Bulletproof (39/52)

Nov 07, 2010 09:16

Title: Bulletproof
Author: blasthisass 
Rating: PG-13 to NC-17
Summary: AU- when Luke is shot by Colonel Mayer, his condition quickly deteriorates. In order to save his life, Bob calls in a young, hotshot doctor from Texas, brilliant and already making a name for himself.
Disclaimers: All characters and such property of ATWT, CBS and anyone else who can legally take credit for them. If they were mine, I would take infinitely better care of them.
   Title from the song by La Roux. There is dialogue from both the time in which the story takes place as well as the LuRe storyline.
A/N: This is unbeta'd, so any mistakes are mine.

Comments much appreciated . . . I love them like Reid loves Luke.

Previous parts: prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38

Reid’s brow furrowed. He studied Luke intensely taking in the obviously nervous look that wrapped itself tightly around Luke’s face. He felt as though he should have said something to reassure Luke, to wipe that look off his face, but his mind was racing so fast, trying to comprehend what Luke was saying, to form coherent thoughts and words to give said reassurance.

Luke watched Reid apprehensively, trying to read his expression. He opened his mouth to say something, but at that moment Reid let out a sharp exhalation, almost like a noiseless laugh and his lips curled up momentarily, looking like something was pleasing him. He shook his head, almost laughing, before muttering, “God, I’m an asshole.”

“What does that mean?” Luke whispered.

Reid shook his head, running his tongue along his teeth before meeting Luke’s eyes and leaning in kissing him softly on the lips. “Nothing at all,” he chuckled, threading his fingers gently through Luke’s hair.


“It’s really nothing,” Reid muttered in between kisses, pulling away to look Luke straight in the eye. “I just . . . I need you to be sure about this,” he murmured, looking concerned.

Luke smiled in relief, running his entire hand across the side of Reid’s face. “I have never been more sure of anything in my entire life,” Luke answered with all honesty, pausing on the word never, as though it were impeccably important that Reid understood that particular fact.

Reid nodded and gave Luke a quick kiss on the lips before settling back and fingering the tips of Luke’s jeans. “Up,” he instructed and Luke lifted his hips obediently, allowing Reid to snake his jeans and boxers off and drop them on the floor at the end of the bed. Luke let out a soft hiss as the cold air hit the head of his cock. Reid inhaled deeply, his eyes drawn to Luke’s cock, reveling in the fact that this was the first time that Luke was so beautifully exposed to him.

Reid leaned down, breathing softly at Luke’s head as the other moaned, unable to tear his eyes away from Reid, who was looking at him as though searching his expression for permission. Luke nodded quietly, chest rising rapidly in anticipation. Reid smirked evilly, though the care never quite left his darkened gaze, even as he moved closer and took Luke fully into his mouth.

Luke let out a soft cry and his hips bucked instinctively upward trying to be taken by as much of Reid’s mouth as he possibly could. Reid let out a noise and he pressed his hands gently against Luke’s hips to keep him down. He loosened his throat and took Luke in as far as he could and the head of Luke’s hit the back of Reid’s throat, causing Luke to let out an unearthly sound. He tried to control his breathing and knew he would last embarrassingly short if Reid continued with what he was doing.

“Nngh, Reid. . . I’m going to . . . soon,” he managed to spit out in between groans.

He felt Reid’s lips curl into a dangerous smirk around his cock. Luke stomach churned and, as Reid tongued the vein on Luke’s underside and kneaded his balls gently with a free hand, Luke couldn’t take it any more and he came with a shout, Reid’s name dancing on his lips.

He expected Reid to pull away at the last minute but Reid swallowed every bit of his release, sucking him dry as he rode out his orgasm. Luke gasped softly, registering the comforting weight of Reid’s hand on his hip. His breathing turned shaky and he barely gathered the strength to open his eyes as Reid shifted his position, lying on his side next to Luke, running his hand gently up and down Luke’s torso, every once in a while skimming over the bump of Luke’s transplant scar. Luke grinned weakly at the doctor, his chest heaving.

“Good,” Reid murmured, sounding like he was both confirming that Luke had been good and trying to determine whether he was. Luke nodded softly, inclining his head toward Reid to kiss him.

“First taste,” Reid murmured just before their lips connected.

Luke paused, half a millimeter away from Reid. “Of what?” he inquired softly, almost feeling Reid’s heartbeat through the lack of distance between them.

“Yourself,” Reid whispered, connecting their open mouths and passing his tongue gently over Luke’s, tasting Luke as the latter’s sharp inhalation at this drew Reid’s breath into his own lungs. Luke had never tasted anything quite like it and yet he had no doubt that it tasted perfectly like himself.

He let out a soft sound before murmuring quietly against Reid’s swollen lips, “I’d like to taste you.”

Reid wound Luke’s soft blonde hairs around his long fingers and chuckled softly. “Now?” he inquired before pushing Luke’s face closer to improve the depth of the make out session.

Luke hesitated momentarily into the kiss before murmuring, almost to himself, “No . . . right now I want to feel you . . . inside me . . .”

Reid started and pulled away, staring intently at Luke’s eyes as they fluttered open and revealed their absolute clarity to Reid. He needed to know that. He suddenly felt that incredible necessity to be positive that what Luke was saying wasn’t as a result of his post-orgasmic state. “Are you sure?”

Luke smiled lightly, fingering Reid’s chin gently and pulling him in closer for a tender kiss. “My previous answer still stands,” he joked softly.

Reid kissed Luke’s temple lightly, his hand brushing gently over Luke’s already semi-hard cock. “If it’s you’re first time . . . it’s going to hurt,” he murmured, wondering vaguely where this constant desire to protect Luke from injury was going.

“It would hurt more not to,” Luke muttered, sounding intensely honest.

Reid chuckled softly, though his heart pounded at the admission. He kissed Luke hard once before standing up next to the bed. He reached into the bedside drawer and pulled out a condom and some lube, tossing them onto the bed next to Luke, watching the blonde for any sign that he should stop what he was doing. He carefully unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them off with his underwear, watching Luke carefully as he did so.

He kicked them off his feet and, as though unable to resist the simple action, ducked in and kissed Luke lightly before settling himself between his legs. “Spread your legs a little,” he murmured, gently fingering Luke’s thigh. The blonde followed the instructions, stomach coiling in keenness. Reid squirted some lube onto his hand, rubbing it carefully over three of his fingers, looking carefully at Luke before proceeding. “If it hurts too much, if you want me to stop, say so. Do you understand me?”

“I won’t-”

“Do you understand?”

Luke smiled lightly, placing his hand on Reid’s shoulder. “Reid . . .”

Reid nodded, watching Luke carefully as he circled his hole carefully and slid his pointer finger inside carefully. Luke let out a soft sound at the penetration and arched his back, instinctively thrusting his hips down onto Reid’s finger. Reid pressed his hip down gently with his free hand, pressing Luke’s knee against the bed. He went forward in intervals, adding a second finger slowly and carefully. Luke let out a sound that was part ecstasy, part discomfort and his fingers curled into the skin of Reid’s shoulder.

Reid grimaced slightly at the tight grip on his shoulder and murmured, “Luke,” softly, as almost a warning.

Luke shook his head, hips still instinctively grinding down on Reid’s two fingers. “Keep going.”

Reid nodded, taking his free hand and carefully prying Luke’s hand off his shoulder and intertwining their fingers. He kissed Luke’s wrist as the latter’s fingers tightened their grips and he inserted a third finger, stretching Luke slowly before crooking his fingers slightly and rubbing them over the hardened nub of Luke’s prostate. Luke let out a strangled gasp at the lighting that shot through him. Reid remained in that position for a while, stretching Luke as wide and as carefully as he possibly could. He kissed the inside of his knee, feeling Luke’s grip loosening to a natural one on his hand.

“Reid . . .” Luke murmured, his eyes closed still closed. “Need you . . .”

Reid nodded, pulling his fingers out and reaching for the condom, ripping it open quickly and slipping it on. He rubbed Luke’s thigh tenderly as he applied a liberal amount of lube and positioned himself. His thumb circled the back of Luke’s hand. “Luke . . . are you-”

“If you ask me if I’m sure one more time, I swear to God I will fucking punch you,” Luke growled.

Reid chuckled softly, leaning in and capturing Luke’s lips with his own. “Bossy,” his whispered against Luke’s lips, “I like it.”

Luke laughed breathlessly before letting out a soft cry as Reid’s head penetrated his hole. Reid held Luke’s hips steady with one hand, circling his hips smoothly as he eased himself in inch by inch. “God, you’re tight,” he murmured. “Try to relax,” he whispered, massaging the skin just under Luke’s ribs until he was fully in. Reid leaned in, kissing Luke until his breathing slowed slightly and his sphincter relaxed. Reid ground his hips in small circles as Luke clutched his back, moaning as Reid’s head circled against Luke prostate.

He pulled out slowly and then, in contrast to every movement he’d made that night, suddenly slammed hard into Luke. Luke let out a sharp cry as he momentarily blacked out and stars exploded in front of his eyes. Reid paused suddenly, halfway into his pull out, worried all of a sudden, but Luke’s hands flew to his hips and slammed Reid back into him, letting the older man take control and hit that perfect spot again and again as Luke arched his back, thrusting himself against Reid in perfect unison with the other man’s movements until they both couldn’t hold it in any more and came with each other’s names balanced perfectly on their lips.

Reid collapsed next to Luke, cupping his cheek gently and planting baby kisses along his jaw as he rode out his orgasm. Reid pulled out gently, stripping himself of the condom and tossing it aside after tying if off. Luke turned his head to face Reid, intercepting one of the kisses that was aimed at his ear. He mmphed softly into Reid’s mouth, running his tongue along Reid’s teeth, surprised that he could still taste himself in Reid’s mouth. He pulled away and shifted himself over onto his side, leaning his entire body along Reid’s and resting his head in the crook just below Reid’s neck.

Reid hesitated, as though unsure of what exactly he was supposed to do at quite that moment. He relaxed after a minute and wound one of his arms around Luke’s back, holding him close and running his fingers through Luke hair. “I don’t cuddle.”

Luke laughed, his breathing steadying. “Uh huh. Sure.”

Reid chuckled, his chest vibrating slightly under Luke’s head. They laid in silence for a moment before Reid inquired quietly, “Are you okay?”

Luke smiled, something about Reid’s concern heartwarming. “I’m . . . perfect.”

“Your ass will be so sore in the morning.”

“Oh, thanks,” Luke laughed sarcastically, burrowing himself further against Reid. He paused before murmuring. “What did you mean earlier?”

“About what?” Reid whispered into Luke’s blonde locks.

“Being an asshole.”

Reid shook his head, chuckling. “Nothing. Don’t worry about it.”

“Oh,” Luke whispered.

Reid frowned at the slight disappointment in Luke’s voice at his dismissal. “I guess I didn't really even consider that you were a virgin, what with you having a boyfriend for months and . . . I don't know, the fact that you're a teenager and they experiment.”

Luke sighed contently, wriggling closer to Reid. "Oh, come on. You're the one who said I was a hopeless romantic and now you're shocked that I would want to wait?"

"Hah . . . I guess you're right. But . . . I just . . . I was also surprised . . . that it pleased me so much to get to you first," Reid murmured.

“Sap,” Luke laughed sleepily, his eyes closing against his will. “Couldn’t have pictured a more perfect first time.”

Reid’s stomach curled into knots at the adjective. “Well, you have no perspective.”

“It was perfect. Just admit it,” Luke instructed as his eyes closed and he could feel sleep overcoming him.

“Never,” Reid muttered, feeling Luke’s breaths slow and steady against his own chest, their heartbeats almost completely in synch. When he was almost sure the Luke had fallen asleep, he whispered into the dark, “Although, it would make a decent entry under the dictionary definition of ‘perfect.’”


Chapter 40-->

tv: atwt, fic: bulletproof, pairing: luke/reid

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