halfway gone!

Apr 28, 2011 23:48

I've passed 150k words this year, which is half of my yearly goal for getyourwordsout. Obviously this means I'm volunteering to write you commentfic.

Rules:♠I will write for: Inception, Merlin, J2, Generation Kill, JE, Gundam Wing, the odd Jdrama maybe. I mightmightmight be able to be bullied into writing for Hawaii 5-0 ( Read more... )

read at your own risk, commentfic, pairings i never thought i'd write, gywo, this is not my fandom (yet)

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Ariadne/Eames size!kink (1) anamuan June 2 2011, 01:46:52 UTC
Ariadne loves how big Eames is, how he's over a good head taller than her when she tucks up under his chin. She loves how broad his shoulders are, how he looms over her when he leans over her on the bed, caging her in and blocking out the rest of the world. She loves the way he feels so big inside her--nearly too big, too full--and how that means he always has to go so slowly at first, stretching out with his fingers (already so big on their own, so much bigger than her own small hands) first, just to get her ready to take his cock.

He's patient with her because he gets off on it, likes to watch the way his fingers disappear into her, likes to watch the way her face relaxes as she gets wetter, as she gets used to the stretch of two of his big fingers, then three. Ariadne knows he likes the way he can get her moaning for him and impatient by the end, when three fingers slide in and out quickly; she knows that he likes the way she is when she's slick and wet and ready, but she still winces a little when it's finally his cock. She knows he likes the way she pants as he inches in because she's so, so full. She can read it all of it on his face.

He always gives her a few moments to adjust once he's all the way in--so deep it's like she can feel the blunt head of him resting right up against her cervix, nowhere else to go--because he likes the feeling of being so big compared to her, likes knowing that he just has to be to take her right to her limits. When she's ready for him to move, Ariadne braces her feet against the bed and shifts her hips, an unspoken 'come on' he never ignores.

He pulls out slow, pushes back in a few times, loosening her up until the slide is easier, and then he shifts, changes angles, and rolls right into her until she's crying out. He's always got his eyes angled down, like he's watching where they join, but Ariadne knows he's not, eyes not quite low enough for that. He's watching low on her abdomen, where he's seated, like he can see through her blood and muscle, can see where he is, deep inside.

Then he's putting one big hand right there, right where he's bumping up against the soft tissue inside her; and Ariadne shuts her eyes and keens when he presses down just a little, because they can both feel that. He where he's pressing up against his own hand through her, and she the delicious pressure everywhere, like he's rubbing her inside and out, this exquisite friction she can't get any other way. It makes the ache where he presses inside her spark with pleasure, so all she can do is gasp with it, feeling like she's drowning in air. He fucks into her like that, pressing down where he's pressing against her form the inside, until she comes, fast and intense enough that she doesn't make any sound at all, just shakes and shivers and clamps down on him until she feels tighter than when they'd started. He can't even pull out then, just rubs down more firmly with the heel of his hand on her stomach, feels the shape of himself inside her, and comes like that.

Ariadne bucks her hips as he starts to pull out, tight, tight and oversensitive, body unable to keep from chasing that feeling. She's nearly sobbing with the overload by the time he's soft enough to slip from between her legs. When he bends to pull off the condom and tie it off, he presses a kiss to that spot on her stomach, and Ariadne shudders one last time, feeling the ache from inside. She'll feel him there, the empty ache of where he was, all of tomorrow, and then they'll do this again.


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