Bulletproof (38/52)

Nov 06, 2010 09:05

Title: Bulletproof
Author: blasthisass 
Rating: PG-13 to NC-17
Summary: AU- when Luke is shot by Colonel Mayer, his condition quickly deteriorates. In order to save his life, Bob calls in a young, hotshot doctor from Texas, brilliant and already making a name for himself.
Disclaimers: All characters and such property of ATWT, CBS and anyone else who can legally take credit for them. If they were mine, I would take infinitely better care of them.
   Title from the song by La Roux. There is dialogue from both the time in which the story takes place as well as the LuRe storyline.
A/N: This is unbeta'd, so any mistakes are mine.

Comments much appreciated . . . I love them like Reid loves Luke.

Previous parts: prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37

Luke fell back against the door, his fingers almost slipping from their position, caught on Reid’s before they fell to his side. He leaned his head back, stomach rising and falling with each controlled breath, as Reid stared at him intently, blue eyes twinkling with a slight uncertainty. Reid’s brow furrowed slightly, but his eyes were soft

He tilted his chin curiously, a smile lingering in his eyes, as he raised a hand to graze Luke’s cheek, mouth opening slightly as Luke leaned into the touch, eyes falling to Reid’s lips with the head movement before rising up to meet his intoxicating daze. “What are you doing to me?” he whispered, closing the distance slightly between them.

“Only good things,” Luke replied breathily, almost unable to instill voice into his exhalation.

Reid rolled his eyes. When they met Luke’s again, they were dark like the sky just after twilight. “You’re so full of yourself,” he murmured, scanning Luke’s face quietly, as though trying to determine something. Luke smiled lightly, head moving in such a way that it was almost indiscernible whether he was shaking in anticipation or nodding in agreement and permission.

Luke could feel them both tipping slightly toward each other and when they finally met, they met in the middle, the air between them parting majestically like the Red Sea did for Moses. When Reid’s lips pressed against his this time, Luke could feel it more than he ever had before; that unbelievable crackle of chemistry that flushed throughout his entire body. He sighed lightly into the kiss, their lips parting simultaneously, their tongues magnetically twisting around each other.

Luke let out a wordless murmur as Reid’s hand skimmed up his side, brushing gently against his scar through his coffee-stained T-shirt on it’s way up to brush delicately through Luke’s hair. His hands rose to Reid’s belt loops and pulled him closer, pressing himself tightly between Reid and the front door. The crinkle of paper, still in his hand, distracted him slightly and as Reid was about to move closer, press Luke firmly against the white wood, Luke’s hand rose between them, forcing Reid back slightly. Their lips came apart with a smack that echoed across the room as Reid glanced down at Luke’s hand in dazed confusion.

“I don’t . . .” he muttered, glancing back up at Luke, trying to catch his breath. “You . . .”

Luke raised the hand with the paper in it, its rustle attracting Reid’s attention, though the latter looked as though he were having difficulty distracting himself from every feature of Luke’s face.

“What’s this?” he muttered, sounding slightly let down and confused.

“The truth,” Luke muttered, pressing it gently against Reid’s chest, the buttons of his shirt passing smoothly over the skin of Luke’s hand.

Reid shook his head, his hand remaining pressed gently against Luke’s cheekbone, his eyes depthless. “What do you expect me to do with it?” he replied, face tilting down toward Luke’s, his body radiating heat and even want.

“Read it.”

Reid frowned and glanced down at their hands, the ones that weren’t tangled in belt loops or fingering skin. He looked as though he could guess what the words on the page were and, though he didn’t look wary of them, he also didn’t look like he was inclined to read them. He moved his right hand to cover Luke’s and push it gently away from himself. “I don’t need this,” he said softly, looking hard at Luke to convey the sentiment.

“You don’t even know what it says,” Luke whispered, sounding almost desperate, as though he needed this acceptance.

Reid shook his head. “I . . . It’s . . . not something that needs to be said. It’s something you feel, regardless. And I don’t need this. I need you.”


Reid’s brow furrow and, looking closely at Luke, took the paper from his hand and held it delicately between the tips of his long fingers. He leaned in and Luke tilted his head back until it hit the door, not wanting to continue until he was assured of the doctor’s want. Reid, however, slid his hand down from Luke’s cheek and passed it gently down Luke’s spine, feeling his fingers morph around the vertebrae. He passed his hand over one back pocket of Luke’s jeans, applying almost a little more pressure than was necessary. Deeming it to be empty, he wrapped his hand around Luke’s back, reaching for the other one. He stuck his hand inside and pulled out Luke’s wallet.

Luke’s brow furrowed in confusion as Reid pulled away and flipped the wallet open. His darkened eyes met Luke’s again, looking positively certain, hoping Luke was sure of exactly he was doing. He slid the piece of paper in between the dollar bills and flicked the wallet back shut, tossing it onto the table beside the door. “Keep it. For a rainy day. For when you know you mean it.”

“I know now,” Luke whispered, convinced.

“For when you’re sure you don’t and you need a reminder. For when you want to say it, not write it on a piece of paper as a last resort.”

Luke’s mouth opened slightly. He didn’t think he’d ever really had that-complete and total acceptance; complete and total want, wholly unconditional. “Reid,” he murmured softly and the latter smiled and raised his hand back to Luke’s cheek, he ran his thumb gently over Luke’s lips, marveling at their shape. Luke’s tongue darted out instinctively, wetting the finger gently. Reid let out a soft nngh at the action and pushed Luke further against the door, moving in to capture that hypnotizing tongue for himself. Luke whimpered slightly, deep in his throat and pulled Reid closer.

Reid’s hands were suddenly everywhere: in Luke’s hair, on his face, running up and down his back, slinking their ways under Luke’s shirt and exploring every inch of skin that they possibly could with the restricting confines of Luke’s shirt. He stepped closer until there wasn’t even a nanometer of air separating them and Luke gasped harshly around Reid’s exploring tongue as their erections ground into one another, the movement of Reid’s hip forward creating the most amazing friction. Luke could barely control his movements at this point, his legs shaking dangerously. The scary thing was, he could only imagine how his body would continue to react if things went further; if they went in the direction that he’d secretly hoped they would for the longest of times. He desperately tried to keep his brain functioning properly.

“Nngh . . . Katie?” he somehow managed to groan out as Reid detached himself from Luke’s lips and made his way to Luke’s earlobe. Luke could barely form the word as Reid sucked hard on his earlobe.

Reid hummed as he went about his business, biting down hard on Luke’s pressure point and southing it by sucking hard on the spot. He was sure it would leave a mark and while he considered such actions juvenile, he was feeling ridiculously possessive at the moment. The vibrations of his throat send shivers down Luke’s spine. “Brad’s,” he muttered into Luke’s skin. He felt Luke’s pulse quicken under the brush of his tongue and he eased his thigh in between Luke’s legs. Luke groaned hotly, the noise almost unearthly in the as he ground himself hard against the jean-clad leg.

Reid grunted and pulled Luke towards him, navigating them backwards toward the bedroom. Luke quickly pulled each of Reid’s buttons out of their holes and swept the shirt off of Reid’s shoulders, tossing it aside just before stumbling backwards through the doorway. Reid chuckled lightly as Luke tripped over his own feet, propelling Luke backward until he landed with a plop on the bed.

Luke let out a small oof of air as his lips disconnected with Reid’s and he was forced to sit on the bed. He glanced straight ahead, his hands naturally falling down Reid’s sides, wetting his lips in anticipation as his finger skimmed across the defined smoothness of Reid’s abs. He was flooded with heat, almost yet more intense than when he’d first set eyes on a shirtless Reid. Every inch of skin that could, in that tiny moment, be analyzed by Luke’s fingerprints was scanned with the heated relish of desire. He met Reid’s gaze and almost went numb with all the intensity. He wondered if Reid knew just what he was doing to Luke when he looked at him like that. Like he was seeing Luke for the first time.

Reid’s stomach contracted as Luke’s fingers passed over it. He wasn’t ticklish, but his nerves were heightened at every touch. He cupped Luke’s chin, lifting the latter’s eyes up to his own and feeling the most intense need to be gentle. It wasn’t at all like the moment in Noah’s house, where their tension and emotions had just spilled over from being suppressed so long. This was different. This was real. He bent down and kissed Luke softly moving his hands down and sweeping Luke’s shirt gently over his head, tossing it aside.

“Jesus fucking Christ, Luke,” he whispered weakly, raising his eyes back to Luke’s dark ones. What are you doing to me?

Luke smiled softly and reached both his hands to either side of Reid’s face, bringing him back down. He pressed their lips together, leaning back toward the bed. Reid fell down past him, propping himself over Luke, which inched his way backward until he was lying right below Reid. Reid smiled softly and bent down to capture Luke’s lips. Their tongues threaded together as Luke let out a small mmph and pressed both his hands to Reid’s lower back, pushing the older man down onto himself.

Reid let out a growl of approval and ground lightly against Luke. The latter groaned loudly into Reid’s mouth, the jeans and boxers they both had on doing nothing to hinder the movement from electrifying every one of Luke’s senses.

Reid pulled away slightly, ducking back in for another light kiss before making his way along Luke’s jaw line to his neck as one hand felt its way down to Luke’s jeans. He flicked the button out of its hole and the zipper down as he worked his way around Luke’s earlobe. He palmed Luke’s hardness firmly through the opening, only the think cloth of his boxers keeping from skin on skin contact. Reid grinned in satisfaction when Luke let out a breathy moan, jerking his hips up to Reid’s hand.

Reid lapped purposefully at Luke’s Adam’s apple and he smirked somewhat at Luke’s deep-throated moans at each of his actions. He paused and worked on Luke’s left nipple, nipping and soothing until it was purple and swollen and Luke was having some trouble catching his breath. He traveled lower, his tongue leaving a trail of saliva down the center of Luke’s chest. The sounds he was making were more incredible than any Reid had ever seen.

“So,” he murmured idly, focused on perfectly matching Luke’s right nipple to his left. “From what I gather so far, you’re rather vocal in bed.” His lips never left Luke’s overtly sensitive skin, the vibrations of his tongue doing everything to unhinge Luke.

“Nngh . . .” Luke managed out. “Don’t know.”

Reid chuckled, tongue darting into the sensitive crevice of Luke’s navel. “What do you mean you don’t know?” he replied absentmindedly.

“I don’t know . . . I’ve never really . . .” Luke muttered distractedly.

It was only a beat after the fact that Reid paused and glanced up. He sat back on his haunches, observing Luke carefully, his brow furrowed. “You’ve never really what?” he asked cautiously

Luke’s eyes opened as Reid’s breath left his skin and their eyes met. Luke made the smallest of grimaces, looking slightly embarrassed. “Errm . . .” Luke swallowed nervously. “Had the chance to test the theory,” he finished softly, wishing he could avert himself from Reid’s intense gaze. Wishing he could read it.

Chapter 39-->

tv: atwt, fic: bulletproof, pairing: luke/reid

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