Bulletproof (42/52)

Nov 11, 2010 10:02

Title: Bulletproof
Author: blasthisass 
Rating: PG-13 to NC-17
Summary: AU- when Luke is shot by Colonel Mayer, his condition quickly deteriorates. In order to save his life, Bob calls in a young, hotshot doctor from Texas, brilliant and already making a name for himself.
Disclaimers: All characters and such property of ATWT, CBS and anyone else who can legally take credit for them. If they were mine, I would take infinitely better care of them.
   Title from the song by La Roux. There is dialogue from both the time in which the story takes place as well as the LuRe storyline.
A/N: This is unbeta'd, so any mistakes are mine.

Comments much appreciated . . . I love them like Reid loves Luke.

Previous parts: prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41

Reid glanced up from his laptop at the sound of his front door opening and smirked when Luke stalked in and threw him a glare. It was raining outside and Luke’s hair was matted down with intermittent raindrops. Luke threw him a look of feigned annoyance, dropped his backpack on the floor and stripped off the sweater he’d stolen from Reid that morning as he’d scrambled not to be late for his class.

Luke threw the sweater at Reid’s face, smiling slightly when Reid batted it away from his face and wrapped his arms around it lovingly. “Here. Take your damn sweater,” he pretended to snarl, sticking his tongue out in response to Reid’s satisfied smirk. “For all the trouble it caused me, I probably would have been better off freezing to death,” he commented, walking past the white couch and making his way about the kitchen, filling up the kettle to make himself some hot tea to drink.

Reid snorted softly, typing an additional phrase into his paper before murmuring, “Please, you know you enjoyed it,” absentmindedly, glancing up at Luke with twinkling eyes. The latter turned the gas on under kettle and leaned against the counter. “I’m sure it made that dry lecture on whatever you’re reading for your English class infinitely more bearable and infinitely more entertaining.”

“Well, I suppose it did go along with the theme of the lecture,” Luke shrugged, grinning smugly at Reid.

“How so?”

“Lecture was on Arabian Nights.”

Reid grinned and saved his document. “Well, then. I suppose I stand corrected on my comments on it being dry. And you’re welcome.”

Luke rolled his eyes and turned away from Reid when the kettle behind him started wailing. “Do you want anything to drink?” he inquired, glancing over his shoulder at Reid, who had gone back to furiously typing something with a furrowed brow.

“Coffee. In an IV,” Reid replied, pursing his lips as his thought wasn’t coming out quite as smoothly as he wanted it to.

Luke raised his eyebrow before searching the cupboards carefully for the coffee and mugs. “Planning on a long night?” he joked, his voice dropping a couple of octaves.

“After I finish this paper, absolutely,” Reid replied, not even phased for a beat. He glanced up and found Luke glancing at him curiously, as though he were just then coming upon the realization that Reid was working on something.

He poured the boiling water into both their cups and wandered back into the living room, placing them on the coffee table before stepping over Reid’s legs to grab his backpack off the floor and collapsing on the couch beside Reid. He raised his eyebrow as Reid glanced at him with a smile before going back to what he had been doing. “Wow. You’re actually going to let me work tonight?”


Luke smiled slightly and pulled his English assignment out, flipping through the pages until he got to the point where he’d left off reading. They sat in silence for a couple of hours. The only sounds that penetrated the room came from Reid’s typing and Luke flipping the pages of his homework. Luke propped his feet up on the table and leaned casually against Reid, scribbling notes in the margins of his reading every once in a while. He finished a chapter and leaned his head back, looking at Reid out of the corner of his eye.

“What are you working on?” he inquired curiously.

Reid finished his paragraph and leaned back, surveying the computer screen. “I’ve been doing some research, working on what could be a revolutionary procedure,” Reid explained. “See, in some cases of blindness, especially that which comes as a result of damage to the occipital lobe, as opposed to the eyes themselves, images being received by the eyes are lost in their interpretation by the brain, resulting in apparent blindness. There’s a procedure that could be developed to go into that part of the brain and reverse the damage, though it’s almost an impossibility.”

Luke raised an eyebrow. “But not for the great Dr. Oliver?” he chortled, tiling his head back.

“Of course not,” Reid replied with all seriousness.

Luke paused, glancing between the computer screen and his own papers. “Do you . . . Can I read it?”

“Just a bunch of medical stuff. You wouldn’t understand,” Reid muttered, almost to himself.

“Oh,” Luke murmured, turning his head away from Reid and trying to focus on his reading, though the words were doing that disappointing action of blending together, refusing to allow him to read them.

Reid raised an eyebrow at the turn of Luke’s head and the slight thread of disappointment and belittlement in Luke’s voice. He hadn’t really thought that it was that big a deal, but obviously Luke’s past had made him difficult to tread around when it came to certain situations. “Lucky for you, I have a medical dictionary in my office that should clear up any complications. If you don’t have a genius nearby to explain.”

Luke tried to keep himself from grinning too widely. He folded the stapled papers over and tossed them on the coffee table, shifting his body so that he was sitting sideways on the couch, facing Reid, with his head leaning on his hand. “Yeah?” he murmured, smiling lightly at Reid.

Reid shook his head, amused, squinting as though Luke’s pearly whites were blinding him. Luke leaned in, pressing his lips openly to the side of Reid’s neck, apparently done studying for the night. Reid let out a grunt of protest, tapping his fingers on the keys, but shifted his neck to the side as Luke sucked hard on the skin right about Reid’s pulse point, the blonde’s hand straying down Reid’s arm, brushing along Reid’s thigh. It passed over the outside before ducking inside and dancing over Reid’s cock, which almost seemed to perk up at the touch.

Reid let out a sigh and adjusted his position on the couch. When Luke palmed him purposefully, rubbing his palm over Reid’s cock in small circles, Reid’s chuckle came out breathy and he snapped his laptop shut, placing it gently on the coffee table next to Luke’s homework. Luke slipped the belt out of Reid’s dark pants as soon as the man leaned back against the couch and turned his head, interrupting Luke from the impressive hickey that he was working on creating on Reid’s neck. Luke moaned in slight approval at the action, moving the hand that was resting on the couch to grip the back of Reid’s neck, pulling him forward to deepen the kiss.

His hand, meanwhile, unzipped Reid’s pants and fished his now-hardened cock out from the confines of his underwear and began stroking him slowly, synchronizing the movements of his hand with rhythm of his tongue as it sucked Reid’s tongue like a cock. Reid let out a small sound, one that he never would have admitted to making under any other circumstances and shifted himself forward, groaning as Luke passed his thumb over the head of his cock, causing his hips to buck up.

He attempted to move forward with the pull of his face toward Luke, but Luke chuckled into his mouth at the attempt, as though he found it amusing somehow. As though to convey the fact that, he increased the speed of his hand, causing Reid to groan suddenly and arch his back sharply, thrusting into Luke’s hand, feeling as though the explosion of nerves in his stomach would soon transfer into his cock.

“Luke, I’m going to-” he started to warn, his eyes squeezed shut because he felt he didn’t have the resolve to keep them open.

Luke chuckled, dislocating his lips from the corner of Reid’s mouth and moving them to Reid’s ear. “That’s all right,” he whispered, his voice sultry and every inch of it coated in pure sex. “I thought I’d do the honors tonight.”

Reid had just enough strength to keep from coming until Luke’s voice, deep with desire and want, coursed through his entire body and he arched up with a gasp, spilling his release all over his shirt and Luke’s hand. Luck chuckled, keeping his fingers waltzing along Reid’s length until the man seemed to calm and his head fell back with a panting gasp, eyes closed only a minute longer before he opened them and looked into Luke’s impeccably clear ones in surprise. “What?”

Luke moved with almost surprising subtlety, maneuvering the both of them until Reid was lying almost flat on his back, his shoulders resting on the armrest closest to the kitchen, while the blonde straddled his lap. Reid could feel just how hard he was as he ground into Reid’s over sensitized cock, trying to get the older man to catch up to where he was.

“What?” Luke repeated softly, leaning in to give Reid small pecks on the chin. “You suggested it earlier. Plus,” he paused, hovering slightly above Reid, lashes fluttering and tickling Reid’s cheeks like a falling feather, “Now I’m really curious as to just how flexible you are.”

Reid inhaled sharply and could feel himself hardening almost instantly at the thought. “Well, I don’t want to give you any ideas.”

“Please, I’m a writer. I can think up my own,” Luke murmured, running his hands up and down Reid’s bare chest as the latter recognized the sensation and desperately tried to figure out when Luke had gotten his shirt unbuttoned. Luke smirked as Reid’s eyes flew to his chest and eased himself back into a crouch before leaping gracefully over the back of the couch and making his way to the bedroom. He looked like he was trying to be dignified and not break out into a sprint. Reid snorted at this, but the sound quickly got caught in his throat when Luke emerged, shirt off and pants unbuttoned.

Luke smirked as he noticed Reid’s eyes drawn to his hard cock peeking out from his jeans.” You made me late. Couldn’t find my underwear,” he shrugged, as though it were the most natural thing in the world, before flopping over on the couch and helping Reid shove his pants down to his ankles.

Reid reached up and pulled Luke down, kissing him softly on the mouth before whispering, “How’s your trailblazing going?”

Luke chuckled, running his hands up and down Reid’s sides and watching Reid’s abdomen quiver with each feathery touch. He kicked his own pants off before murmuring, “So, so well, Reid.”

Reid nodded and took one of Luke’s hands off his abs, holding it flat open and pouring a some of the lube that Luke had brought from the bedroom onto his hand. Luke shivered involuntarily as the chill of the gel infiltrated the heat between them. Luke bit his lip, showing that momentary bout of uncertainty that had a habit of cropping up right before his inner slut was released. Reid raised an eyebrow, knowing that he only had to make sure that Luke was okay. That Luke knew that he was okay with anything and everything.

Luke cleared his throat and moved his hand back carefully, running it along the inside of Reid’s thigh, smearing the skin slightly with the lubricant. Reid hissed at the coldness and thrust his hips up, partly from the fact that he wanted to get away from iciness of Luke’s hand and partly because his cock was fully alert again and he wanted Luke’s hand in contact with it. Luke smirked, as though he could see exactly what Reid was thinking and kept his hand away from Reid, reaching back instead and taking Reid’s balls in his hand, kneading them like dough before reaching back and searching for Reid’s hole with his fingers.

Reid let out a ragged moan as Luke’s cold fingers found what they were looking for and one poked in, exploring Reid slowly. He felt Reid compress and relax around him with each quivering breath that he took. He hesitated for a moment and the minute he felt Reid relaxing he inserted his middle finger to join his pointer and scissored them in time with Reid’s contractions and relaxations. He pushed in as far as the confines of his hand and Reid’s hole would allow and his knuckles hit Reid’s prostate. Luke scraped his knuckles over it instinctively and heard Reid cry out as he bucked down on Luke’s hand. Luke twisted his hand inside Reid and felt the man writhe above him, coming unhinged at the seams.

Luke’s pull-out was accompanied by a deep-throated groan of protest from Reid, who opened his eyes when Luke’s hand left him and found Luke staring intently at him as he ripped the condom wrapper open with his teeth as carefully as he could. Reid inhaled sharply at the sound and grew even harder, though he could have sworn that it wasn’t possible. He would have helped Luke pull the condom on, but his hands were shaking strangely in anticipation and he was sure he would have been no help.

Luke bit his tongue, and lined himself up, feeling jolts of lighting shoot through him with each brush of the head of his cock with Reid’s hole. Their eyes bore into each other, each holding his own breath, until Luke released his suddenly and pushed forward.

It was like nothing he had ever felt before. It was one thing to have Reid’s hand wrapped around him, jerking him off, long fingers flexing all around him. It was one thing to have Reid’s mouth on his, sticky, sweet and wet, tongue doing unbelievable things to tear Luke apart at the seams. It was something completely different to have Reid around him, flexing in on all sides, burning warmth like that of a blanket wrapped around oneself, sitting by the fire on a cold, winter’s night. There was pressure everywhere and Luke felt like he would come before he even got halfway in. And it was tight, so tight, but it was a tightness that was prefect.

And Reid. Luke was fascinated by him. He felt the incredible urge to close his eyes as his stomach turned to knots and every part of his body filled with pleasure, but he just had to keep watching Reid. With each push inward, Reid’s head flew backward, exposing the long line of his neck and he let out a stream of sounds, incoherent moans infiltrated by swears and he flexed his body, trying desperately to take in as much of Luke as would fit. It was still fascinating to Luke that he, college freshman with a seriously fucked up life, could take a world renowned neurosurgeon and rip him apart at the seams until he was cried out Luke’s name with pleasure.

Luke groaned at the thought and sight and pushed in until he could no further and the two men lay heaving, chests rising and falling as Luke reached in to connect their lips. Reid’s string of sounds was muffled by Luke’s tongue and he reached back to Luke’s hips, pushing the blonde away slightly. Luke made a small sound, but choked it back when Reid maneuvered his hips forward again at a jarring pace, colliding Luke’s cock with Reid’s prostate, causing both men to jerk into each other and moan into each other’s mouths.

Reid’s fingers continued to guide him, but Luke pulled in and pounded with incredible fervor, head flying back as he tried to get his lungs to work properly and emit more than gasping moans. One hand moved instinctively to Reid’s ignored cock and tugged smoothly from base to tip, thumbing precome off the head and using it to ease his movements, synchronizing his trusts with the movements of his hand.

Reid arched his back, stream of incoherent babbling now consisting almost entirely of swears, intermittent with Luke’s name. His abs rose and fell at rapid speed and exploded in staggered breaths as Luke’s thump ran over the head of his cock at the exact moment that Luke’s cock hit his prostate and he came with a shout, clenching down around Luke and squeezing him dry.

Luke moaned and collapsed on Reid, wrapping his arms around Reid and burying his lips in Reid’s shoulder, moving forward as they both rode out their orgasms.

“Wow,” Reid managed to murmur as Luke pulled out slowly and Reid eased the condom off of him, tying it off and dropping it by the side of the couch. Luke chuckled at that and Reid mumbled breathlessly, “I’ll get rid of that later.”

Luke laughed softly, leaning into Reid as they both lay on the couch, recovering from what had just happened. Reid tilted his head and glanced down at Luke. “Tell me.”


“Do you have a list of firsts somewhere where you cross things off every time you accomplish one?”

Luke snorted back his laughter and put on a cross face. “Of course not.”

“Uh huh. Sure,” Reid laughed, twisting his head around and kissing Luke’s hair. He rubbed Luke’s back as they lay in silence before murmuring, “I thought you had to study.”

“I did study, Mom. Jeez, get off my case,” Luke joked.

“God, you’re comparing me to your mother?” Reid groaned, shaking his head and shifting over on the couch to adjust to a more comfortable position.

“Of course not. There is no comparison.”

“Well, duh.”

Chapter 43-->

tv: atwt, fic: bulletproof, pairing: luke/reid

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