Title: Because I was Crazy Rating: PG-13 Pairing/Focus: Kris/Tao Summary: Kris thought Tao was crazy for leaving him but in the end he realized he was the one who was crazy. A/n: Fic inspired by Crazy - Daughtry
Title: Can you love me? Rating: PG Pairing/Focus: oneside! Minho/Jonghyun, oneside! Jonghyun/Key, Onew/Key Summary: Minho always protects Jonghyun, but Jonghyun end up hurting him A/n: Well, I suck at summary.
Title: Anything for you Rating: PG Pairing/Focus: oneside! Jonghyun/Minho, Jonghyun/Key Summary: Minho is willing to do anything for Jonghyun to cheer him up. A/n: I hope you enjoy :)
Title: Nothing Hurts More Than a Smile Rating: PG-13 Pairing/Focus: Jonghyun/Onew and side! Minho/Onew Summary: It hurts Jonghyun to see Onew’s smile A/n: Failed angst...