Dude, SPN is going to cause me some serious health problems

Mar 20, 2009 13:21

So last night's episode. Wow.

Is it sad that the torture scenes squicked me a lot less than the scene with Sam and Ruby? I don't know how many times I called Sam a fucking dick in this episode. Seriously, all sympathy is gone. And it is REALLY PISSING ME OFF that he doesn't think Dean is strong enough. Turns out, he fucking WAS, and who the hell wishes that their brother was strong enough to torture?? WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU TO TALK ABOUT WHO'S STRONGER THAN WHOM ANYHOW?? YOU HAVE TO SUCK BLOOD TO GET YOUR POWERZ AND YOU WERE NEVER IN HELL SO HOW THE FUCK DO YOU KNOW WHAT IT'S LIKE YOU CUNTING DICKFUCK? YOU GO SPEND FOUR MONTHS IN HELL AND SEE HOW YOU DO, ASS. Fuck, I'm an unashamed Dean girl, that's it.

Castiel, on the other hand, is BRILLIANT. He can FEEL, poor woobie! And Uriel being a traitor was unexpected in an expected way. I mean, it was so obvious that he might be a traitor that I didn't even consider they'd do it, but it worked. Loved that Castiel refused him and was saved by a girl. \o/ Yeah Anna annoys me, but at least Castiel can think for himself now.

I can't even do wincest anymore, it just doesn't work with all the shit going on. I'm either a gen person or Dean/Castiel. Seriously, I metaed about why Dean/Castiel can't work, but that was when canon had it set up differently and SPN has so screwed things that I can now say that Dean/Castiel makes a 1000000 times more sense than Dean/Sam. Man, I don't even know how they're going to reconcile me back to wincest ever again or even just reconcile where I don't hate Sam's guts. Sam will have to suffer some major backlash and do some major revamping to convince me of shit. I mean yeah, I liked it a little that he was worried about Dean at he hospital sitting there, but it's like a condescending care, like caring for an elderly person who is weak and feeble and not someone you'd normally hang out with, but has been there all of your life and you feel sorry for the person. And that's just it right there. Sam feels sorry for Dean. That's not a partnership like they once had. And if there is one person in the whole who should be by Dean's bedside when the fate of the world is on Dean's shoulders, cheering his brother on and vowing that they will see this through together and he's the big brother who can do anything, it's Sam. But he's a dickless whoremonger who thinks his big brother needs to retire while he dopes up on demon V8 to save the world all by his arrogant self. Instead, we get Castiel, the poor thing who barely has any emotions but still seems to have more faith in Dean than Sam.

What I feel sad about is the fact that it's no longer a show about Sam and Dean. I'm not happy about it at all. But I'm still going to watch because we have a show about Dean and Cas and that might actually be enough. Will Castiel actually hang out more and get to do human emotional things? Castiel informing Dean that he's the only one inside that body? I want more fucking Bobby and more Castiel, now that I want to punch Sam's face in every time I see it.

And who else figures that since Dean is the only one who can stop the apocalypse, it is going to have something to do with being the only one who may have a shot in hell of getting through to Sam? Humanity truly is fucked, because we're dealing with Dean, who gave his soul for a piece of shit ungrateful little brother and STILL loves him, and Sam, who I reiterate is a fucking cunt boil who needs to be knocked down a peg or fifty.

I have a proposal.  Everyone vote that Dean leaves Sam behind in the dust to hunt with Ruby, and Dean fills the Impala's passenger seat with Cas, and they could go on crazy whirlwind adventures trying to stop the apocalpse that include getting Castiel vintage clothes, Dean introducing the angel to all-you-can-eat buffets, and possibly some fabulous UST.  And bad shit could happen to Sam, like Ruby sticking him with checks and eating sardines so Sam has to drink blood that tastes like them.  I would SO watch that.

Why is it that every time I write a SPN reaction lately, I can only think of songs by the Headstones? Sam's theme song is "Who the Hell Do You Think You Are?" and today it's "Something's Gonna Die Tonight."  

the world according to bigmamag, meta, sammy!, groped by an angel, spn reaction, wtf

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