Merlin Weekend Friending Meme

Mar 13, 2009 09:44

I missed out on a lot of friending memes because I fell into fandom just a little over a month ago, so I gave in and did the selfish prat thing and made one myself. :P So frolic, play, do comment porn, whatever, just make some friends out of it.

Some questions you might like to answer:

Year you came into the world:
Where you be on the map:
Favorite Merlin pairing:
Other fandoms:
Why Merlin?
What should I expect on your journal?
Parting shot: (quote something, say something, share something, etc.)

Pimp it hard:">" border=0>

Oh, and I authorize anyone to post this on whatever community they like, as I really am only part of two communities (both slash) and I'm too lazy to check out more.

meme, ye olde buttsex in camelot, friending meme

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