In this LJ, you can pretty much guarantee that if I'm reviewing it, I've bought it. There's the rare exception, but for the most part, my books are bought. And I buy far more than I read, which is a bad, bad habit that I'm trying to curb. Maybe it'll be my New Year's Resolution?
But until then, I've got a lot of books and no shelves. The shelves we're trying to work on, but that still leaves me with a TON of books. And I decided that when I do get my mythical shelves one day, I'm not going to have NEAR enough room to fit everything. And then I looked at some of the books I've got in my collection and realized that some of this stuff? I don't want to keep anyway.
So just in time for the holidays (ha!), I'm having a book sale. :)
What I'm getting rid of is all over the board in terms of genres and reviews. Some books I haven't even read at all. They were books I was super-excited to get but never read, and the excitement has waned so much over time that I have no interest in them what-so-ever. Some books I've read and didn't care for, whereas others I've read and liked, but really don't see myself reading again, which means I don't want said books taking up space on my mythical shelves. :)
Genre-wise, there's everything from classics to text books to television tie-in stuff to science fiction, fantasy, horror, urban fantasy, and YA. Short stories and novels. Writing Literature. Seriously, there's a little bit of everything.
Interested in browsing? Here's the link: Each entry has the price as well as any special notes regarding that particular book (if it's signed, etc); you'll note that some books are "shipping only" because I got those for free and don't feel right making a profit off of them.
Cool! So what do I do if I want something?
1) Email me at with the subject heading "Book Sale".
2) In the email, give me the following:
--the names of the books you want
--your mailing address
--whether or not you'd like me to insure the package (in case the post office loses it, everyone gets reimbursed; if you don't insure the package, you'll still get reimbursed, but I'm out of luck.*sad face* )
--if you're paying with PayPal, your PayPal email address
3) Once I get your list, I'll package it up and take it to the post office to find out how much shipping costs (with insurance, if you want it). I will always take the cheapest shipping, be it first class or media mail. I will then send you a PayPal invoice with the total with shipping (and insurance, if you request it) and wait for 1) your approval and 2) your payment before sending the package off to you.
Note: approval is so that you have a chance to change your mind. Maybe shipping's more than you thought it would be, or maybe you've changed your mind about the title. Once you approve the purchase and send me the money, I'll send the package.
Note about shipping: the more you buy, the more you'll save. Seriously. Media mail is pretty cheap when sending multiple books. Obviously, that only applies if you live in the US.
Speaking of which, will you ship outside of the US?
The short answer is yes. After all, you're paying for it. But please know that shipping outside of the US is higher than shipping within the US, so--depending on where you live in the world--the money you save on the books you may end up spending for shipping. It's your call, and that's why I wait for your approval and payment before shipping. :)
4) To pay, you have a couple of options: you can either write me a check or use PayPal. I have no preference, just note that checks will take longer to arrive, which means you'll have to wait longer for me to ship your books. Which I don't mind doing, as long as you don't. ;)
5) Once I ship the books, I'll let you know the shipping date. Please return the favor by letting me know when the package arrives, so I don't have to sweat it. Especially this time of year when there's so much getting mailed. :)
What happens if I request a book that someone else has already requested?
Once a book is requested, I'll move it off the "for sale" list, so hopefully this won't happen too much. However, if I get two emails at the same time requesting the same book, I'll use the time-stamp on the email to determine who gets it first. If that first person passes, I'll let you know the book is available.
How long does this book sale last?
That depends on how popular it is. Once it reaches the point where I'm not moving certain titles, I'll put them on Amazon used to see how that goes, and if that doesn't work, I'll seek out a local used book seller and hope for the best.
Will you do one of these again?
Most likely. After all, I'm a chronic book-buyer and there's always going to be books that I read and think, "Okay, I don't need to keep this." So there will probably be another book sale or two in the future. When those book sales might be, though, I don't know.
What if I have a question about a book?
Ask in your email! Most of these books should be considered used, but most are in good to very good to new shape. If you're concerned about condition, just ask and I'll look the book over for you.
That should cover it. If you have any questions, shoot me an email OR comment to this post. I'll be happy to answer whatever questions/concerns you might have.
Thanks for your time!