4x02: Verbal Ex-lax :D

Sep 29, 2008 12:44

I’m going to try something different for my recap and see how the running-commentary approach works.

THEN: This felt like Supernatural role call.

Meg: check
Ronald: check (I cannot not watch the scene where Ron gets shot and falls onto the bank floor without thinking of the S2 gag reel and Jensen flubbing his lines by saying, “Sorry, Ron, you did a real good drug.”) XD
Henricksen (however you spell it, gah!): check

I wish we could’ve substituted Ron for someone more emotionally affecting like Jess or Madison or Papa W.  Apparently Adrienne Palaliki (however you spell it, gah!) was asked to appear in this episode but she was unable to due to her shooting schedule. *sad face*

Sam says, “You’re not gonna go to hell”: brokenrecord!Sam is not my favorite.  Show, why don’t you rub it in a little more that Sam failed?  Like he doesn’t have five thousand suitcases full of guilt-ridden emotional baggage already.  *huffy noise*

Dean in Hell screaming his brains out: Meat hook Dean \o? *covers face*

ZOMG, hurtyfaces!Dean from last episode! :O Has anyone else wondered how the shot of Dean digging himself out of his grave was set up?  Did they actually bury JA or did Kim Manners make him lie down in a ditch and slap a piece of half-dead sod over his head?  Speaking of Manners and the infamous “Bugs” story where the JJ’s seem to have bonded with him over bee stings, I wonder if he, too, laid down in the dirt and pulled himself across some grass by his fingernails in sympathy. *snort*

I wonder if Dean knows his tough-guy face looks a lot like an I-wanna-have-angry-sex face?  Watch those non-verbals, Dean, you don’t want to give mixed signals. XD  Also, you guys, I finally figured out how to make my own screencaps!  *dances*

“I’m the one who griped you tight and raised you from perdition.”: Castiel and his fluffy hair! \o/ I love you, Castiel, don’t ever change your hair or trench coat.  Or tie.

Also, this song rules.  Kripke should’ve used this for the season premier.

Lady sleeping on the couch my parents had in our basement in 1983: She’s reading “The Secret Teachings of All Ages” while dozing to the Three Stooges.  She must have a big brain and a silly sense of humor.

Pan of bedroom: That bed looks horribly hard and uncomfortable.  Don’t you know those beds are only for The Boys?  As a woman on The Show you’re supposed to embody the feminine ideal and have lots of pink throw pillows/comforters and roses in vases.  Unless, of course, you’re a demon, but then you’d be dressed in jeans and a leather jacket and wearing a pendant.

Also, you look like Angie Harmon, but I’m sure you’re not as flaky as her.

Oo. You’re a HUNTER and you know Bobby!  And you have a homemade EMF meter like Dean!  You and he could talk about circuits and things and eat chili fries on your hard bed.  However, you’re pre-title card so you’re probably the VotW (victim of the week) and will die shortly.  Nice giant gun with double grips, btw.

“YOU!”: Oo, Mary in “AHBL-1”!  I like the way Olivia hop-skips backwards with her gun.  She’s so perky.

Olivia dies with gross squishy noises: That spirit looks like Claire from “The Usual Suspects” (without the gaping neck wound).   Is the acting pool in Vancouver so tiny that Show has started recycling MotW actors? *considers turning into an actor*

Claire!monster's face is SO DISTURBING.  It's like a twenty-car pile-up on the I-5; I'm horrified and transfixed at the same time and cannot look away.  Ughhh. *is conflicted and grossed-out*

I’m a little peeved that Show keeps KILLING or severely DISABLING the awesome women characters.  Pamela and her tattoo of mystery last week and now perky Olivia and her giant gun. :(

Title card: Oo. They added screaming to the sound effects!  Now we have low-frequency growly sounds (from S3), electrical zappy sounds (from S1/2/3), flappy wing sounds and slashy metal blade sounds (from last episode), and now high-pitched female distress sounds (or do you think that could a fangirl glee screaming instead?).  Too bad we lost of thumping heart sounds from S2.  Maybe they’ll add it back next week.  Go soundmixers!

OK, I need to stop commenting because I already have two pages and it’s only been 3.5 minutes and the boys haven’t shown up.  This running commentary thing exacerbates my verbal diarrhea.

Just kidding.  I can’t stop commenting.  My fingers are addicted to this keyboard. :D

Bobby’s house and bickering boys! \o/  I love how Bobby and Sam are at desks apparently doing research while Dean wanders around and gesticulates wildly.  Of course, Sam is paying attention to Dean rather than his research because Sam loves his big brother and probably is totally freaked about letting him out of his sight for fear Dean’ll get snatched back into the pit.  In fact, I bet Sam’s got his right hand of DOOM at the ready under his desk in case any demons barge through Bobby’s door … like Meg in “Devil’s Trap”.  You know, Meg is in this episode, eh?  I bet she’ll bash in a door.  *glee*

Sam says, “Yeah, you just did, Dean.”:  LOL!  Sam logic!  Dean gets all flustered and goes on the offensive.  Heh.

Dean smells his pizza like he smells his laundry (“Nightmare”, “RSaM”)!!! And it’s so NORMAL that it doesn’t even elicit a response from Sam (not even an eye roll), like Dean just casually walks up to things and smells them all the time.  XD

This also plays into how tactile Dean is.  He’s always touching things to reinforce their realness.  He grabs for Sam, touches Sam when Sam’s hurt or when Dean’s afraid.  Dean was always the one to grab John and help him limp around (“Shadow”, “Devil’s Trap”).  And something as seemingly lame as pizza smelling demonstrates the physical manifestation of Dean’s need to see and experience things in order to believe in them and why Faith, something that can’t be seen or touched, is such an abstract concept to him.  Actually, it’s pretty interesting that Sam is the believer when instinctively you’d think he’d take the more academic stance on things being the more measured and methodical long-term planner rather than the seat-of-his pants instant-gratification-intuitive guy.

This scene shows that Dean can’t keep secrets from Sam and Sam is a secret-keeping big fat liar!  When the issues are about Sam’s safety or would affect Sam’s emotional state Dean locks himself up tight (“Kill Sam or save Sam” S2, Dean’s deal S3), but when it’s just about him, Dean’s all flappy gums and pay-attention-to-ME-listen-to-ME-now.  Dean is a what-you-see-is-what-you-get kind of a guy.  And despite his hard-looking exterior and his machismo, he really needs to share and care.  *hugs Dean*

On the other hand, Sam looks to be the snuggly, feely guy but really he’s all about deflection and diversion. While Dean is out there and loud and unabashed about what he does and why he does them and reaching out for comfort and assurance, Sam is the quiet one with his head down with his hands in the dirt doing the real damage and covering it all up with his I’m-totally-fine-let’s-discuss-your-problems facade.  I can’t imagine what a hellacious pair those two would’ve been as children: Dean inadvertently provided the smokescreen while Sam snuck by with his ginormous plotting brain and puppy-dog eyes.  Evil.  No wonder John was forced to leave them alone, they probably drove all the babysitters mad.

OMG, all of that from a slice of pizza!  Verbal diarrhea.  I’m insane \o/ and need some Imodium D:.

Bobby says, “You two chuckleheads keep wanting to argue about religion?”: Sorry, Bobby but isn’t that Meg’s term?  Or maybe it’s more of a Sera Gamble term.  You guys, you know Meg’s in this episode, right?  I bet she says chuckleheads.  *glee*

There were six eye rolls during this scene! *loves boys*

Did anyone else laugh like a hyena when Bobby said, “I got stacks of lore”? *cracks up*

Sam says, “Less and less about faith and more and more about proof!”: I can't imagine that Sam would be anything but ecstatic about angels.  He's so desperate to be saved that he'll cling to anything that approximates a "forces of good".  I think he really wants to believe Dean is SAFE (and won't be snatched away from him at any moment) and what better way for him to calm his nerves than to believe Dean has a guardian angel looking after him.  Dean has always been Sam's saving grace and his source of hope (recall the "save me, Dean" thread in S2), and if angels are here to "save Dean" then I think Sam thinks maybe he can be saved, too.  Sam is so terribly desperate and in denial underneath that mask of normality, I don’t think he even knows what’s going on in his own head anymore.  Oh, Sam.  Come to my house and I’ll feed you hot chocolate and cookies and we can psychoanalyze you.  You can also use my shower and then walk around in my very small towels searching for your underwear that I won’t hide.

Dean, “I don’t like getting singled out at birthday parties much less by … God.”: LOL!  Nice shout out to the visual groping Dean got in “TKAA”.  Gamble wrote that episode, too.  *loves Gamble and her objectifying fangirl ways*

“OK, well, too bad, Dean, because I think he wants you to strap on your party hat.”: HEHE, SAM PARTY HAT!

I’m totally digging Sam driving the Impala this season.  That car looks good on him … as do towels (if Sam ever drives the Impala in a towel that giant ball of light on the horizon is me spontaneously combusting).

Ruby is giving me the Madison vibe … petite brunette, big eyes.  Sam, stay away from her, no bed buddying!  The last time you slept with a women she turned out to be a rabid animal who tore hearts out of mens’ chests.

Guys, I really do not want Sam to be sleeping with Ruby.  I don’t care if it’s necessary for the plot or not or if they need to have a zillion demonic babies to overthrow Lilith or whatever.  Show might be thwacking us over the head with psychicdarkish!Sam overtones but he’s still the same Sam from S1.  Sam knows that it would be rape as the real women trapped inside with Ruby has no say in the matter (unless the body was already DEAD and there’s no girl inside).  And Sam more than anyone else knows what it’s like to be trapped and helpless in his own body.  I can’t imagine Sam becoming so out of touch with his own ideals and ignoring his own experiences that he’d do this. *pleads*  Show, please don’t turn Sam into a rapist!  *cries*  And, also, I don’t feel a single drop of sexual tension between JP and whomever the actress is who plays Ruby.  None.  Nadda.  Ziltch.  If Show wants sexual tension it should bring back Taylor Cole and her sparkly green Sam-I-want-you eyes.  Make them have a zillion babies instead.

But I like how furtive Sam and Ruby are during this conversation, constantly looking around like they’re being spied upon.  Apparently they’re trying to keep their alliance a secret not just from hunters, but from EVERYONE, demons and angles included.  Which is sort of weird because Tammy!demon and the RED in S3 knew Ruby was cavorting with the Winchesters.  Why the secrecy all of the sudden?  Perhaps the other demons don’t know if Ruby is “alive” or where she is.  Maybe Ruby and Sam have done something in the last four months that have branded her forever a traitor and she’s now an outcast running for her demon soul?  That may explain why she’s so eager to be Sam’s friend now and not get between him and Dean as she’s got nowhere else to go and nobody but Sam to watch her back.  And Sam is aligned with Ruby because … uh … she’s his demonic mentor/partner in crime/a sorry replacement for Dean?

I like the idea of two characters being tied together out of necessity even though neither of them are 100% OK with it.  Nice tension.  In fact, Dean and Castiel seem to be developing this same push-pull dynamic.  Dean is bound to Castiel because Castiel holds the answers Dean needs and Castiel is saddle with Dean as he’s stuck fulfilling God’s decree (makes you wonder about an angle’s free will, doesn’t it?).  The symmetry this season is making my head spin.  I bet we’re going to get loads of mirror imagery.  \o/

Angels scare the hell out of Ruby!?  Does that mean they scare all demons? Ruby is a BED, low-level, once-human demon who presumably goes by her human name (“MM”).  However, Azazel and Lilith are higher-level demons who have biblical names (fallen angels?).  Are they scared of angels, too?  Somehow I think, “Not so much” otherwise we wouldn’t have a story.

Apparently the word’s out that Dean’s been “touched by an angel”. *snortlaughs*  Demons must have some awesome Winchester update hotline.  Maybe they use the internet or have a dlocked (demons locked) LJ accounts like evilwalks_666 or death_n_destruction or apocalypsenow.

Ruby says, “They smite first and ask questions later.  Watch yourself, Sam.”: *sides steps falling anvils*

I like how Sam still defers driving to Dean and that he was so ruffled by Ruby that he actually did forget the pie.  Nice way of showing Sam’s level of freaked-outness (shh, that’s a word) without actually SHOWING it, Show. :)  Also, I find it hilarious that the first thing Dean checks for is the pie, like he’s been thinking about it all afternoon and has made plans to eat dessert FIRST.  :D  Hungry!Dean is my favorite incarnation of Dean!

Olivia’s house: The creature effects are awesome.  Her chest cavity looks to have erupted.  Eww.  I bet Kripke was giggling like a school girl.

OMG, Dean is appreciating Olivia’s homemade EMF meter!  See, they would’ve totally hit it off!  *is sad for what will never be*

Whoa, what an awesome shot!  It’s called a dolly zoom.  Oo. *big eyes* Look at all those jump cuts and flash frames (and the blood clumping in the salt is a nice touch).  Phil Sgricca directed this, no?  He seems to like montage-y type things (“TKAA”). *flail*

Scary gas station: What an awesome traditional horror movie scene: night, deserted highway/area/place.  Dundundunnn!  A long shot with unaware people with a shadowy figure creeping in from the side as the creepy piano music starts while the unaware people go about their domestic-like business while being slightly leery! *eee*

Is it me, or does Dean seem to be tired a lot?  Like Hell was a giant, unsupervised slumper party where nobody slept ever.  If you ask my parents I’m sure they’d confirm that Hell is a slumber party of ten 13-year old girls.

*screams for Sam not to become a stupid cliché and leave Dean alone as the shadow approaches*

Sam. *headdesk*

Bacteria breeding ground: I’m sorry but that bathroom sink is just … Sam don’t touch it.  Didn’t your mother teach you the public restroom rules?  Oh, right.  You didn’t have a mother, just an emotionally absent father and a brother with self-esteem issues and a chronic case of parentification.  My mistake.  Continue infecting your sleeves and hands with fecal matter.  That reminds me of the bloody sink in "Simon Said".

Sometimes Show defies the law of science.  A mirror cannot freeze like that unless there’s condensation on its surface.

Was I the only one thinking “DEMENTORS!”?

The over-the-shoulder shot of Sam wiping the ice away to reveal Henricksen (however you spell it, gah) in the mirror is so quintessentially horror filmish.  Oh, Show really is a mini-movie! 

There’s some crazy thing on Henricksen’s hand that’s going to be important. HOLY, Sam is getting beat up.  A lot.  Especially his face. :O

Fetal!Sam! \o/

BIGBROTHERACTION!DEAN!!!!!!! \o/  OMG, ILU (and so does Sam even if he lies).

Bobby and creepy giggling: ZOMGGGGG, BOBBY!  RUN AWAY FROM THE BALL!  *bites nails* ARGHHGHGHG, TWINS!!!!!!!!!!! *yanks hoodie shut*

Grumpy boys driving scene: I love the way Dean subverts Sam’s emo-guilt tripping.  Like he just doesn’t want Sam to go down that road so he masks his big brother instinct to protect under this gruff exterior of “solve this problem now or don’t think”.  But we really know Dean’s just worried if Sam’s got a concussion or not and cannot cope with his own worry and an emotionally broken Sam at the same time.

Morning, Sam and Dean at Bobby’s: OMG, how long did it take them to get across the state line?!  Dean you should’ve driven faster because Bobby’s been alone in his house ALL NIGHT with an evil ball and twins.

Heh.  Action!Sam’s always got his mouth hanging open and action!Dean’s always got his eagle-eyed look of extreme concentration.  XD

Is the score of this episode awesome or WHAT!?!??!?!??!?

This new lighting is especially kind to JA’s face.  Hello, cheekbones.  It’s very similar to the lighting in “DaLDoM”.

Sam, just a minute ago, you and Dean were playing stealth Rambos, whispering and snapping fingers at each other and stalking around with your guns near your ears and now you’re yelling Bobby’s name at the top of your lungs and causally strolling with your gun at your side down a row of stacked cars where THINGS are hiding and waiting to ambush you?  First the gas station and now this, you are becoming a horror movie cliché!  Didn’t you dad teach you how to be a good soldier?  Oops.  I forgot, you didn’t listen to your dad and instead played soccer.  And you wonder why Dean, who walks up stairs silently and holds his gun out, is the good little soldier. *tisk tisk*

Dean upstairs: I’m abnormally excited that we’re seeing Bobby’s upstairs.  Now I want the boys to go through Bobby’s bathroom cabinet. *is nosey*  This is the hallway that was in “DaLDoM” only now it’s red and yellow.  Oo, demons. 

I LOVE MEG SOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!  XOMG.  sadelyrate  it's MEG!  But Sam and Dean didn’t throw Meg off that building, the daveas did!  This is what good acting is.  The way she tears up and then grunts and then kicks Dean is so visceral.  Wow, watch her eyes and listen to her voice.  I love how she vacillates between whipering/soft talking and grunting and erupting into fits of violence.  I think she’s got that crazy mark on her hand like Henricksen (however you spell it, gah!).

BOBBY: HOLY MOTHER, those girls are freaking creepy!  The way they keep completely each other’s sentences and the intensity and calmness with which they speak … OMG. I love the extreme close-ups here.  Sam save him!

Dean upstairs: MEG HAD A LITTLE SISTER!!!!!!!!!  I usually don’t like antagonist’s monologues but I could listen to Meg all day.  *loses ability to type*

Fetal!Dean! \o/

Panic room: *EEE* *EEE* *EEE* We get to see Bobby’s entire house!  I love how the sound effects here take over: the fan cutting through air, the snap of the lights turning on, the echo of the door closing.  There’s only one tiny bed, where are the three of them going to sleep?  Also, I don’t see a toilet.  Maybe Bobby has magic chamber pots. *nods* The look of shear awe on the boys’ faces is priceless. Bobby is so the dad they never had.

I sort of like scenes with the boys and Bobby sitting around making salt bullets and getting edumacated, so domestic and something I’d like to think happened with John (but probably never did because Sam was bitchfacing and John was obsessing and Dean was running interference).  Oo, now it’s time for mytharc exposition.  *listens*  THE APOCOLYPSE!  OMG!  EPIC!

“Five dollar a gallon gas apocalypse”: *snort* Especially because Dean is terrified of flying! :D

HEH!  action!Sam with his mouth open and Action!Dean with his eagle-eyes AGAIN.

Ronald:  I think you’re great and all, but you should really be Jess or Papa W.

“Linen closet … red hex box”: OMG, the linen closet is almost as good as the bathroom cabinet! *is nosey*  The continuity with “BDaBR” is great as Bobby built those hex/lock-boxes for John, yeah?

Meg says, “What you’re doing with that demon Ruby?  How many innocent bodies has Ruby burned through for kicks…innocent girls like me…you’re a monster”: Sam is NOT sleeping with Ruby *plugs ears and yells, “LALALLALAAAA”* That’s also the same face Sam used before he shot the RED in “Bedtime Stories”, angrydeterminedSamface, FTW.

HENRICKSEN (however you spell it, gah!  *renames him Jones*): More guilt-ridden monologuing.  What?  Lilith didn’t kill everyone in “JiB” straight away?  But.  Doesn’t the white light … kill?  Maybe it just disables.  Dude, so was Lilith going to torture Sam when she tried to flash him in 3x16?!  D:

I kind of don’t like how Jones is using Nancy’s death against Dean who was the one who championed against using her as a sacrificial chess piece.  Show, why are you so sadistic?  First you deprive Dean of pie and now you use him as an emotional punching bag … you better not hurt Sammy!

!!!!:  ACK!  JA does a great job of making Dean look like he’s got a hand in his chest.  He looks like he’s going to pop a vein in his forehead.

Jones, “Why do you deserve another chance, Dean?”: Yes, why, Dean? *puts on glasses and gets out psychoanalyzing pen and paper*  This is when Castiel shows up and with his magic angel powers freezes the scene and tells us what’s going on inside Kripke’s brain.  What? *looks around*  Everyone else is monologuing….

Sam saves Dean! \o/  Now the boys are 1-1 for saves this episode.  :)

Ronald, “Now I’m gonna eat you alive.”
Dean, “Well, I’m not a cheeseburger.” LOLOL! Food + Dean = love

Action!boys! *cannot type*  OMG! *bites nails and dances gleefully*

BOOOOOOBBBBBBBBBYYYYYYYYYYYYYY, NOOOO;aksdfl;jsdaf!  White flashy light! :O D: *yanks hoodie shut* DX !!!  OMG! NO DEATHnodeathnodeath.

Whew.  *goes limp and cries a little*  Also:

Sleeping!Boys: :)  *points*  Look, Dean is sleeping again!  OK, someone is going to sneak off and cavort with the enemy because that’s what happens when there’s an establishing shot with sleeping!boys (“BS", “LDC”).

Castiel! ILU and your fluffy hair!  OMG his trench coat is magic, no bullet holes! :D  “Castiel and his Boring-colored Trench Coat!” Although, MC is way better than Donnie Osmond.  Castiel is such a needed breath of fresh air.  He's like a hurricane, turning everything upside down and making life difficult for Dean.  I adore him for it. I really want to see his take on half-demon-blood Sam; Sam and Castiel need to meet.  SOON.

Oo, mytharc exposition! *perks ears*

“I’m not here to perch on your shoulder”: Nice contrast to Ruby’s devil-on-your-shoulder statement to Sam in “Sin City”, “I”ll be there with you. That little fallen angel on your shoulder.”  SYMMETRY *dances*.

“There’s a God.”: Oh, Show, you are treading on delicate ground.  I hope you can pull this off without alienating half your fan base or getting cheesy.  *worried face*  I think Dean’s anger makes sense.  I imagined he’d be fighting against a belief in God more than ever before because why would God allow so much evil/suffering, Mary, John, and Sam to die, but most of all let Sam forget Dean’s pie?

LUCIFER!!!!!  ZOMG, I KNEW IT!!!!!! *fist pump times a million*

“Some we’ll win, some we’ll lose.”:  So, erm, if all 66 seals need to be “unlocked” to release Lucifer and Castiel already knows some battles will be won meaning that presumably the seals will remain intact, then doesn’t that mean Lucifer won’t be released?  What do the angels need Dean for, then?  So technically all the angels need to do is hunker down at one or two seals and keep them locked and Lucifer is still in his naughty closet.  Show, sometimes I think you defy your own logic.

Castiel’s vessel is looking pretty ragged.  You think he just came from battle? :D

“Our numbers are not unlimited.  Six of my brothers died in the field this week.”: More action!angels!  If a character named Michael or Gabriel shows up I will freak out.  I want to see angels fight!  *imagines flashy lights and a flurry of angry shadow wings*

Also, angels can die. I’m getting weird vibes about the nature of angelic death and the glorification of self-sacrifice and the Winchester propensity for being Big Damn Heroes in the name of familial love.

In some lore *teehee “stacks of LORE”* isn’t Lucifier a fallen angel?  So he could be killed the same way angels are.  Can an angel kill another angel or is there some divine decree that prevents them from harming “one of their brothers”, fallen or not (nice choice of words--angels are brothers ... brothers are angels?-- *glee* … wait does that mean there are no female angels or that female angels aren’t soldiers)?   Or do angels need an intermediary, one that perhaps has “FREE WILL” and isn’t bound to divine law, to kill Lucifer?  This feels a lot like the flip side of the why Azazel needed/wanted a human-demon hybrid to be his second-in-command.  Why meddle with some human when Azazel could’ve had a willing demonic lieutenant, one that probably wouldn’t question his authority or be a wild card.  Did Azazel need a half-human because they exist outside of supernatural strictures? *bangs choice vs. destiny drum*

HOLY *BEEP*a;lsdkfj!! Angels dreamwalk!  Castiel jumped uninvited into Dean’s head and made him lose time just like Azazel did with Sam in “AHBL-1”! *shrieks*  SYMMETRY! \o/ Also, this make me leery (How willing was Castiel’s vessel to be possessed for how long, did he understand death might be involved?).  Hello, fierce and vigilant angels that terrify men (“HotH”).

Boys in socks: I love the portrayal of a more relaxed, domestic side of hunters.  Olivia was in her underwear (not suprising for a women), Jed was in his socks and died in his kitchen scattered with pretzels.  We saw Bobby’s upstairs, basement, panic room, and his picture of Bo Derek.  It’s like we’ve finally gotten past the bad-ass, larger-than-life warrior side of hunters and are seeing the more vulnerable side their realities.  Perhaps the introduction of a divine “forces of good” now subverts our human “forces of good” and we’ll be seeing the human side of hunters emphasized to play up that contrast.  Hunter’s aren’t angels.  Hunters aren’t perfect.  Hunters make mistakes.  But more importantly, hunters are human. And wear socks!

In many ways, this is the first episode of S4 with the actual 4x01 being more of a preface or an intra-season bridging episode.  From a story-construction standpoint, Castiel's conversation with Dean in the kitchen should've taken place at the end of the actual 4x01 to establish this season’s conflict. However, I am glad Lilith's goals have been articulated.  Now we know the overarching surface plot and the mytharc's feet are planted on the ground, I feel The Show is sturdier.  I'm ready for the story to BEGIN!  Bring on Thursday! :D

Well, this commentary got long to say the least (and doing your own caps is kind of fun but it takes TIME *bows to all cap-makers*).  I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing.  All I know is that I'm hungry now.  And I'm sad Meg didn't say, "Chuckleheads" or kick in doors, and I'm annoyed that I keep typing ANGLES instead of ANGELS. *commands fingers to obey brain*

episode reaction, spn, 4x02

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