4x15 reaction

Mar 13, 2009 00:53

Huh, I'm not a towering ball of rage. I even laughed a lot in this episode, so yay for that.

At least I'm very interested in what happens on this show now )

sammy!, english nerd, spn reaction

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Comments 11

jillybean_6939 March 13 2009, 06:34:25 UTC
As usual, WORD to your whole episode reaction.


bigmamag March 13 2009, 07:10:00 UTC
Because I'm awesome. :P

Seriously, I reacted quite interestingly while watching. First I would laugh at shit really, really loud, and then I'd be literally bitching at Sam. At one point I was pointing at the screen going, "You fucking asshole liar." or "you piece of shit no good excuse for a human being!" Yeah, Sam is really pissing me off, but I think the episode made me feel better because I think the writers know what they're doing. As long as they know they're making an asshole and plan to give him what he deserves, I'm totally on board. The last episode just felt like it came out of nowhere and that they didn't realize they were making Sam look like a complete fucking asshole who needs to choke on his own shit and die. I'm fully confident Sam will get punished and will regret the way he's going. It just makes me love Dean more.


jillybean_6939 March 13 2009, 10:42:35 UTC
Muahaha!! I couldn't agree more. I watched the last scene with Pamela maybe 7 times in a row just to see the look on Sam's face. And then the scene where Dean tells him his bullshit and his lies aren't working anymore!

To be honest, I'm kinda worried about what's gonna follow and I don't really trust the writers not to pull a bad one. They may make Sam look like a turd but let's hope they won't ruin the whole show for us just to have a flashy 4rth season ending.

I'm fully confident Sam will get punished and will regret the way he's going.

I hope you're right!! :D


maichan March 13 2009, 07:22:08 UTC

Dude, one word for that episode: depressing.
LOL, I guess I'm emo cos I didn't find it depressing at all. And I'm so with you on the hubris thing.


bigmamag March 13 2009, 12:12:53 UTC
You emo thing, you. I'm starting to realize late in life that I'm kind of an optimistic sap. I think I just need some more positive mixed in. I think the last positive thing about humanity from this show was Dean and Castiel chillin' at the park bench, Dean talking about how he does what he does for people.


devidarkwolf March 13 2009, 09:53:25 UTC
I would say WORD, except AHHH, YOUR SAM THOUGHTS, I DO NOT LIKE THEM. Especially this: Dean so deserves a better brother, poor thing.

D: D: D:


LOL. I would like to safely say neither boy irritated me this episode, so my opinion is unbiased. Sam IS lying, and I love that Dean called it out. But Dean has lied to Sam soooooooooooo many times as well, and he's even kept secrets and told lies a billion times this season, even. If Dean deserves a better brother, then so does Sam. I think there's still way more to Sam's powers and his plan than what we know. So perhaps the lying is needed (in his mind) to preserve the integrity of whatever he's trying to do. And while Sam does think well of himself this season, I think it's deserved, a total change from first season, and also, most of all, human. For a guy who's always been compared to and felt lesser than his older brother, this is an interesting change.


bigmamag March 13 2009, 12:22:02 UTC

Lol. I think I didn't phrase the 'Dean so deserves a better brother' comment the way I wanted it to go at all. I wasn't meaning that he needs a whole new brother; he needs his old brother back, a better version of what Sam can be. And yeah Dean's lied, Sam's lied too, that was normal between them. But Sam is continually lying and even more than that, he said that he's stronger than Dean and he's holding him back and I don't care what Sam says, that wasn't the Siren. Siren said "tell the truth", Dean went on about the lies and being a different Sam, which to be fair is very mean to say to Sam, who is obviously very sensitive about not becoming a monster and Dean did ask earlier in the episode why he always slept with monsters. But I mean, compare Sam telling Dean "boo hoo" about Hell and Sam from the first two seasons. I really think that Sam is still him, but he's becoming this brutal and uncaring person because he has 'good intentions', wants to save the world, cut the head off the snake, maybe ( ... )


allzugern March 13 2009, 12:05:41 UTC
Actually, I believe what Tess had to say....and so do millions of Christians, Jews and and and. It's actually only a small part of Christianity that believes that people die and get a direct reward of going to 'heaven'. Many believe that when the Bible said there is no difference between a man and a dog in death, that it was nothing more than the absolute truth. The difference for the 'righteous, saved, etc, etc' is that they have the hope of resurrection when God is finished smiting the rest and renewing the Earth. That means you die and....nothing. Until later. No instant gratification. Heaven and Hell are not places for Humans, but for those creations of God that are indestructible (as all Angles were made, including Lucifer). As fallen Angles can't be killed, yet can't be allowed in Heaven, there is what is referred to 'the pit' or 'lake of fire' that will contain them for eternity ( ... )


bigmamag March 13 2009, 12:35:00 UTC
Hah, come to the south, you will find a whole lot of brainwashed Christians who think you immediately go to the pearly gates. I'd explain parts of the bible to people at church (like the 'being dead in Christ' concept of waiting until the apocalypse comes) and they're like NUH UH, *STICKS FINGERS IN EARS*.

I think what I'd personally like of the mytharc is the same as you want. It is my belief that both the angels and the demons care not at all. Now Castiel, I actually kind of think he's toeing the line a bit and does care, but notice that by caring about Dean and humanity, he's probably getting really close to Falling, so therefore to be an angel, you have to not give a shit. I think what I liked best was in season 3 when Dean was with that demon girl underground and she professed faith in Lucifer and it was treated just like how god is treated. No one's SEEN Lucifier, except probably a couple, and it's the same with angels. Either, logically, there really IS no God or Lucifer, which makes a lot of sense, actually, or there ( ... )


benvolio_daemon March 13 2009, 15:29:43 UTC
"the more of an asshole you are, the harder you will fall, and there is nothing that a nerdy English major/teacher loves more than a character to fall."

This this this! Oh man, as painful as the Sam-Dean tension has been this season, I'm completely loving it for exactly that reason. I have every bit of faith that Sam is going to get what's coming to him in a Major Way by the end of the series. I just hope we get at least a semi-happy ending, 'cause that nerdy English major in me cohabits with a closet romantic, and my poor heart can only take so much. Heh.


bigmamag March 13 2009, 15:43:25 UTC
I am such a closet romantic too, it's very sad. I got all teary over fucking WALL-E today. And yet I absolutely love me some epic tragedy. Strange, strange girl here.


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