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Batman v Superman: Spoiler FAQ of Justice cartesiandaemon April 5 2016, 13:01:29 UTC
Wow, people hate this film. Me too, though I haven't seen it ( ... )


RE: Batman v Superman: Spoiler FAQ of Justice erindubitably April 5 2016, 14:10:47 UTC
I am somewhat baffled by the level of vitriol directed at the film. I read all the reviews and still went to see it (somewhat unwillingly) and found it to be... fine. Not great, but nowhere near as bad as all the scathing reviews had made it out to be.

The Gizmodo reviewer is particularly upset at the film; I think a lot of their critique is unwarranted personally. Also, there was a four or five year old kid in the row ahead of me who sat through the whole thing just fine. Whether or not their parents should've brought them is one thing, but there was nothing that sent them screaming and crying out of the theatre.


RE: Batman v Superman: Spoiler FAQ of Justice cartesiandaemon April 5 2016, 14:50:39 UTC
That makes sense. I people often experience a tipping point, where if a film annoys them less than X, they're forgiving, and if it annoys them more than X, then EVERYTHING IT DOES IS JUST MORE ANNOYING AND THEY HATE IT WITH PASSION.


RE: Batman v Superman: Spoiler FAQ of Justice erindubitably April 5 2016, 15:17:13 UTC
I also think that this film in particular was a somewhat easy target, firstly because we are getting oversaturated with superhero films so they need to be SO GOOD in order for people (not just comic fans, but people in general) not to roll their eyes at them. Secondly, I think Zak Snyder rubs a lot of people the wrong way, in that he keeps making mediocre (though very pretty) films and studios keep hiring him, which is bound to annoy people who'd (rightfully so) like to see more variety and talent behind big films. Thirdly I think it is a very grim take on Superman and people with any sentiment or attachment to the character going to feel cheesed off at his treatment in the Snyder films.


RE: Batman v Superman: Spoiler FAQ of Justice octopoid_horror April 5 2016, 17:12:57 UTC
The reaction (well, I use the word carefully since in many cases it's people reacting without actually having seen it) reminds me of Prometheus which also garnered a lot of ranting on the internet (which still goes on, it's like a trigger word for a certain kind of nerd)

The weird sense of entitlement that some gamers have around computer games (where if everything isn't perfect and doesn't fit their imaginary ideal then it's a BETRAYAL and ALL WRONG and image macros and huffy youtube videos explaining why people who enjoy these things are WRONG and STUPID must be deployed) seems to be leaking out into cinemagoing too, and I guess maybe the way people seek out others online to reinforce their views in an echo chamber doesn't help.


RE: Batman v Superman: Spoiler FAQ of Justice octopoid_horror April 5 2016, 17:13:53 UTC
BvS COLON franchise-ready subtitle was better than the previous three superman films, but that's really not saying much.


Re: Batman v Superman: Spoiler FAQ of Justice andrewducker April 5 2016, 17:25:02 UTC
Prometheus is a trigger word because it had a lot of potential and then squandered it with being awful at various points.

I don't ever go into movies wanting to hate them. And I like plenty of movies. Heck, I saw the last Star Wars film twice, and all of the Hobbit movies twice, and then in extended edition too.

So it's just possible that I ranted about Prometheus because I actually thought its flaws ruined something that could have been great, rather than because i want to be part of a special ranting club.


Re: Batman v Superman: Spoiler FAQ of Justice octopoid_horror April 5 2016, 19:51:50 UTC
Prometheus is a trigger word because it had a lot of potential and then squandered it with being awful at various points.

Sometimes it feels like the people who say things like this saw (or expected) a different film to me. I saw a very nice-looking sci-fi with tinges of horror film which had flaws that were pretty much all the kind of flaws you get in every sci-fi/horror film. I mean it wasn't as good as the films that I see as peak sci-fi or sci-fi/horror but they're way above everything else.

Either that, or perhaps people went in expecting a different film (not as in went in expecting to hate, but maybe went in expecting a very different kind of film). I went in expecting a big budget sci-fi film that was in some way connected to the Alien franchise, which was what I felt I got.


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