Merlin Weekend Friending Meme

Mar 13, 2009 09:44

I missed out on a lot of friending memes because I fell into fandom just a little over a month ago, so I gave in and did the selfish prat thing and made one myself. :P So frolic, play, do comment porn, whatever, just make some friends out of it.

Some questions you might like to answer:

Name/username:Read more... )

meme, ye olde buttsex in camelot, friending meme

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Comments 611

spadix March 13 2009, 15:18:09 UTC

Name/username:Alysia aka Spadix

Year you came into the world:1986, so 22

Where you be on the map:Canada!

Favorite Merlin pairing:Merlin/Arthur

Other fandoms:Skins, Robin Hood, the Tudors... I watch a lot of TV so it's hard to list them all

Why Merlin?Because it's cheesy and lovely!

What should I expect on your journal?Real life stuff, about school, work, getting visas to other countries, some fandom stuff, travel.

Parting shot: I'd like to meet people from other countries, preferably Europe (I'm moving to England in about a yearish) and would love to connect with people on the same side of the world as I'll be :) (


lickingbeads March 13 2009, 16:52:46 UTC
Hai thar! I'm from Finland, though I'm currently doing an exchange year in the UK. Am friending you, if you don't mind :)


spadix March 14 2009, 03:05:11 UTC
Friended back :)


liz_mo March 13 2009, 19:21:55 UTC
Liz here from Germany! (I'll do my own thread later on). Always nice to meet people moving here.
Big endeavour that move! Welcome to Europe anyway!
If you want to, I could point you to some English people on LJ I know, though they're not in the Merlin fandom (but A-Team).


oz_the_bobble March 13 2009, 15:26:25 UTC
Name/username: Oz
Year you came into the world: 1989. Still a teenager, baby.
Where you be on the map: WALES. Cardiff, to be precise. So I can comfortably say that yes, there are gingers in Cardiff.
Favorite Merlin pairing: Merlin/Arthur. Although Gaius and Uther have got it going oooon.
Other fandoms: Oh god - Top Gear, Britcoms in general, Doctor Who, Torchwood, SJA, Stargates, um... public information films.
Why Merlin? Why not? I only got into Merlin about a month ago. But now it kind of owns my soul. It's got SWORDS and GAY and PRETTY. And the storylines are ok.
What should I expect on your journal? Me occasionally ranting, moaning about the fact I can't get the motivation to write, musings on the satisfaction of walking around Cardiff while listening to instrumental music... and pictures of pretty people.
Parting shot: Help me. I'm writing 'The Doctor visits Merlin and Arthur (with Ryan Evans from High School Musical as his companion)'. I think I need medical assistance.


aibari March 13 2009, 15:57:20 UTC
I'm writing 'The Doctor visits Merlin and Arthur (with Ryan Evans from High School Musical as his companion)'.



oz_the_bobble March 13 2009, 16:01:53 UTC
Well, the main focus is on Ryan being the companion. But visiting Camelot is one massive chapter (with coats being confused! OMG will Uther find the TARDIS and execute the Doctor?! and sex!)


aibari March 13 2009, 16:30:09 UTC
See, that kind of makes it even better. :D


anandrine March 13 2009, 15:29:28 UTC
Name/username: Journey
Year you came into the world: September 1988. That's 20 years ago for those not so great on math. :)
Where you be on the map: Birmingham, AL, USA. I'm a Texan girl, though.
Favorite Merlin pairing: Merlin/Arthur. ♥ I think Morgana/Gwen is sweet too.
Other fandoms: American Idol [currently, Adam Lambert], Criminal Minds [Morgan/Reid, Hotch/Reid, Morgan/Garcia], Gossip Girl [Chuck/Nate], Harry Potter [Harry/Luna, Harry/Draco, Sirius/Remus], High School Musical [Troy/Gabriella, Chad/Ryan], news/politics, Psych [Gus/Shawn], The West Wing.
Why Merlin? How much space do I have to write? Because Merlin is adorable, and Arthur is a prat but he's good at heart and always tries to do the right thing. Because Morgana is sassy and Gwen is sweet. Because Merlin and Arthur would die for each other and practically have; and because everyone knows it, not just the Slash Dragon, which is another reason. Because it looks like a simple show on the surface but when you watch it again and look closely you notice the little subtle ( ... )


bigmamag March 13 2009, 15:42:21 UTC
omg can I friend you? You even have an Enchanted friends only banner! And you hit two of my favorite Harry Potter ships. Harry SO should have gotten with Luna, it still irks me to this day. And of course I'm from Texas, so we know how to fry eggs on the backs of ice cubes. :P


anandrine March 13 2009, 15:56:36 UTC

But yes! Enchanted! Harry/Luna, which is a total SHAME it didn't happen. Definitely friending :)


muzivitch March 13 2009, 16:00:27 UTC
Friending you! I also am a nerd for politics, The West Wing, and Psych.


bigmamag March 13 2009, 15:29:40 UTC
Name/username: bigmamag
Year you came into the world: 1984
Where you be on the map: Texas
Favorite Merlin pairing: Arthur/Merlin
Other fandoms: Supernatural, Due South, Chuck, Harry Potter, Smallville, various other interests
Why Merlin? I actually benefit from being a complete and utter nerd right now, because I've already answered this question with photo evidence.
What should I expect on your journal? Pretty much anything. I talk about Merlin, Merlin, RL, Merlin, how I love Supernatural but it needs a spanking right now, Merlin, Arthur/Merlin, sex, stupid people, random junk, Merlin, and Due South, a show no one has heard of. I tend to cuss a lot and combine that with overly long words and pseudo-intelligent thoughts and I tend to really like boys having sex with each other. It's a thing.
Parting shot: Yeah I've got nothing, I don't know why people friend me, lol. Check out a new video of Bradley and Colin touching each other a lot.


hils March 13 2009, 15:51:16 UTC
ZOMG!!!! *curses your video link*


bigmamag March 13 2009, 16:19:56 UTC
*giggles* I am such a dork.


nataliadarimini March 14 2009, 00:39:48 UTC
I always mean to talk about Due South when it comes up on the flist, because I love it so very much, but I never seem to. I AM SORRY. I DON'T MEAN TO LET YOU GO ON THINKING THAT NOBODY KNOWS WHAT IT IS.

Anyway, let me take this opportunity to reaffirm our friend-ness. *reaffirms*


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polysamachan March 13 2009, 16:48:18 UTC
...I see old school CLAMP!

And I am jealous of your trip. :(


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polysamachan March 13 2009, 17:06:27 UTC
I am all for that. *high fiiiive*

:Db Yes! I will haunt you (in spirit) all the way there.


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