Merlin Weekend Friending Meme

Mar 13, 2009 09:44

I missed out on a lot of friending memes because I fell into fandom just a little over a month ago, so I gave in and did the selfish prat thing and made one myself. :P So frolic, play, do comment porn, whatever, just make some friends out of it.

Some questions you might like to answer:

Name/username:Read more... )

meme, ye olde buttsex in camelot, friending meme

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spadix March 13 2009, 15:18:09 UTC

Name/username:Alysia aka Spadix

Year you came into the world:1986, so 22

Where you be on the map:Canada!

Favorite Merlin pairing:Merlin/Arthur

Other fandoms:Skins, Robin Hood, the Tudors... I watch a lot of TV so it's hard to list them all

Why Merlin?Because it's cheesy and lovely!

What should I expect on your journal?Real life stuff, about school, work, getting visas to other countries, some fandom stuff, travel.

Parting shot: I'd like to meet people from other countries, preferably Europe (I'm moving to England in about a yearish) and would love to connect with people on the same side of the world as I'll be :) (


lickingbeads March 13 2009, 16:52:46 UTC
Hai thar! I'm from Finland, though I'm currently doing an exchange year in the UK. Am friending you, if you don't mind :)


spadix March 14 2009, 03:05:11 UTC
Friended back :)


liz_mo March 13 2009, 19:21:55 UTC
Liz here from Germany! (I'll do my own thread later on). Always nice to meet people moving here.
Big endeavour that move! Welcome to Europe anyway!
If you want to, I could point you to some English people on LJ I know, though they're not in the Merlin fandom (but A-Team).


spadix March 14 2009, 03:11:44 UTC
:D what part of Germany? I have a friend whos in Bremen for school (but she's from Berlin) and I'm adding you ok? :D


liz_mo March 14 2009, 14:58:56 UTC
Bremen and Berlin are a way off. The West, next to Cologne if that helps. Sure, add away. Just comment somewhere or send a message if you have questions or would like some pointers.


lady_carfax March 13 2009, 19:40:56 UTC
ooh whereabouts in England??? I know it's not as big as Canada but any Brit'll tell you there's quite a difference in culture depending where you are :o)


spadix March 14 2009, 03:18:29 UTC
pretty much where ever I can get a job :D


lady_carfax March 15 2009, 13:51:44 UTC
hehe credit crunch and job-seeking don't go exactly hand-in-hand. What do you do??? (or is that too nosey?)


spadix March 15 2009, 19:37:13 UTC
right now I'm a student, but I graduate this may with my honours in History (my major) and a minor in English. So I could teach, and I have a teaching-type job lined up for the fall. In the meantime I work at starbucks, which is the bane of my exhistance :D


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