halfway gone!

Apr 28, 2011 23:48

I've passed 150k words this year, which is half of my yearly goal for getyourwordsout. Obviously this means I'm volunteering to write you commentfic.

Rules:♠I will write for: Inception, Merlin, J2, Generation Kill, JE, Gundam Wing, the odd Jdrama maybe. I mightmightmight be able to be bullied into writing for Hawaii 5-0 ( Read more... )

read at your own risk, commentfic, pairings i never thought i'd write, gywo, this is not my fandom (yet)

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this is cracky and i may have been feverish when i wrote it--sorry! anamuan May 3 2011, 23:33:04 UTC
The year Phillipa turns nine is the year of the horse. Everything is horses. She gets a new 'running horses' themed lunch box for school, half a dozen horse T-shirts, a stuffed pony toy, and eight-million little horse and pony figurines which she spends an alarming amount of time arranging and rearranging in her room. She learns about the wild horses living on Assateague, about Pony Express, about the Kentucky Derby, about anything to do with horses. She learns about colors and coats; she learns about breeds. She borrows every single book in all those horse-oriented young adult book series in the library.

It's the year of the horse, at least for Phillipa, if not for the rest of the world (where it's the year of the sheep), and so of course, her ninth birthday party has to be horse-themed. This is simple fact, just the way the world is. What Arthur doesn't really understand is how he and Eames managed to become in charge of it.

He asks Eames, but Eames just shrugs and says something about the 'sprog' being 'cute' which horrifies Arthur on such a personal level that he can't bring himself to bring it up again. Not that he would deny Phillipa being anything short of utterly adorable, even deep in the throes of her horse-obsession--it's just that Eames is not supposed to think so, or at the very least, phrase it like that. It makes something weird flutter in Arthur's chest and his mind wander to painting rooms, possibly with gamboling lambs, and Arthur doesn't do things like nesting.

Arthur complains, just once, about it to Cobb, wondering aloud how he (and Eames! which is still the mystifying part) manage to become point for this little project, because while he (they!) is capable of throwing a successful birthday party for an elementary school student, it's not actually something they do. Cobb just looks at him, and tells him, "Err, you volunteered?" so sincerely Arthur is afraid that he's just going to have to believe it. Cobb never looks thrown by a question when he's trying to sell you something.

So, nothing for it, weird fluttery bird-and-butterfly-themed nursery feelings aside, Arthur decides they're going to throw Phillipa the best (horse-themed) birthday party any nine year old has ever seen. Obviously they're going to succeed.

Arthur handles invitations. Cobb thinks that gold leaf on the edges is overboard for a kid's birthday party, but whatever. Phillipa's classy. Mal would have liked it, Arthur is sure. (Ok, so no. Mal would have thought Arthur was being ridiculous, but Mal would have humored him because he'd have told her about the fact that he was thinking maybe there could be clouds painted up at the tops of the walls in the spare bedroom.) Whatever, at least Phillipa thinks the embossed running horse emblem on the invites is cool. Arthur is the favourite uncle. He's secured his placed yet again.

Until the day of the party, anyway, which Eames had primary responsibility planning.

Eames brings an actual horse. Well, a pony. But it comes with a saddle and a set of reigns and all of the little kids who come to the party can have a turn riding around the edge of the yard on it. There are also a lot of balloons, filled with helium (Arthur had helped with the balloons) and tied in bundles with ribbons. The ends of the ribbons curl (Arthur had helped with that too).

Arthur had done the cake, and gotten an ice cream one with a print-screen mama and baby horse combo on top, but Eames brought an actual pony. Eames is definitely the favourite uncle now.

Worse, the 'turn the spare bedroom into a nursery' idea has really rooted itself in Arthur's mind. No point in denying it any longer. Plus, Arthur thinks that maybe, probably, Eames should be the one painting rabbits and flowers and stars and things on the walls of the spare bedroom. He has an appreciable sense of whimsy. And Eames might get some paint on himself, accidentally, of course, in the line of duty. Arthur might be forced to jump him--err, help him clean up.


Re: this is cracky and i may have been feverish when i wrote it--sorry! schwa May 4 2011, 05:59:10 UTC

(what is happening here. I did not oversleep and I still get to read things. *squint*)


Re: this is cracky and i may have been feverish when i wrote it--sorry! anamuan May 4 2011, 11:30:16 UTC
maybe this is proof that not oversleeping will get you good things!


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