WIN: Suitcase for Rome is all set. The one for ski will be transferred from the trolley to the other suitcase because winter clothes + food takes up a lot of space.
This is the bus ride that I've got to look forward to this coming Friday night. Oy.
FAIL: FAO information on the internship still unread.
OTHER: Went out for lunch and a walk but got to the restaurant too late for lunch so had a sandwich at a cafe. Felt too much like crap to walk, so bought lollipops (for trip) and collapsed onto bed. Half-watched YouTuber
Community Channel for a couple hours. Called Ma and Great Aunt. Did Links of the Day. Still feel like a wet rag.
DREAMS: 1) Things like tiny fireflies or flying embers swarming in a room and trying to kill me. 2) In a hotel room with Friend, then parents. 2a) Hanging out with the vague concept outline of Mooch (i.e. wee!JEH) from Breaking Away and it's all "Friendship FTW!" and "Stand by me in a comforting manner!" (oh brain, you silly odd thing). 2b) Stuff happens and we watch a volcano explode far away. Cue giant rock falling towards us.
Meme - 30 Days - Day 19 → A talent of yours - I used to draw.
I wasn't half bad, except I could only seem to do decent stuff with pencils (colours destroyed everything!). I could draw still life (or photographs) pretty well, but not from my head very well. I haven't tried drawing in years, and I fear it would suck. I don't have any of my sketch books with me, so have some photos I took of one.
La Pieta (photo of sculpture):
Cheetah facing off hyena (National Geographic photo)
Cats (L'encyclopedie du chat photos)
Sickle tries to do colour
People (YM Magazine promotional photos)
Day 01 → Your favorite songDay 02 → Your favorite movieDay 03 → Your favorite television programDay 04 → Your favorite bookDay 05 → Your favorite quoteDay 06 → Whatever tickles your fancy - GIFsDay 07 → A photo that makes you happyDay 08 → A photo that makes you angry/sadDay 09 → A photo you tookDay 10 → A photo of you taken over ten years agoDay 11 → A photo of you taken recentlyDay 12 → Whatever tickles your fancy - Nature is awesome!Day 13 → A fictional bookDay 14 → A non-fictional bookDay 15 → A fanficDay 16 → A song that makes you cry (or nearly)Day 17 → An art piece (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.)Day 18 → Whatever tickles your fancy - My irrational fears, let me show you them. Coming Soon
Day 20 → A hobby of yours
Day 21 → A recipe
Day 22 → A website
Day 23 → A YouTube video
Day 24 → Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 25 → Your day, in great detail
Day 26 → Your week, in great detail
Day 27 → This month, in great detail
Day 28 → This year, in great detail
Day 29 → Hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days
Day 30 → Whatever tickles your fancy
Video of the Day: Alex Reads Twilight: Ch.8+9 "Oh god, this book..." With dramatic reading of excerpts! (
Chapter 1 here) ("Handsomer? Is that a word?!? [...] I can't believe this is published!"
Chapter 3+4)
Click to view
Links of the Day:
jaobsessed's Picspam
Jensen Ackles in Ten Inch Heroleonidaslion's
Phthonus in Letheprincess_schez's Supernatural/Charmed Fic
Second Chances (sequel to
Witches, Demons and Hunters, Oh My!)
Iconsleonidaslion's Fic The Bright Lights of Disturbia
Part 58,
Part 59,
Epilogue ;
Sound (Fae!Verse) ;
Phthonus At the Gates of Tartarus (1/2) ;
Flocked Fic Update: The State of the Lionmata090680's
Season 5 and 6 Meta and Discussion ; Meta
5.14 My Bloody Valentine: Where Is Your Hunger?angelicfoodcake's Art
Chibi!Mary ;
Chibi!Anna ;
Chibi!Sam vs. Chibi!Edward Cullentracy_loo_who's
LJ Dump ; Fic
Pretty Angel (1/2)raloria's
Jensen Ackles - A Birthday Picspamsavedean's
5x14 Iconscrystal_line's
Beginning's End Comic Scansdragonfly_sg1's Fanvid
Breathe (Dean)
kodamasama's Fanmix
Cold Desert (Dean/Castiel)
Jensen Ackles Wallpaper and Iconscordeliadelayne's Fic
Do You Remember The First Kiss? (Gabriel/Ruby)
squeemonster's Fanvid
Defying Gravity (Castiel)
Jensen Ackles Wallpapers ♥
SPN Zazzle Merchandisemilkboxdrink's
Iconslassiterfics's Meta/Drabbles
Castiel Is A Messageeternallydzzled's
The Ultimate J2 Convention Post ♥
Animated Iconsradioprecious's
Icons and Bannersyourlibrarian's Meta
Love and families in SPN Watchmen:
Equalizer (Zombie!Verse)
Nightmare on Elm Street:
The Making Of Life on Mars:
Comic Time Warp (pg. 29-34) Human Target
The Hollywood Reporter's Interview With FOX's president of entertainment - Human Target and its future are discussed.
Shutter Island:
Shutter Island Lost:
Sundown: Greatest Hits ;
Sundown Recap Batman:
batman_lulz's Fanart
Mixed Breeding..? Multifandom:
Multifandom Wallpapers - Supernatural, Being Human, Michael Bublé, Sherlock Holmes, Heroes, Torchwood, The Vampire Diaries, White Collar, Doctor Who, Jamie Bamber, Cory Monteith, Matthew Fox
Bambie Art: Zombie ;
US Supreme court *guts* Miranda v Arizona ;
THIS WILL BLOW YOUR MIND: Disney's Recycled Animation ;
Tickling Baby Otter GIF ;
Baby + King Cobra GIF ;
School issues laptops to teenagers...Invasion of privacy ensues ;
Ironman or Cyberman? ;
Photo: Man With Zucchini Versus Snake! ;
This cat is not a delicious hot teaPaulo Filipe's Blog - Squeeeee!
* Cyril, Breaking Away