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Comments 41

To dodge crypto, undercover UK cops simply asked to see cartesiandaemon April 5 2016, 12:27:26 UTC
Hm, I wonder if you need and/or should need a warrant for that sort of deception, or not.


RE: To dodge crypto, undercover UK cops simply asked to see andrewducker April 5 2016, 14:17:53 UTC
I was assuming they had a warrant.


RE: To dodge crypto, undercover UK cops simply asked to see cartesiandaemon April 5 2016, 14:48:39 UTC
Oh yes, entirely likely, I just wasn't sure either way (and whether you need a different warrant for lying to someone as to breaking in).


RE: To dodge crypto, undercover UK cops simply asked to see cartesiandaemon April 5 2016, 14:49:11 UTC
And I also realised, maybe the "enter your password again" thing I used to find annoying, should control extending screen lock time as well...


danieldwilliam April 5 2016, 12:39:13 UTC
I think the Hacker News comments thread covered off most of my comments on the Electric Vehicle article ( ... )


andrewducker April 5 2016, 14:19:12 UTC
Yeah, we have plenty of time to adjust. And I strongly suspect it won't be that hard.


danieldwilliam April 5 2016, 15:11:54 UTC
I agree that it won't be that hard.

I think fundamentally we're slightly extending existing infrastructure over the next three decades and possible adding some electrical generation at a time when we are changing a lot of our energy generation technology anyway.

I'm sure it's a bit more complicated than just putting in a bunch of outdoor sockets but I think that at heart that's the issue.

Whilst at the same time slowly dismantling the infrastructure for shipping petrol around the place.


Batman v Superman: Spoiler FAQ of Justice cartesiandaemon April 5 2016, 13:01:29 UTC
Wow, people hate this film. Me too, though I haven't seen it ( ... )


RE: Batman v Superman: Spoiler FAQ of Justice erindubitably April 5 2016, 14:10:47 UTC
I am somewhat baffled by the level of vitriol directed at the film. I read all the reviews and still went to see it (somewhat unwillingly) and found it to be... fine. Not great, but nowhere near as bad as all the scathing reviews had made it out to be.

The Gizmodo reviewer is particularly upset at the film; I think a lot of their critique is unwarranted personally. Also, there was a four or five year old kid in the row ahead of me who sat through the whole thing just fine. Whether or not their parents should've brought them is one thing, but there was nothing that sent them screaming and crying out of the theatre.


RE: Batman v Superman: Spoiler FAQ of Justice cartesiandaemon April 5 2016, 14:50:39 UTC
That makes sense. I people often experience a tipping point, where if a film annoys them less than X, they're forgiving, and if it annoys them more than X, then EVERYTHING IT DOES IS JUST MORE ANNOYING AND THEY HATE IT WITH PASSION.


RE: Batman v Superman: Spoiler FAQ of Justice erindubitably April 5 2016, 15:17:13 UTC
I also think that this film in particular was a somewhat easy target, firstly because we are getting oversaturated with superhero films so they need to be SO GOOD in order for people (not just comic fans, but people in general) not to roll their eyes at them. Secondly, I think Zak Snyder rubs a lot of people the wrong way, in that he keeps making mediocre (though very pretty) films and studios keep hiring him, which is bound to annoy people who'd (rightfully so) like to see more variety and talent behind big films. Thirdly I think it is a very grim take on Superman and people with any sentiment or attachment to the character going to feel cheesed off at his treatment in the Snyder films.


i_kender April 5 2016, 13:32:42 UTC
That looks like a beautiful PC, I just wanted to say. You already have a decent monitor?


andrewducker April 5 2016, 14:19:40 UTC
I do!

Well, good enough for now.


octopoid_horror April 5 2016, 17:01:58 UTC
I love how it looks like it's got a reel to reel tape player inside


bart_calendar April 5 2016, 13:53:04 UTC
The ad problem will solve itself once Google launches their new system to insert avertorial copy instead of AdWords into things - because at that point Google will immediately lower the search results for sites with standard ads and raise the search results for sites with advertorial marketing and every online company will swarm to follow the trend.


andrewducker April 5 2016, 14:19:52 UTC
Oooh - not encountered that. Got a link?


bart_calendar April 5 2016, 15:35:17 UTC

Just stuff my clients who partner with Google are getting warned about.


andrewducker April 5 2016, 23:25:33 UTC
Fascinating. Thank you!


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