Interesting Links for 05-04-2016

Apr 05, 2016 12:00

Probably going to buy this PC (only with 256GB SSD rather than 128). Anyone spot any problems? (tags: gaming computer ) Prison employment pilot scheme sees 100% success rate (tags: prison employment scotland ) Rise of Ad Blocking Is the Ad Industry's Fault, Says Outgoing FTC Commissioner (tags: advertising ) Exercise is an evidence-based treatment for depression (tags: exercise depression ) The Problem With Electric Vehicles (Solvable, will take time) Nice rebuttal of many points over here:
(tags: electricity transport cars ) To dodge crypto, undercover UK cops simply asked to see terror convict’s iPhone (tags: police encryption terrorism uk ) Batman v Superman: Spoiler FAQ of Justice (tags: superman batman movies epicfail ) Tabletop Gaming has a White Male Terrorism Problem (tags: gaming feminism society roleplaying OhForFucksSake ) Latex clothes - made to measure, based on laser scans (tags: lasers clothes ) The Dark Knight Returns casts a long, enduring shadow on superhero comics (tags: batman comics ) The ladies of Star Trek (tags: StarTrek art women ) All of the spocks are here for you. (tags: StarTrek ) The Secret Lives of Tumblr Teens (tags: tumblr teenagers advertising web community socialnetworking ) Wherein time travellers attempt to kill a young Clark Kent, and his mother turns out to be handy with a shotgun (tags: superman fanfic timetravel ) People will form tribes around nothing. If you don't understand that, you can't understand society. (tags: psychology groups people religion discussion islam disability gaming ) Of all the awful things i've read on the internet, "women are the hitlers of sex" might be my favourite (tags: misogyny hitler feminism OhForFucksSake ) This is the exact process I use to find my links (tags: internet funny comic links viaTheFerrett ) BBC documentary about "Panama" hides that actually the companies are based in the British Virgin Islands... (tags: uk tax bbc viaPatrickHadfield ) Laws on Osborne v Duncan Smith (tags: politics welfare libdem Conservatives ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.

viapatrickhadfield, prison, art, islam, web, timetravel, advertising, scotland, society, discussion, women, fanfic, conservatives, movies, exercise, feminism, terrorism, encryption, viatheferrett, clothes, groups, transport, comic, batman, welfare, links, tumblr, superman, hitler, ohforfuckssake, cars, uk, bbc, funny, police, disability, comics, epicfail, roleplaying, misogyny, people, employment, internet, depression, lasers, gaming, electricity, community, startrek, psychology, religion, tax, computer, teenagers, socialnetworking, politics, libdem

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