Meme - 30 Days - Day 25 → Your day, in great detail:
Woke up around 10 am. Had the usual breakfast of two slices of bread with honey - no butter, alas - and a glass of milk at my desk checking my mail and watching Grey's Anatomy. Cried over fictional people's lives. Puttered around the internet, writing up Links of the Day. Sneezed. Checked the KLM website for news on my mother's flight, but the website was flailing and being nonresponsive. Called mom but only got the answering machine. Had a shower. Sneezed. Went out to the supermarket to buy yet another prepared meal - green curry chicken - because I seem to have lost the ability to shop for groceries or cook. Got text message from mother that she wouldn't be flying today after all but rather - hopefully - Thursday. Ate lunch whilst watching yet more Grey's Anatomy, spoke with mom, checked my email and livejournal obsessively, then lay in bed picking at fruit and continuing the television marathon. Sneezed. Replied to an email of a guy interested in buying my wardrobe. Googled for baggage transport services across Europe. At around 4:30 got up, go dressed and went out for a walk taking the usual boring route, past the sand patches on the side of the sidewalk full of dog shit, the submerged boats in the canals, the old men with their titchy dogs, the ducks and geese, listening to the radio dramatization of Pratchett's The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents. Passed by the supermarket for dinner - microwave dinner - and chocolate muffins due to a massive craving or need for big squishy delicious cake of some kind. Got home an hour later, ate a muffin with hot cocoa and Grey's Anatomy and cried some more over fictional people. Television marathon continued - accompanied by microwave dinner in bed and feelings of disappointment and wrechedness - until Season 3 was finished. Cried a lot over nothing at all. Put
Ingrid Michaelson's "Keep Breathing" on repeat. Wrote livejournal post. Played a stupd internet game. Checked my email and livejournal obsessively. Replied to the potential wardrobe-purchasing guy that no, the closet wasn't damaged. Cried some more. Watched more Grey's Anatomy, starting on Season 4. Considered eating second muffin. Stopped re-editing livejournal post.
Day 01 → Your favorite songDay 02 → Your favorite movieDay 03 → Your favorite television programDay 04 → Your favorite bookDay 05 → Your favorite quoteDay 06 → Whatever tickles your fancy - GIFsDay 07 → A photo that makes you happyDay 08 → A photo that makes you angry/sadDay 09 → A photo you tookDay 10 → A photo of you taken over ten years agoDay 11 → A photo of you taken recentlyDay 12 → Whatever tickles your fancy - Nature is awesome!Day 13 → A fictional bookDay 14 → A non-fictional bookDay 15 → A fanficDay 16 → A song that makes you cry (or nearly)Day 17 → An art piece (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.)Day 18 → Whatever tickles your fancy - My irrational fears, let me show you them. Day 19 → A talent of yoursDay 20 → A hobby of yoursDay 21 → A recipeDay 22 → A website Day 23 → A YouTube videoDay 24 → Whatever tickles your fancy - My view on religion, in crack metaphor form. Coming Soon
Day 26 → Your week, in great detail
Day 27 → This month, in great detail
Day 28 → This year, in great detail
Day 29 → Hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days
Day 30 → Whatever tickles your fancy
Links of the Day:
maraceles's Meta
Wincest: Who Tops?bellanut's Picspam
The Motels and Inns of SPNweesta's Meta
Visual Parallels of Devil's Trap and Point of No Returnamonitrate's Meta
Daddy's Blunt Little Instrument (And Other Thoughts)deny1984's
Iconssecretlytodream's Fanvid
Transcriptions of the letter and link
When people write in all capitalssophie_deangirl's Meta
Point Of No Return: Because You're Still My Big Brotherirismay42's Meta
Point Of No Return: The importance of being Dean's jacketFangasmthebook's
A Chat With Jared and Jensen - On Living Sam and Dean, Costars Who Smell Bad, and Looking Ahead to Season Six Lost:
ack_attack's Everybody Loves Hugo
Recap Ashes to Ashes:
qthewetsprocket's Meta
Cracpot Painting Theory45eugenia's
Ashes to Bingo Doctor Who:
loverxwentxred's Picspam
Happy Birthday, David Tennant!canadian_turtle's Picspam
Happy Birthday, David Tennant!di_br's Fanvid
Tenth Doctor: The Musical - Changing channels! \o/
Other Fandom:
iconzicons's Fanvid
The Neverending Story: You Stole Me Awaysnowgrouse's
Wee!John Simm Icons, The Master Icons and Sexy Icons Random:
Fandomspeakmarika_kailaya's Two-Part Rant
On Smoking and On Neil Gaimanangelapev's
Profile Codealliana07's
Profile Codecoloriages'
Profile Codetheweaselking's Icelandic Eruption
Photo 1,
Photo 2ontd_political's
Sonoma County CA separates elderly gay couple and sells their homeYouTube's
Shock Waves (1977) Part 1/9 - NAZI. ZOMBIES.
The Three Divorces * Daffydevil,
03/2007: Can't Stop Crying