reading Total: 3 out of 50 (once I hit 50, I'll move that number up to 75).

2010 Comics Total: 10 out of 365 (I'll reading #11 tonight).

blog: miscellaneous, blog: weekend update,

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