Title: Because I was Crazy Rating: PG-13 Pairing/Focus: Kris/Tao Summary: Kris thought Tao was crazy for leaving him but in the end he realized he was the one who was crazy. A/n: Fic inspired by Crazy - Daughtry
i would be off posting my fic at caliginous sky if you want to read my fanfic, you can drop by there for now on.
we are both imperfect, that's why our love is perfect. i know I may seem a little too obsessive with you sometime, is because I cared. I know I am a little selfish to keep you to myself, is because I don't want to lose you.
Title: Can you love me? Rating: PG Pairing/Focus: oneside! Minho/Jonghyun, oneside! Jonghyun/Key, Onew/Key Summary: Minho always protects Jonghyun, but Jonghyun end up hurting him A/n: Well, I suck at summary.