Does that turn you on? Harley-Davidson?*

Mar 10, 2010 01:23

So I finally watched Avatar (blame chaosvizier, who tipped the scales from, "But I'm not interested!" to "Watch it on the beg screen in 3D before it's taken off!"). It was pretty. The biological and technological bits were pretty neat, even with a few "Is that even evolutionarily plausible?" doubts. (At one point, I wondered why the hell the mind-melting worked across species, and why there weren't horrible diseases, like viruses, swarming all over that process.) The story was a tried and true one told by a new storyteller, so yay on that.

The only annoying thing is that Avatar's left me with the desire for a tail, preferably prehensile. And a mind-melding braid. (And just how does the hair grow into a braid? I mean, the in vitro Avatars had them all set, so it's a born-with-it trait...) Also annoying is the IMVU "Get Your Avatar" advertisement to the right of my post-an-entry space, which is all about busty CGI girls in sparkly blue... *sigh*

I'd say I also want a dragon, but like the Na'avi apparently know - and undoubtably learnt from Lady Sybil's Sunshine Sanctuary for Sick Dragons - a dragon is for life, not just for Hogswatchnight.

In similar news, I watched Bad News Bears (Part 1) last night. It's actually pretty good! I'll even handwave the DO NOT WANT of an alcoholic being in charge of kids, drinking himself into unconsciousness when he should be coaching, pushing kids around and tossing beer onto a child, because that shit is so not on. Plus, the soundtrack was brilliant.

I didn't think I'd like it as much because it's about a) baseball and b) children, and we all know that my squeebord does not have buttons for either. But when one of the kids is totally Percival Wemys Madison of Lord of the Flies (6:58-7:04, 10:30-10:56) and another is a smart-mouthed and world-wise girl (0:00-1:45) and I'm sold. Crazy, I know!

Add to that a cigarette-smoking and awesome-lighter-skills-having (1:57-2:16), attitude-totin' loan-shark (5:55-10:36: "Said if I didn't give him a dime by Friday, he'd break my arm!" "Es un bandido!" ; "There's nice ass at the field, that's why I hang around." ; "And if I win?" "Name it." *smirk*), motocrycle-riding (6:50-7:37), budding pimpin' player and I'm just squeeful. I mean, it's an awesome kid! How can I complain about there being kids when one's that awesome?

Also, there's this scene (8:10-8:22) which is just the Most Adorable Fail ever! It's the titchy little badass-in-training trying to chat up a bird** who's probably a decade older than him and on the other side of the hormone rollercoaster, and he's just throwing one line after another trying to impress. It's adorable. I mean, in five years that boy'll either be the skeeziest gangster to ever skeeze or a massive player, but now? Adorable.

Links of the Day:

Doctor Who:
tennant_love's flocked sharing of Blackpool here and here (iPod friendly)

MTV's Interview (pre-film release)

yumemisama's pimpage of SKEPTOID PODCASTS! - "...a website dedicated to debunking assorted New Age scams and pseudoscience, usually in a fantastically snarky manner."
weaseling's embedded hard-rcok version of "I'm On A Boat"
Clean City: São Paulo Scrubbed of Outdoor Ads

* Kelly, Bad news Bears
** Why suddenly English, Sickle?

my movie reviews, actors, actors: interviews, movies: watchmen, movies, actors: jackie e haley, tv: clips, music: vids

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