Reincarnation Part Seven

Jun 05, 2014 17:01

Reese and Root

Before Reese gets to the hospital

Reese was halfway to his car parked its usual three blocks from The Library when he pulled up short. That earned John a, “Watch what you’re doing asshole!” from the man who collided with John’s back. Reese apologized as the man continued on, glaring at John as he went by.

It had dawned on Reese that he couldn’t go charging into a hospital wanting to see a patient not knowing their name or even their injuries. Calling Fusco to get his help failed immediately as John’s call to the detective’s cell went unanswered. So that left Samantha Groves to tell him what he needed. She knew what had happened.

As much as John loathed the idea of even being near Root, he had to accept that apparently she was the only one who could give him the information he needed right away. John would just have to endure being near Root and listening to her barbed comments.

Turning around, decision made, John rushed back to The Library. Taking the steps two at a time he burst into the main room. Root was still in Harold’s chair working at something on Finch’s computers. Resisting the temptation to just rush over to where she sat and yank Root out of the chair, John stopped a few feet away and demanded through clenched teeth, “What happened?

Groves turned in the chair, not surprised at John’s return nor phased by his animosity filled question.

“What happened?” Root she echoed answering the question accusingly. “You John. You're what happened.”

John clenched his fists in frustration, “Stop with the evasiveness and the insinuations. Tell me what happened to Finch.”

Root chuckled mockingly, “You asked, I just told you the truth. You happened, John.” But watching John barely control himself, Root sensed she was pushing him too far. “Okay I just couldn’t resist. I’ll tell you. You won’t like it, but it’s the truth.”

John hissed out, “Tell me, no games. I just want to know.”

Reese moved to take up a position a few feet away, next to his and Harold’s board of numbers. He folded his arms and prepared to hear the worst John was positive Root would gleefully torture him with.

Only the truth Groves tortured him with was more horrendous than anything he had imagined and as Root caustically relayed more of what had transpired in his absence, Reese understood. John knew what she meant by he was what happened and every word became a stabbing, piercing wound to his heart.

“Harold freed me you know. I offered our help when you and your friend Carter were in trouble. Only he found a way to help you both without our help, even though you were unfaithful to him.” Root accused him mercilessly. “Only when you were in trouble trying to kill yourself over her did Harold accept our help. Harold was so worried about you he turned to us to find you.”

Root seeing John’s tormented look kept on attacking cruelly “And what did you do to return his devotion to you? You abandoned him without even a goodbye. Without you Harold just gave up the noble mission you two were on. She kept sending him numbers and he repeatedly ignored the calls. ”

When John shot a concerned look her way, she smirked, “No don’t worry, She managed to find ways to help them. It wasn’t until I personally had to give him the number of his old college friend that Harold decided to act.”

Strangely Root’s tone went from one of spiteful allegations to one of regret. “We were all supposed to work together, but Harold lost faith in Her more than you did. He didn’t accept our help. Harold and Shaw tried to protect his friend on their own. We couldn’t warn them, She accepted Harold didn’t want our help so I stayed here.”

Grove voice trailed off as she became lost in her own thoughts. John faintly pressed her to go on, “Warn Harold about what?”

Root trembled vocally, her tone a mixture of sadness and anger, “Our friends from the NSA couldn’t find Her so they found a possible replacement, one that Harold's friend Arthur tried to create and supposedly failed before the government shut his program down. She tricked them, pretending to be Arthur's wife.” Root huffed and ceased speaking.

John probed when Root was silent again. “Who tricked them?”

Grove stood up from her chair while picking up a photo print out and walked over, handing it to John. “Her name is Angela Moser, Control she calls herself. Moser is the one behind the curtain, responsible for the deaths of hundreds to keep Her existence a secret. When Control discovered she not only had Arthur Claypool, creator of another non-working machine but also, Harold the creator of The Machine, she threatened to kill whichever man didn't give her what she wanted.”

Root’s voice took on its scathing accusatory inflection again. “Now do you understand why I said you happened, John? Harold didn’t care if he lived or died after you deserted him. He gave himself up for Claypool and Shaw, knowing Control would have him killed for tricking them. He saved them John by giving himself up.”

John could only choke out, “Harold?”

Root scoffed, “Like you care.” Then seeing she couldn’t damage Reese any more with her venomous recriminations Root returned to the desk and continued grimly, “Shaw came here too late to get our help for us to save him. One of Control’s men shot Harold before we got there. I tried to follow Control’s puppets but they disappeared. They all know how to avoid Her. Shaw managed to get him to the hospital alive. She is with him now. John, the surgeons did all they could.”

John tried to hide his quiet sob.

“He’s not dead John.”

John put his face in his hand, trying to hide the tears filling his eyes. When he thought he had his emotions checked, he looked at Root and asked, “What name?

“Harold Tanager, Shaw is his niece. Go see him, John.” Root told him, surprisingly sympathetic. “We’ll take care of Control and her dogs. Trust us.”

John thanked Root. He would never trust her, but for now he had no choice. Only Finch mattered to him and that was all John cared about right now.

Finch was still alive. John hurried back to his car. On the drive to the hospital he prayed that Harold would hold on. Reese pleaded to any higher power that Harold wouldn’t pay the ultimate price for John’s own insecurities and disastrous decisions.

It seemed like forever but it was only thirty minutes before John arrived in the hospital lobby and asked for Harold Tanager’s room. John was thankful he had the foresight to stop by the loft first and grab his John Brandon ID. John Brandon, Harold Tanager’s adopted brother. Only when he supplied ID did hospital security escort him to Harold’s room.

John opened the door to the room and was met by a very angry Shaw.


Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four

Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve


explicit, harold finch, lionel fusco, welcome, mildly explicit, author blue-finch, person of interest tv, canon divergence, au fic, assumed major character death, harold finch/john reese, sam shaw, nathan ingram, slash, joss carter, m/m, john reese

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