4x02: Verbal Ex-lax :D

Sep 29, 2008 12:44

I’m going to try something different for my recap and see how the running-commentary approach works.

Pass the Imodium please )

episode reaction, spn, 4x02

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Comments 50

mtee September 29 2008, 20:08:22 UTC
I love reading everyone's take. They are so much more intelligent than my thoughts after the show. "Damn Jensen was beautiful and I love when Dean gets whumped"

Although I did have an additional thought and that was ---- You bad mouthed the angel one too may times -- don't piss him off!

Castiels little threat at the end was great. Show him some respect is right.

I don't have problems with bringing God into the picture - we are now bringing in Lucifer -- ying and yang. Nice balance. I can't see them getting preachy.

I think we will see (as many have mentioned) the war between good and evil with humans being acceptable collateral damage.

The big question -- where does Sam fit in this picture -- which side? Or will Dean be able to GET TO Sam before the final conflict.


bowtrunckle October 1 2008, 19:00:47 UTC
You bad mouthed the angel one too may times -- don't piss him off!

Castiel exerting some divine whoopage was terrific. I think it's esp. interesting considering Dean doesn't listen to anyone without the Winchester surname and sometimes Bobby. I think Castiel is here to stay and is going to turn Dean's world UPSIDE DOWN.

I can't see them getting preachy.

I hope you're right.

where does Sam fit in this picture

That, I think, is going to be The Big Question this season. I hope we get a peek into Sam's head soon. I've been waiting patiently since "Mystery Spot" to see what's going on with him. Also, I'm curious about what Ruby and Sam were up to over the summer. I smell a huge plot twist.

will Dean be able to GET TO Sam before the final conflict.

I think the final conflict this season will be Sam and Dean. It'll ramp us up for S5 when the entire mytharc will explode with our epic battle of good vs. evil. :)


Part 1 llywela13 September 29 2008, 20:29:48 UTC

Man, I love running commentary, but, you know...

I need to stop commenting because I already have two pages and it’s only been 3.5 minutes and the boys haven’t shown up. This running commentary thing exacerbates my verbal diarrhea.
This is how my 30+ pages of recap started out. Just warning you! *G* Speaking of, I'm well under way with that - into the editing and polishing stages, so now must resist the urge to just repeat here everything I have already written there, because you've made so many of the same points!

Has anyone else wondered how the shot of Dean digging himself out of his grave was set up? Did they actually bury JA or did Kim Manners make him lie down in a ditch and slap a piece of half-dead sod over his head?
Yes. I have been wondering all week! I want him to go to a convention and have someone ask, so we can hear him grumbling about the lengths he must go to for his art.

This also plays into how tactile Dean is. [...] something as seemingly lame as pizza smelling demonstrates the physical manifestation ( ... )


Re: Part 1 zazreil September 30 2008, 06:10:39 UTC
OMG, how long did it take them to get across the state line ( ... )


Re: Part 1 llywela13 September 30 2008, 08:51:15 UTC
Geography! Cool.

I love that Bobby gave Dean and Sam the long trip, and took the shorter hauls for himself. *G*

I think it makes more sense than all the hunters clustered in a small area.
Definitely. That was what always bugged me about the Roadhouse, the notion that this one little place would be brimming with hunters all the time. It flew in the face of everything we'd ever learned about hunters up till that point. They should be a thinly scattered network.


Re: Part 1 bowtrunckle October 2 2008, 17:57:21 UTC
I like it when you think! :D

it makes more sense than all the hunters clustered in a small area.

*nods* Or maybe there really are a lot of hunters and we (Sam and Dean) aren't aware of how ubiquitous they are? Wouldn't it be interesting if the war breaks out (S5) and all of the sudden previously incognito hunters come popping out of the woodwork?

Although I have to say I was surprised by the hunter density in this episode, esp. because we've been lead to believe since S1 Sam and Dean are essentially the exception to the rule and hunters are loners who are far and few between.


Part 2 llywela13 September 29 2008, 20:30:09 UTC
This new lighting is especially kind to JA’s face. Hello, cheekbones.
♥ He is looking rather stunning this season.

On-screen, Show spelled Henriksen's name thus, at the end of JiB.

Show, you are treading on delicate ground. I hope you can pull this off without alienating half your fan base or getting cheesy. *worried face*
I always get worried and uncomfortable when any show starts treading on overtly religious ground. It worries me that they will bite off more than they can chew with such emotive and, well, big subject matter.

I think Dean’s anger makes sense. I imagined he’d be fighting against a belief in God more than ever before because why would God allow so much evil/suffering, Mary, John, and Sam to die, but most of all let Sam forget Dean’s pie?*nods* His anger makes even more sense now that he knows. I mean, mot believing in angels is one thing; knowing that they exist and are walking the earth for the first time in two thousand years, and yet still being left to struggle through epic battles alone is another ( ... )


Re: Part 2 bowtrunckle October 2 2008, 17:47:57 UTC
Show spelled Henriksen's name thus, at the end of JiB.

Thank goodness for that! I've never been able to remember the spelling (just like I consistently forget how to spell embarrass with two "r"s) ... which I made fun of myself in this post from last November (#16).


mot believing in angels is one thing; knowing that they exist and are walking the earth for the first time in two thousand years, and yet still being left to struggle through epic battles alone is another.

*nods* God has a lot of explaining to do beyond just "working in mysterious ways" if tactile!Dean is going to accept things. Of course, unless Sam or Sam's safety is concerned, then Dean doesn't need proof of anything. He'll just dive in head first. Perhaps this will be the leverage Castiel and the "unseen, higher forces of good" they use to get Dean to do their bidding. Clever, using one brother's love against the other....

* ( ... )


Re: Part 2 llywela13 October 2 2008, 18:47:06 UTC
Thank goodness for that! I've never been able to remember the spelling
It was the most awkward name in Show's history! No one ever knew how to spell it. But when the brothers see the news report about the police station explosion at the end of JiB, there is a caption under Henriksen's photo naming him, and it very definitely says Victor Henriksen, spelled thus. I memorised it specially. *G*


spankulert September 29 2008, 22:06:34 UTC
Always fun reading your recaps! (you're nearing Refur-territory length wise;)


bowtrunckle October 1 2008, 19:04:25 UTC
Thanks, sweets! :)

Refur is hilarious! Her recaps are tres entertaining. ;)

I've always had a little problem with verbosity, I've just learned to curtail it. But once in a while when I'm in a silly mood it creeps back in and accidents like this happen. Oops.


yourlibrarian September 29 2008, 23:18:18 UTC
“Sorry, Ron, you did a real good drug.”

Is that what he said? I always thought he said "You did a real good drop" which I thought meant fall.

Apparently Adrienne Palaliki (however you spell it, gah!) was asked to appear in this episode but she was unable to due to her shooting schedule.

Wow that would have been something, to see her confront Sam.

why don’t you rub it in a little more that Sam failed?

So much yes.

Castiel, don’t ever change your hair or trench coat. Or tie.

It looks like he might not. Can't wait to see what they look like by season's end.

And something as seemingly lame as pizza smelling demonstrates the physical manifestation of Dean’s need to see and experience things in order to believe in them and why Faith, something that can’t be seen or touched, is such an abstract concept to him.

Oh that's very interesting. I didn't even notice it but it makes perfect sense.

Actually, it’s pretty interesting that Sam is the believer when instinctively you’d think he’d take the more academic stance In a way ( ... )


yourlibrarian September 29 2008, 23:19:12 UTC
Oops. I forgot, you didn’t listen to your dad and instead played soccer.


but probably never did because Sam was bitchfacing and John was obsessing and Dean was running interference

And also because they were much younger with even shorter attention spans.

The continuity with “BDaBR” is great as Bobby built those hex/lock-boxes for John, yeah?

I think he did, yes, nice catch!

Dude, so was Lilith going to torture Sam when she tried to flash him in 3x16?!

That makes sense. She'd only just met Sam, surely she wanted to see what he was made of first.

OK, someone is going to sneak off and cavort with the enemy because that’s what happens when there’s an establishing shot with sleeping!boys

LOL! Or John is going to call.

“I”ll be there with you. That little fallen angel on your shoulder.”

That is a nice symmetry, and also, I think, telling. Ruby wanted Sam to do what she wanted, she wanted to guide him. Castiel doesn't, and what's more I wonder if he can actually force Dean to do anything?

wait does that mean there are ( ... )


bowtrunckle October 2 2008, 20:23:34 UTC
And also because they were much younger with even shorter attention spans.

I imagine it was especially hard to keep Dean focused on anything he wasn't interested in.

Ruby wanted Sam to do what she wanted, she wanted to guide him. Castiel doesn't, and what's more I wonder if he can actually force Dean to do anything?

Excellent point! Interesting that we see demon Ruby pulling no stops to try to persuade Sam to go down a certain path while angel Castiel appears to Dean and commands him to do God's will. Instinctively, you'd assume it would be the other way around with free will being totted by the "good guys" and not demons.

What disturbs me the most is the male/female dichotomy with angels and demons.Yes, for sure. Apparently in spn-verse, God is a "He", at least according to Sam (which doesn't necessarily mean anything). Part of me wonders if the fact the majority of the antagonist/named demons are female (besides Azazel and Father Gil) has been purposefully done just to provide contrast with the boys on a more symbolic/ ( ... )


yourlibrarian October 2 2008, 20:40:16 UTC
Yes, I mean, in fairness, there have been a variety of minor demons as males -- all the henchmen in No Rest, the guy they're torturing an episode earlier, various of the 7 Sins, the possessed guys in Phantom Traveller, Meg's brother and so on. In Seasons 1 and 2 with the YED being the Big Bad, it didn't seem so lopsided. And Ruby, though a demon, is actually helpful (so far as we know), so Lilith and the Crossroads Demons aren't exactly a majority, they're just more memorable?

But yes, having some female hunters onscreen more often would certainly ease that impression (to say nothing of a female angel).


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