4x15 reaction

Mar 13, 2009 00:53

Huh, I'm not a towering ball of rage. I even laughed a lot in this episode, so yay for that.

Dude, one word for that episode: depressing. I don't think I've been so depressed over an episode in my life. Seriously, there are no miracles, Pamela wishes she never met the two, and possibly it's a lie that there's a better place. And then to top it off, that sad Kim Manners dedication at the end. :(

So, I did laugh a lot, and I loved me some Castiel in there. And yay for Dean asking if Sam should just go on without him, but boo for not just leaving. And double yay for Dean calling Sam on his shit. He knows that Sam is lying his ass off, and all he asks is that Sam not treat him like he's stupid. Dean so deserves a better brother, poor thing. I've turned into a complete Dean girl again, and thank goodness because it makes the low points of the show unbearable.

The reaper coming back from season two was cool, and I'm beginning to think she's the most awesome character yet. She's like the middle ground. She doesn't lie, but says the truth and though it hurts, it's real. I'm pretty sure they're leading up to Castiel having ulterior motives for bringing Dean back.

Of course Sam made me yell, but I feel a bit better because I'm about 90% sure they are leading up for a major fall. I applaud Pamela at the end, basically telling Sam that yeah, he has good intentions, but that doesn't make anything right. He flat out LIED to that boy, and from what I see, he thinks it sucked but it was okay because it had to be done. Dean didn't lie to him. Notice the two pieces of advice given to both boys: Dean is told to trust his instincts and to see that everyone is lying and everyone is scared. Sam is told that good intentions do not matter. Yup, Dean will be screwed by heaven and Sam will do some fucked up things and will fall pretty far and will be totally fucked and hurting and screwed.

The English major in me is happy, so I actually have reversed my opinion of Sam. Go ahead Sam, piss me off; I think I like it. Because the more of an asshole you are, the harder you will fall, and there is nothing that a nerdy English major/teacher loves more than a character to fall. It's kind of like hubris, and I think Sam could fit that, as he is arrogant.

sammy!, english nerd, spn reaction

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