Random Fucking Saturday

Mar 14, 2009 16:10

Just so everyone knows, my e-mail notifications and turned off, so if I miss a comment or something, that's why. I turn them off when I do friending memes so I don't get 5 billion e-mails that aren't even necessarily for me. :)

I'm sort of lazy this week and I've recently friended new people (hai, I'll introduce you formally on Monday) so I'm going to ask three random questions for anyone on my flist to answer.

1.) Do you prefer gold or silver jewelry?
2.) Are you a spoilerwhore or avoid them like the plague?
3.) What is the last thing you cooked? (not prepared, like a cold cut sandwich or cereal, but cooked on a stove crockpot or baked in an oven or grilled, whatever)

My answers:
1.) both, depending on what I'm wearing.
2.) spoilerwhore, depending on the show or how anxious I am to know what's going on.
3.) Last Thursday I made homemade pizza. I make a seriously delicious pie.

Also, can anyone tell me where I can watch Psyche? A lot of people are talking about it and I want to watch it, but I can't find a place to watch. I tried that super sekrit television community, but all the season one links are crap. :(

random fucking saturday, halp, flist love, yummy in my tummy

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