4x02: Verbal Ex-lax :D

Sep 29, 2008 12:44

I’m going to try something different for my recap and see how the running-commentary approach works.

Pass the Imodium please )

episode reaction, spn, 4x02

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Comments 50

linda3m September 30 2008, 00:14:23 UTC
Of course Dean sniffs his food. The man has the eating habits of a coyote. If he didn't sniff food first, he'd think green fur was supposed to be a pizza topping.


zazreil September 30 2008, 06:12:35 UTC
Giggles madly - that description - so perfect - giggle - but a Coyote might eat it - I know a German Shepard wouldn't hesitate




bowtrunckle October 1 2008, 19:07:40 UTC

The man has the eating habits of a coyote.

And through the magic of TV and the world of fiction, he's slim, trim, and chisel chested. :) Those double bacon cheeseburgers agree with him. The day we see him munching on salad greens or fruit is the day we know his shape shifter is back.


linda3m October 1 2008, 21:19:51 UTC
Dean thinks the green fur *is* a vegetable. And the only fruit he recognizes is pie filling.


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bowtrunckle October 2 2008, 20:40:17 UTC
verbal sploogeage. And yes, that's totally a word. ;)

*sounds out letters* "Ssss ppppaaa ellll ooooo gahgah eee eehhheehhh gggggahhhh ..."



That word has too many letters for my brain. But, yay, it looks like it sound very cool! :D

Maybe someone will ask Jensen at Chicago Con.

I'm happy I'm not the only person to have thought about this. I think zazreil is going....hmmm.

please let Dean touch Castiel soon, Show. *begs*

lol They are a pair of very good looking men. Mm.

With this Ruby it's almost brotherly/sisterly.

YES! Platonic 200%! No kissykissy Sam. Go find Sarah Blake instead.

I think we've seen him sleep more in the last two season than in all of seasons 1 and 2.Because Hell was an all-night party. Actually, I bet Dean will be sleeping more because that'll be the way Castiel will appear to him. If Show is going to keep Castiel interacting with Dean only (which would follow logic being that Sam interacting with only Ruby balances that) without physically separating Sam and Dean so they're free to ( ... )


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bowtrunckle October 3 2008, 03:47:12 UTC
And you know what we do with good looking men in our fandom, right?

YES! We make them play Hungry, Hungry Hippos! \o/


*flail* "And then have many beautiful babies!"

OMG, you must see it.

It's on my list! :D

I'm good at pretending.

Dean Michael Winchester has a lovely ring to it. What do you think Sam's middle name is? Satan? :P


zazreil September 30 2008, 05:42:59 UTC
I enjoyed your verbal diarrhea, but I must admit to having giggle fits when ever I read Angle instead of Angel. Would you say Castiel was a right Angle, an acute angle or an obtuse angle? Sorry I come from a whole family of math teachers - lol but Castiel is a bit obtuse when it comes to Dean - well at least at first ( ... )


bowtrunckle October 3 2008, 03:11:10 UTC
Would you say Castiel was a right Angle, an acute angle or an obtuse angle?

*snicker* I'd say he was an acute right angle! Meaning that he's exactly what Dean's story needs, he's critical and right. Hehe.

I guess that I will ask him at the Chicago con how his now playing a rapist has changed his interpretation of Sam

Oo, have fun at the Con! Are you going to report all the fun to your poor, deprived flist? *grins*

I was so so down with Meg's comments to Sam

*nods* I'm about ready for Sam to open his mouth and start divulging what's going on in his head, though. He's lock up so tight nobody (not even the viewers ... and maybe not even Kripke) knows what's going on with him. *hope for a Sam-centric episode soon* I've been patiently waiting....

I think the first issue discussed what a fantastic kisser Dean was

LOL! And the second issue featured a warning for REDs never to answer a summons from Sam Winchester unless they want to be blown away.

we are edging toward $4.50 in my home town*eep* We're down to $3.70-ish ( ... )


zazreil October 4 2008, 06:29:54 UTC
I guess that I will ask him at the Chicago con how his now playing a rapist has changed his interpretation of Sam ( ... )


bowtrunckle October 5 2008, 23:22:06 UTC
I asked Jared if he was being dressed in Yellowish tones more because the costumers thought it was a good color for him or was there potentially other meanings?

Oh, I LOVE that you asked him this! You should've told me earlier about this!!!! :D I read a transcript of a Con where someone asked Kripke about the use of red and yellow and if they had any deeper meanings. Was that you?

My best training came mostly from three classes in college (Ancient, Medieval history and early Church history) and a lot of self reading of Angelic mythology books (both historical and modern urbabn legends) just because I like them.

You were made for The Show and The Show was made for you! Send Kripke your resume ... get on his jr. writer/research staff. Not that you don't already have a happy life elsewhere. *wink*

when the piece of John Travolta fluff Michael came out - though it wasn't banned or anything like that, many religious people were highly offendedI never saw that movie, it's not my cup of tea. But people get offended not matter ( ... )


hugemind September 30 2008, 22:09:10 UTC
Have I ever told you that I love your brain? Well, I do. Reading this was a delightful trip back to last Friday and my first round ep viewing. :)

Speaking of Manners and the infamous “Bugs” story where the JJ’s seem to have bonded with him over bee stings, I wonder if he, too, laid down in the dirt and pulled himself across some grass by his fingernails in sympathy.

Kim would totally do it, he's sensitive like that. *nodnodnod*

Actually, it’s pretty interesting that Sam is the believer--

It is! And apparently Mary telling Dean that 'angels are watching over us' made Dean dislike angels (it could have gone the opposite way, too). Now I'm just waiting to see if Dean will actually put it in words and blame Castiel for Mom's death. Because apparently he's got no problems with being a smart-ass when talking to Castiel.

And, also, I don’t feel a single drop of sexual tension between JP and whomever the actress is who plays Ruby. None. Nadda. Ziltch.AMEN! But I hate to bring up that there wasn't much sexual tension between Sam and ( ... )


bowtrunckle October 3 2008, 03:31:14 UTC
Have I ever told you that I love your brain? Well, I do.

*huggles you* And, oo, look at your NEW icon! Fluffy!

I'm just waiting to see if Dean will actually put it in words and blame Castiel for Mom's death

That would be awesome. Dean anger/angst, FTW! If he did this, I suspect Castiel would just use his Spock-finger trick and made Dean go down for the count. Actually, that's a pretty awesome party trick, if you're sick of someone just render then unconscious. Castiel rules!

I hate to bring up that there wasn't much sexual tension between Sam and Madison either.

This is true. And this is yet another reason why Sarah Blake needs to come back! *is on a Sarah rampage for some unknown reason* Actually, I think I'm on a Sarah rampage as a result of the potential Sam/Ruby ewwwww-ness.

cool the air over its surface and the water vapor in the air will start to condensate on the mirror because cool air cannot hold the same amount of water vapor as warm air.Yep. However, you'd expect to see the condensation on the mirror's ( ... )


hearseeno October 1 2008, 01:24:50 UTC

Grrrrrrl. Damn. *g* I love the splooge your mind dishes out. I'd encourage you to continue if 02 canisters weren't so damn pricey. I think I laughed so hard I wheezed and spluttered for another good 20 minutes after reading your account. ;)

As a woman on The Show you’re supposed to embody the feminine ideal and have lots of pink throw pillows/comforters and roses in vases.

*snerk* Did you notice the dusty pink throw over the back of her yellow couch? *g*

Wonderful catches on Dean's sniffing and his appreciation of Olivia's EMF meter. He's such a Boy. *smishes*

The symmetry this season is making my head spin. I bet we’re going to get loads of mirror imagery. \o/This is what good acting is. The way she tears up and then grunts and then kicks Dean is so visceral. Wow, watch her eyes and listen to her voice. I love how she vacillates between whipering/soft talking and grunting and erupting into fits of violence.


Castiel is such a needed breath of fresh air. He's like a hurricane, turning ( ... )


bowtrunckle October 3 2008, 03:41:50 UTC
Hello, you! *tacklehugs*

I have an oxygen canister for you. I have a hoard of them under my couch for when I watch The Show (you know, hyperventilation and all).

Did you notice the dusty pink throw over the back of her yellow couch?

You and your mad skills of observation! :) I missed this, but probably because I was too busy looking in the corners of the screen for any signs of Castiel because I just want him to be in every episode all the time now.

I'd say you'd be lucky to get 10 in town and 15 on the road

No way! Really? That is pretty horrific mileage. Dude, the boys have to lie/cheat/steal just to keep the Impala fed, let alone have enough food to curb Dean's appetite. Now we know what they do in their spare time and why we Kripke doesn't show more mundane Sam and Dean moments; they're staring at the fuel gauge and hunting down the nearest gas station. XD Can't you just hear them bickering over which highway exit to get off at?


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