Merlin Weekend Friending Meme

Mar 13, 2009 09:44

I missed out on a lot of friending memes because I fell into fandom just a little over a month ago, so I gave in and did the selfish prat thing and made one myself. :P So frolic, play, do comment porn, whatever, just make some friends out of it.

Some questions you might like to answer:

Name/username:Read more... )

meme, ye olde buttsex in camelot, friending meme

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oz_the_bobble March 13 2009, 15:26:25 UTC
Name/username: Oz
Year you came into the world: 1989. Still a teenager, baby.
Where you be on the map: WALES. Cardiff, to be precise. So I can comfortably say that yes, there are gingers in Cardiff.
Favorite Merlin pairing: Merlin/Arthur. Although Gaius and Uther have got it going oooon.
Other fandoms: Oh god - Top Gear, Britcoms in general, Doctor Who, Torchwood, SJA, Stargates, um... public information films.
Why Merlin? Why not? I only got into Merlin about a month ago. But now it kind of owns my soul. It's got SWORDS and GAY and PRETTY. And the storylines are ok.
What should I expect on your journal? Me occasionally ranting, moaning about the fact I can't get the motivation to write, musings on the satisfaction of walking around Cardiff while listening to instrumental music... and pictures of pretty people.
Parting shot: Help me. I'm writing 'The Doctor visits Merlin and Arthur (with Ryan Evans from High School Musical as his companion)'. I think I need medical assistance.


aibari March 13 2009, 15:57:20 UTC
I'm writing 'The Doctor visits Merlin and Arthur (with Ryan Evans from High School Musical as his companion)'.



oz_the_bobble March 13 2009, 16:01:53 UTC
Well, the main focus is on Ryan being the companion. But visiting Camelot is one massive chapter (with coats being confused! OMG will Uther find the TARDIS and execute the Doctor?! and sex!)


aibari March 13 2009, 16:30:09 UTC
See, that kind of makes it even better. :D


polysamachan March 13 2009, 16:43:43 UTC
What. I don't even. What is that fic? XD

...also, I am sold on pretty things.


oz_the_bobble March 14 2009, 02:54:32 UTC
It's the result of me watching High School Musical before the new Doctor was announced, and deciding I didn't care who Eleven was played by so long as Ryan was his companion. And my friends encouraged me rather than discouraging. And helped me brainstorm plots. :D

Pretty things make everything better, don't you think? Wannabe friends?


polysamachan March 14 2009, 03:19:15 UTC
...that means that they're good friends. :Db

:D y!


vanishing_cake March 13 2009, 18:32:01 UTC
*friends* cause your ginger comment made me laugh, your fic!, and your fandoms, esp. Top Gear. TOP GEAR. Yes.


oz_the_bobble March 14 2009, 02:40:45 UTC
:D I'm proud of my gingerness. And Top Gear is like the fandom love I can't break away from, my relationship that I keep on going back to. And FRIENDS.


ego_chan March 14 2009, 01:05:21 UTC
You should def. get all your loitering in before you turn 20. Loitering teens are one thing. Loitering 20-somethings are bums.

As a person who did not loiter nearly enough, I speak from the heart. See this great advice I give you? Should we not be friends?


oz_the_bobble March 14 2009, 02:42:38 UTC
I am looking forward to turning 20 and being able to legitimately mutter 'teenagers' when I'm walking through town and they get in my way.

And yes, I think we should be friends. :D


ego_chan March 14 2009, 02:53:43 UTC
I'm looking forward to thirty (it's still...a ways off) when I can legitimately mutter "twenty-something bums" in various getting-in-my-way occasions. To which the may reply "hag" and jeer. Them as well as the teenagers.... xD

It has been done! We are friends! :D


kelene March 14 2009, 11:17:36 UTC
Oh god, why would anyone not want that fic? And I can't say no to pretty people! Friends? :D


oz_the_bobble March 14 2009, 19:24:50 UTC
:D Yay! And of course.


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