Bulletproof (41/52)

Nov 10, 2010 09:30

Title: Bulletproof
Author: blasthisass 
Rating: PG-13 to NC-17
Summary: AU- when Luke is shot by Colonel Mayer, his condition quickly deteriorates. In order to save his life, Bob calls in a young, hotshot doctor from Texas, brilliant and already making a name for himself.
Disclaimers: All characters and such property of ATWT, CBS and anyone else who can legally take credit for them. If they were mine, I would take infinitely better care of them.
   Title from the song by La Roux. There is dialogue from both the time in which the story takes place as well as the LuRe storyline.
A/N: This is unbeta'd, so any mistakes are mine.

Comments much appreciated . . . I love them like Reid loves Luke.

Previous parts: prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40

The first time that Noah saw Luke after their confrontation in Gwen and Will’s house was in class the following Monday. He got there early specifically for the purpose of meeting up with Luke beforehand and trying to undo the damage, to try and maybe talk some sense into Luke. Not that he didn’t think he wasn’t at fault at all. He understood that perhaps marrying Ameera wasn’t the ideal solution for their relationship, but he had hoped that Luke could look beyond that and see all the good that it could do for someone. He couldn’t really believe that Luke was being quite this selfish.

To his surprise, however, Luke rushed into class about a minute late, barely on time, and dropped into a wooden desk in the back of the lecture hall with a sigh of relief that he hadn’t missed the bulk of the lecture. Noah, to say the least, was shocked. He’d only signed up for this English course because Luke had convinced him to. Luke was never late for this class. Noah couldn’t keep his eyes off him as he dropped into his seat, unfamiliar brown cardigan on and hair looking slightly disheveled from the combination of running and . . . something else. And he looked fine. He looked happy, which blew Noah’s mind. People weren’t supposed to look that way after break-ups. But his cheeks were pink from the physical exertion and embarrassment of arriving late to class; Noah didn’t think that Luke had ever looked better.

A couple of minutes into the lecture, Noah saw Luke jump up slightly in his seat at the dull sound of a cell phone vibrating. Luke pulled it out cautiously and read the text, face breaking out into an affectionate smile. He texted back quickly before returning to his notes, eyes twinkling so brightly that Noah could spot it from across the room. The phone remained on his lap until he received another text message, which, to Noah’s slightly surprise, made Luke blush furiously. He shook his head and put the phone down, biting his lip. When it vibrated again he looked at it cautiously, and his mouth dropped open. He stuck the phone quickly in his pocket, as though he knew that he should not be reading whatever was being sent to him during lecture.

Noah watched him the entire hour of class, his ears becoming finely attuned to the muffled sound of Luke’s phone vibrating in his pocket. Or maybe it was because every time Noah thought he heard something, the pink of Luke’s cheeks heightened and he shifted slightly in his seat and rubbed his thigh hard.

The minute the professor finished the lecture, Luke leapt out of his seat, sticking his hand in his pocket to pull out the phone and bolted to the door. Noah frowned in dissatisfaction at this apparent avoidance and, ignoring Ameera and Casey, followed Luke quickly out of the lecture hall.

Luke slowed his sprint significantly as he reached his classroom, trying to be as discreet as possible as he eased himself into the back of the class, ducking his head as his professor cast him a glance before returning to the lecture on The Arabian Nights. He pulled out his notebook and pen and unbuttoned some of the buttons of his sweater, suddenly flushing hot as he escaped the chill of the weather outside. He’d just settled into the right mindset for listening to the lecture when his phone vibrated.

He glanced around instinctively to see if anyone picked up on the fact before flicking open his cell phone under his desk.

Have you seen my brown sweater?

Luke grinned mischievously.

I have. Is it cashmere? It’s quite soft and warm, wrapped around me, like you were all weekend.

Don’t call me a sap he added as an afterthought before pressing Send and placing the phone gently on his knee. He was expecting the second text and could therefore silence his phone quickly.



Also, not sappy at all. Kinky, rather. Though I should remind you that it was you wrapped around me for the most part. Speaking of which, I bet you’re sitting in those really uncomfortable wooden desks, huh? Wood hard against your sore ass?

Luke started and put the phone down immediately, lest someone somehow see. He picked up his pen again, feeling his cheeks grow hot and tried to focus on the lecture. His phone vibrated again.

Bet you can still feel me. You didn’t shower this morning. Can you still feel my come in your ass? Can you feel it slowly leaking out, seeping into your underwear? Can you feel your hand slowly inching up your thigh at the thought?

Luke slammed his phone shut as quickly as he could, feeling the words focusing the blood in his body to one point. In the psychology of the moment, he could almost feel it and physically had to stop and remind himself that of course he couldn’t, as they had been using protection (and because he wasn’t wearing any underwear, but that was more beside the point). His eyes flew down to his hand, which he quickly shoved away from his crotch. He pocketed his phone with an almost desperation, his cheeks on fire.

It vibrated once more before Luke realized that putting it in his pocket was a very, very bad idea, as the vibration going straight to his groin, making his jeans uncomfortably tight. Luke suppressed a groan as he looked at the clock. He was sure the next forty-five minutes would be the longest of his life.

The minute lecture was over he bolted out of his seat and out of the class. He whipped his phone out of his pocket, ignoring the ten or so messages that Reid had sent before presumably going to work, and dialing his number quickly. He paced out in the cold to the beat of the rings, hoping the inflammation of his cheeks would go down.


Luke shook his head, refusing to let the sound of Reid’s voice do the inevitable and distract him. “What the hell did you do that for?” he demanded, glancing down as he met the knowing glance of one of his classmates.

“You stole my sweater.” Reid sounded like he was somewhere in the hallway of Memorial. Luke could almost swear he could hear a nurse sobbing in the background.

Luke’s mouth dropped open in astonishment. “Seriously?”

“I’m a rather possessive man,” Reid chuckled, sounding positively evil. “And because I was ridiculously amused by the thought of you being all hot and bothered during your lecture.”

“Fuck you.”

Reid growled softly into the telephone. “If that’s what you want. I’m quite flexible, you know.”

Luke chuckled, purposefully taking the word to mean something completely different than what Reid meant, his heart pounding at the implication of what Reid really meant. “Please. You’re the most stubborn person I know.”

“That’s not what I meant,” Reid murmured, his voice low. The noise that had been in the background disappeared slightly. Reid must have retreated into the lounge or his office.

“I know. You meant versatile,” Luke smiled.

“No, I meant . . . pliable.”

Luke cleared this throat sharply. Reid chuckled, murmuring. “Hmm . . . you like that, don’t you?”

“Perhaps. Not as much as your text messages. Don’t find myself spreading my legs in my seat or my hand unconsciously itching up my thigh. No necessity for a slight hip thrust to relieve the pressure when I shifted in my seat,” Luke murmured wickedly. “Difficult to hide, you know. The fact that I wasn’t paying attention to the lecture. That I was aroused.”

Reid let off a soft nngh at this, his own game being turned around on him, followed by a stern, “Fuck you.”

“You already did,” Luke pointed out cheekily. “Several times.”

“Fuck you. I’m at work.”

“I was in class!” Luke retorted in astonishment.

“Yes, but text messages can be ignored. You didn’t have my voice whispering sultry things into your ear.”


“Fuck,” Reid swore loudly at the deep rolling of the R’s in his name. There was no one that could pronounce his name quite like Luke. “If I’m going to get any work done, I have to go.”

“When do you get off?”

“Whenever I think about my cock in your ass,” Reid replied casually, whistling nonchalantly as he waited for Luke’s response.

Luke chuckled, shaking his head in amusement. He felt as though this should be difficult, but even after so short a time it was so natural. “When do you get off work?”

“Six. Come over.”

“I have homework,” he teased, swinging his bag over his shoulder and beginning to make his way to his next class.

“Come over,” Reid asserted, sounding stern.

“I have to study,” Luke answered in a fake whine, bouncing lightly on the balls of his feet. “I have a test on Wednesday.”

“Luke,” Reid whispered, sounding tender and loving. It was the only word Luke could think of and it make his heart soar. It had been less than a week. How was it that he could feel this way? “Come over.”

“Of course I’m coming over, you idiot,” Luke grinned affectionately, wishing Reid could see it, before hanging up the phone. He pocketed it, grinning cheerfully and started to make his way to his next class.

“Luke! Hey, Luke!”

He glanced over his shoulder, not knowing whether he should be surprised or not that Noah was running after him. He skidded to a slight halt in front of Luke, looking slightly breathless and nervous. Luke raised his eyebrow, feeling oddly calm. “Noah,” he replied simply, his expression blank.

Noah frowned, confused ever so slightly as to Luke’s tranquil reaction. “Hey, listen. Can we talk?”

Luke pursed his lips. “I actually have to run. Class.”

“Oh, well . . . about the other day,” Noah muttered, wondering why he was the one who was trying to reconcile them. For months, it had been Luke, Luke striving to keep things on track, complaining that Noah wasn’t putting anything into their relationship and now . . . now he was acting like he didn’t care in the slightest?

Luke smiled slightly to himself, looking completely self-assured. “I’m sorry,” he said sincerely.

Noah grinned slightly in self-satisfaction. That sounded right. “Don’t worry about it. You were having a bad day.”

Luke’s brow furrowed and he adjusted the strap of his bag over his shoulder. “Oh, no, don’t get me wrong. I’m sorry if I was a little too harsh with you. I’m not sorry for what I said and I have no intentions of taking it back.”

Noah was absolutely staggered, feeling like the stir of air caused by the flap of a butterflies wing would be enough to send him toppling over. “Umm . . . I . . . We should at least talk, Luke. Like . . . after class-”

“Sorry, I have plans,” Luke answered, sounding mildly apologetic, but not enough that he would feel in any way inclined to cancel his plans.

Noah’s mouth dropped open at being thus blown off, but before he could gather his wits about him to demand whom with, Luke waved casually at him and disappeared into the nearest academic building. Noah shook his head, squinting after Luke as though the action might bring the blonde cantering back. His eyes narrowed the longer he stared after Luke and all he could think of was how much he wanted to punch Reid Oliver in the face for ruining what Noah had considered to be a good thing.

Chapter 42-->

This whole chapter . . . IDEK . . . Just a random thought that came to me on my way to Christian Ethics lecture (well, the texting bit came to me during orgo, because we have those really uncomfortable wooden desks). *facepalm* Oh, the irony of it all

tv: atwt, fic: bulletproof, pairing: luke/reid

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