halfway gone!

Apr 28, 2011 23:48

I've passed 150k words this year, which is half of my yearly goal for getyourwordsout. Obviously this means I'm volunteering to write you commentfic.

Rules:♠I will write for: Inception, Merlin, J2, Generation Kill, JE, Gundam Wing, the odd Jdrama maybe. I mightmightmight be able to be bullied into writing for Hawaii 5-0 ( Read more... )

read at your own risk, commentfic, pairings i never thought i'd write, gywo, this is not my fandom (yet)

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Comments 46

neomeruru April 29 2011, 04:07:53 UTC
I left this prompt for hungerpunch's request for fluff requests, because I have a strange idea of what fluff is, and she did a FANTASTIC JOB but I am making grabby-hands for more! Basically, I humbly ask for BAMF-partnership fluff with all the trappings, but E/A (...or any other pairing, I'm not picky) have an open relationship and the general agreement that, yes, they have this stable (business, romantic) partnership, but it's fine if one of them goes out for something on the side. And, yeah, so basically, I crave reading about non-exclusive devotion to each other. Maybe one of them secretly gets off on the other coming home all marked up and smelling like someone else and then re-claiming them, I don't know, but something with an open relationship and no jealousy is kind of my go-to prompt right now. <3

As always, eeeeeeeeee, I am so happy when you open prompts for commentfic. <3


anamuan April 29 2011, 04:16:30 UTC
ok, so to clarify, E/A have a business+romantic partnership (or was it a 'all your options are open and those were examples?) but not a sexual one? or is it all fair game, as long as it's an open relationship with no jealousy?

(you can request whenever you want on any of these prompt posts, essentially, or multiple prompts. Sometimes I'm slow about things, and if you leave more than one, I might only fulfill some of them, but definitely request, and I'll try my best!)


neomeruru April 29 2011, 04:25:07 UTC
My bad, I had written 'sexual' in those parentheses as well, but deleted it because I didn't want to sound redundant. Yeah, sexual too!


anamuan May 7 2011, 04:07:19 UTC
should probably also apologize for the total lack of proofreading i did before posting that. yikes.


night_reveals April 29 2011, 04:43:19 UTC
Okay, so.

Can I get some Arthur/Arthur ficlet up in here?

Prompt is: The Prince and the Pauper.


anamuan April 29 2011, 04:50:53 UTC
Arthur/Arthur as in there are 2 arthurs (either merlin or inception), or Arthur/Arthur as in Merlin!Arthur/Inception!Arthur?


night_reveals April 29 2011, 05:02:51 UTC

sorry, I forget we can clone at will in fiction.


whether I wake or winke 1/? anamuan May 16 2011, 23:01:49 UTC
Arthur meets Arthur in a dream. He'd have to, since Arthur is just a projection, some fragmented part of his own subconscious. It shouldn't matter, like all interactions with your subconscious don't really matter. You only learn the things you want to learn when you're talking to yourself ( ... )


mesmorizee April 29 2011, 08:43:48 UTC
And a single word prompt: Hockey
Do with that as you want, if you want me to be more specific please ask. ;p


anamuan April 30 2011, 01:53:00 UTC
over here because it ended up being a little longer than I'd planned.


lezzerlee April 29 2011, 09:57:16 UTC
Ariadne/Eames size!kink
Eames love fucking Ariadne because she is so small. Not just because she's so tight and easy to throw around (that's a bonus) but because she's so skinny, and he can see himself move inside her with every thrust. He loves placing his hand on her stomach and feeling it too.

Ummmmm...yeah, like one of the only het things I want.


Ariadne/Eames size!kink (1) anamuan June 2 2011, 01:46:52 UTC
Ariadne loves how big Eames is, how he's over a good head taller than her when she tucks up under his chin. She loves how broad his shoulders are, how he looms over her when he leans over her on the bed, caging her in and blocking out the rest of the world. She loves the way he feels so big inside her--nearly too big, too full--and how that means he always has to go so slowly at first, stretching out with his fingers (already so big on their own, so much bigger than her own small hands) first, just to get her ready to take his cock.

He's patient with her because he gets off on it, likes to watch the way his fingers disappear into her, likes to watch the way her face relaxes as she gets wetter, as she gets used to the stretch of two of his big fingers, then three. Ariadne knows he likes the way he can get her moaning for him and impatient by the end, when three fingers slide in and out quickly; she knows that he likes the way she is when she's slick and wet and ready, but she still winces a little when it's finally his cock. She knows ( ... )


Ariadne/Eames size!kink (2) anamuan June 2 2011, 02:04:14 UTC
Eames loves how tiny Ariadne is. He loves the way he can throw her around if he wants, loves the way he can just lift her up in his arms and toss her onto the bed, or the way he can haul her up and doesn't even need to pin her to a wall to fuck her standing up, because if she wraps her legs around his waist he can easily support them both.

He gets off on prepping her--loves that he has to, has to loosen her up with his fingers before he can even think about putting prick in her tight little cunt because otherwise even though she wants him, he won't fit. He likes the way he always, always has to start slow for her to open up for him, and the way she clamps down tightly once he's inside, like she wants to keep him in her forever. He loves that he can see where the head of his prick rests inside her, the way it presses up against the soft flesh of her stomach from the inside, that she's so full of him there isn't any more room, that she literally has to stretch to take him. Eames loves that he can see where he is inside her, not just ( ... )


Re: Ariadne/Eames size!kink (2) neomeruru June 2 2011, 03:26:17 UTC
Hnngh, oh my god. Both of these were just fucking delicious, in a way that het porn almost never is for me. I love the description of him pressing down, especially from Ariadne's POV -- actually, I love everything from Ariadne's POV. Just, everything.


schwa April 29 2011, 09:58:03 UTC
A/E (est. relationship <333333)
for some reason (maybe because they love her because KIDS ARE SO CUTE (says me, who hates children) or because they were forced by evil Cobb and his squinting or whatever) they prepare Phillipa's birthday party (still a childish birthday, like 8th or 10th or something).


this is cracky and i may have been feverish when i wrote it--sorry! anamuan May 3 2011, 23:33:04 UTC
The year Phillipa turns nine is the year of the horse. Everything is horses. She gets a new 'running horses' themed lunch box for school, half a dozen horse T-shirts, a stuffed pony toy, and eight-million little horse and pony figurines which she spends an alarming amount of time arranging and rearranging in her room. She learns about the wild horses living on Assateague, about Pony Express, about the Kentucky Derby, about anything to do with horses. She learns about colors and coats; she learns about breeds. She borrows every single book in all those horse-oriented young adult book series in the library ( ... )


Re: this is cracky and i may have been feverish when i wrote it--sorry! schwa May 4 2011, 05:59:10 UTC

(what is happening here. I did not oversleep and I still get to read things. *squint*)


Re: this is cracky and i may have been feverish when i wrote it--sorry! anamuan May 4 2011, 11:30:16 UTC
maybe this is proof that not oversleeping will get you good things!


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