VOTE: April Challenge

Feb 02, 2010 19:54

Whereas March's theme was difficult to finally figure out, April's came to me right away. Although, I'm not exactly sure what to call it. :)

The theme: Stand-Alone, Non-Traditional Fantasy by Women Writers

I'll go ahead and warn you: the reason this particular theme came to me easily is because I was browsing my LibraryThing and already had all the books! But more notably, they just seem to go together. None of these authors get NEAR enough attention for their work, though I'll admit I've read three of them before. Some of these are more modern fantasy, and some of these are simply set in their own little worlds, but I doubt ANY of these are what you'd consider traditional, secondary world fantasy. But since I haven't read them yet, I could be wrong. So, let's figure out what we're reading.

Also, these links will NOT take you to Amazon. I'm supporting other retailers for the time being due to Amazon's major fail with Macmillan.

Ekaterina Sedia: The Alchemy of Stone
Jennifer Stevenson: Trash Sex Magic
Catherynne M. Valente: Palimpsest
Kit Whitfield: In Great Waters

Remember, pick the book that interests you the most. Even if this isn't your genre of choice, the idea is to challenge yourself. Read something new. You never know, you might like it. :)

Know what you want to read? Then it's time to vote!

Poll April Challenge

Please note, I will not vote unless it is to break a tie.

You've got until midnight, Tuesday February 9th to make your decision. Vote for the book that YOU want to read the most, and if you're torn, tough. You gotta pick one. :) If you've already read ALL of the books, pick the one you'd most like to re-read. If you're not participating, then maybe next month will bring something more to your liking. :)

I'll announce the official winner on February 10th, so don't pick up your copy (whether you buy or borrow) until I make it official. Unless, of course, all of these books are so appealing to you that you must have them all. In that case, have fun and start reading! :)

blog: polls, blog: book club

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