When You're Up to Your Ass in Alligators...*

Mar 10, 2010 16:25

...Today Is the First Day of the Rest of Your Life.*

After much freaking out and "I cannae do this, Captain!" I managed to call the guy from FAO about volunteerships and internships. I stuttered a bit, shook a bit more, and finally managed to speak. He, on the other hand, sounded like the most wonderful person ever. He basically told me to go the usual route with the forms and stuff, but he told me about two other agencies that do similar work and also provided his email so I could forward him my application. So \o/ on that.

I then went and had lunch with Willy, and there was much squee and joy. It was pretty hilarious how I was high on caffeine and sociality and saying how I was miserable with the biggest grin on my face. Oh brain, you so weird!

And continuing our nightly tradition of anxiety dreams, or nightmares, I had another one! About having two buckets full of water and trying to move fish out of one, realizing that the big fish were eating the small ones so panicking even more about taking the fish out, then realizing that the big bucket I was holding the two buckets in has a mother-lovin' baby crocodile in it and then the bucket I'm holding is practically churning with little crocodiles and there's a tortoise over on the side.

I'm going to recover from today's madness - yes, it's 4 pm and the day can be over now, thanks - and watch Lost. Then I have to pull myself together enought write a few emails expressing my condolences because holy shit, y'all, violence in Nairobi to people I know. Willy just told me what happened and it's really, really bad.

Links of the Day:

cleolinda's Doctor Linus Discussion Post
ack_attack's Dr Linus Afterparty ; Discussion Post
henrygalelovers' Dr Linus Discussion Post ; Michael Emerson's Situation

munkymp3's Icons
leonidaslion's Fae!Verse Breathe
supernaturalvid's Brother Mine ; Super Winchester Bros ; Damn Thing's Over (Dean/Castiel) ; The Greyhound ; If... (Dean/Castiel) ; You Are Not Alone In This ; It's Coming Down, Down, Down (Mary/Michael) ; Carry Me Home ; Hey, Soul Sister! (J2)

Anon's Untitled (Eddie, Rorschach, explicit rape and torture)

an_ardent_rain's Adelle&Topher Moodtheme

wondermark's Three Videos About Hollywood
Open Letter to Universal: Your Wolfman Ripped off Twilight
theweaselking's Art: The Count vs. Edward Cullen ; Muppets: Behind the Scenes ; Watch the Ball Bounce! ; If you pirate, this is what you get..." ; "They're not rapists, they're enthusiasts!" - BNP member running for London Assembly in 2008 ; The funniest Downfall parody possible. ; And now, T-shirts about bad children's books that are still inexplicably popular. ; Cat > Bear ; Don't Go Down the Stairs!!! ; Solar System Simulator! ; God Does Evolution Too! ; Aperture Science is built on three pillars... ; Facebook Marco ; Spirituality directly corresponds to amount of brain damage!

* Management slogan, Ridcully-style (Terry Pratchett, The Last Continent)

people: crazy, fandom: fic, tv: supernatural, fandom: art, tv: dollhouse, movies: watchmen, fandom: analysis, religion, human rights, monsters: werewolves, fandom: fanvids, my daily life, friends, actors: interviews, childhood staples, monsters: vampires, actors: mike emerson, tv: lost

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